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  1. gangstak

    I was waiting for a new OTT to wish JohnnyFoxDarko a happy birthday

    Nah, he's a two pump chump. :-(
  2. gangstak

    I was waiting for a new OTT to wish JohnnyFoxDarko a happy birthday

    I've already moved on. I really just got into this because it's funny. But yes, kinda sad. CAGs know about our relationship from start to end, had to bring it to a close I guess.
  3. gangstak

    I was waiting for a new OTT to wish JohnnyFoxDarko a happy birthday

    I'd bang me. Hell, I have better sex with myself anyway. ^hahahahahaha
  4. gangstak

    I was waiting for a new OTT to wish JohnnyFoxDarko a happy birthday

    Fortunately, I'm not a 30something hooker, but thank GOD I'm not a sad sad 20 year old boy that hides behind his computer all day, faps to personal ads on craigslist and thinks he's found someone totally amazing when it's reeeeally a google image.
  5. gangstak

    I was waiting for a new OTT to wish JohnnyFoxDarko a happy birthday

    ...cough old prosti cough... I'm going to be dead within hours.
  6. gangstak

    I was waiting for a new OTT to wish JohnnyFoxDarko a happy birthday

    It was coincidence, actually, Mr. Anderson just likes to flatter himself. You should ask him about his other craigslist escapades.
  7. gangstak

    Album of the Year - Electronica/Dance version

    The Knife - Silent Shout
  8. gangstak

    Silly video I made a couple years ago.

    We totally need to upload the Juan Ivain movie. Lyke. Fo realz.
  9. gangstak

    So I Asked Her Out......

    Amen to that.
  10. gangstak

    I'm engaged!

    That gives an entirely new meaning to the term "quickie".
  11. gangstak

    I'm engaged!

    Yup. Cock. Black cock. :joystick:
  12. gangstak

    I'm engaged!

    About a week ago we were talking on the way home, and he said, "If you know what the 'PM' stands for on this pack of cigarettes I'll give you a rimjob." I looked at him and I said, "I don't know what the 'PM' stands for... and, honestly I have no idea what a rimjob is so--" Then he laughed...
  13. gangstak

    I'm engaged!

    No naked pics for you. :) ::EDIT:: An "Oh my God I might be a father" talk whilst playing Halo? Oh, how I love you, Mr. Anderson. :D
  14. gangstak

    I'm engaged!

    My car broke. :cry:
  15. gangstak

    What kinds of stuff do you add when you eat popcorn?

    Dude, whatever, yeast (the cooking kind) is really good with popcorn. And plain salted popcorn is GREAT with ice cream. For serious.
bread's done