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  1. TheOmen242

    Xbox One CAG Game Night

    I bought the Rainbow Six, me and my other RL buddy plan on playing it soon. Might as well update my username. My new Gamertag is IA1terEgoI. But call me Omen is fine.
  2. TheOmen242

    Star wars battlefront Han Solo Mini Fridge ED. 129.98

    The kitten dude that always wanted to meow a glitch? Lol
  3. TheOmen242

    Xbox One Elite Controller Preorder Available at Best Buy / Amazon

    All of this crazy goin on to get this controller. Makes me super happy that I was not cheap and made a last day trip to my microsoft store in Beachwood to preorder in full. Picked it up next day, minor regret with 150 purchase, immediately wiped away with joy once I held it and got used to the...
  4. TheOmen242

    Xbox One Elite Controller Preorder Available at Best Buy / Amazon

    That seems pretty decent, never thought of remapping the dpad. Makes sense for a game like Fallout. My load outs are mainly for shooters yes. It just feels right having my jump and boost on bottom paddles. Lately I have melee on top right and steady aim hold breath [left stick click in] as top...
  5. TheOmen242

    Xbox One CAG Game Night

    I STILL have GTAV just have not played it as much. Kind of need motivation o play some games and with other people is plenty motivating. Along with me ripping that green.
  6. TheOmen242

    XBL Deals - 2015

    I find it relaxing. Hard har
  7. TheOmen242

    Xbox One CAG Game Night

    I am feeling like some game with fellow CAG tonight. Hit me up, I'm down for the following anytime past 730 est pm. FORZA HORIZON 2 HALO 5 BLACK OPS 3 FORZA 6 NBA 2K16 MADDEN 2K16
  8. TheOmen242

    Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

    HI dude, welcome back. I am feeling like some game with fellow CAG tonight. Hit me up, I'm down for the following anytime past 730 est pm. FORZA HORIZON 2 HALO 5 BLACK OPS 3 FORZA 6 NBA 2K16 MADDEN 2K16
  9. TheOmen242

    The witcher 3?

    yes, tons of stuff to do, great gameplay and graphics if your into open world questing.
  10. TheOmen242

    Xbox One CAG Game Night

    *peeks around bush* :D/
  11. TheOmen242

    Xbox One CAG Game Night

    Black ops 3 or Halo 5 matchmaking tonight. Champ, student leggo. Anyone else got em? Join us tonight.
  12. TheOmen242

    Xbox One Elite Controller Preorder Available at Best Buy / Amazon

    I have 2 profiles set for my trigger hair deadzones, default with abxy remap to paddles 2nd one instantly gives me 15/45 zones for Halo charge weapons, it really is game changing being able to never take your fingers off the sticks. I am also messing around with the sticks sensitiveness as...
  13. TheOmen242

    Xbox One Elite Controller Preorder Available at Best Buy / Amazon

    My Elite control is superb, without a single flaw as of yet after 5 hours of play and messing around with different setup and configurations. I love the bottom paddles as A and B, and the top paddles for X and Y, my 2nd profile switch gives me Bumpers and A B.
  14. TheOmen242

    Xbox One CAG Game Night

    Sinful, I missed you bro, you'll be getting friend request from me 2 night when I get home. I really want to Halo tonight, still haven't played it. I customized my banner and messed around with my elite paddles and button config. Anyone using the Elite controller here yet and finds useful...
  15. TheOmen242

    Xbox One CAG Game Night

    I haven't played halo 5 yet or tested my elite controller. Been busy working 12s like crazy, some people quit and it fucked the current people. If yall on tonight, student and champloo have my new gamertag I go by. I'm still Omen yo.
  16. TheOmen242

    Xbox One CAG Game Night

    I'll be picking it up along with my elite controller midnight release so I can get it installed and updated while I sleep and it will be ready after work. I've been running all the drills and tutorials on Fifa as well, so leggo!
  17. TheOmen242

    Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

    Yep, I bought mine at midnight the 25th, Jordan edition. Ended up trading it in for 38.50 for best buy and can still play. Don't know if it's going to be patched or they gave us a regular game license but I have it on my home xbox.
  18. TheOmen242

    Xbox One CAG Game Night

    I got an invite but me and wifey did netflix and chill.
  19. TheOmen242

    Xbox One CAG Game Night

    DARBY what wishful thinking people would want to party up, chat and have friendly games.
  20. TheOmen242

    Madden 16 Official CAG League - Spots Open! League Progressing! Draft! Panoramic15 Now Commissioner!

    CPU the Cowboys I haven't touched madden in over 2 weeks. Tired of glitches and remember why I quit playing it first place.
bread's done