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    MSNBC hosts don't pay taxes? MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry and her husband, James Perry, owe about $70,000 in delinquent taxes to the Internal Revenue Service, the Winston-Salem Journal reported Thursday. The IRS...
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    Funding OMNIBUS! and your ideas....

    Reading and listening to all the talking heads debate the Omnibus and possible gov't shutdown has really driven home to me personally the lack of a political party that represents me. First off, none of the bastards voting on it have read and understood all the add on pork and spoils built in to...
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    Obamacare architect calls Americans too stupid? “This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that,” said Gruber...
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    Businesses don't create jobs?  “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs,” she said.  C'mon, even my liberal buddies can't believe this....
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    Voter fraud
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    Should we give tax money to countries that discriminate?

    We give money to foreign countries with terrible civil rights violations while we have approx 19 TRILLION in debt. Anybody support this? "Founded in 1822 to free the black slaves of America, the...
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    US Federal gov't collects biggest amount yet "The federal government collected a record amount of taxes in fiscal 2014, topping $3 trillion in revenue for the first time in its history, according to Treasury Department numbers released Wednesday that show...
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    How much should welfare cover? How long? According to this article, this 350 lb woman receives $36,000/ year in payments and $62,000/ year in total gov't (British) welfare. She has 2 kids by 2 separate men. She wishes for more benefits to give her an "incentive" to lose weight.  Wouldn't the food...
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    Let's argue about Mike Brown!

    No Ferguson discussion yet?!? Anybody choosing sides yet, or are we all waiting for more facts? It is nice to see business owners able to defend their stores with those awful AR-15's though.
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    Joe Biden is a liar! Shocker.... Just last week, we rated Clinton's claim that she and former President Bill Clinton were "dead broke" when they left the White House as Mostly False. So how do Biden’s...
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    80% of disability payments are fraud?!? This investigator claims that $10 billion in CA alone goes to fraudulent claims.
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    5 for 1, "We do not negotiate with terrorists" Swap....

    For or against? Did we get a good, Cheapass deal, or did we endanger everyone to get a possible deserter back?
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    Where our tax dollars go, 2013 What do we want from our gov't? How would you divvy up the wealth? " … But the worst is yet to come: The Congressional Budget Office projects that public debt will reach an...
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    Harry Reid : Liar or Alzheimer's patient?
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    Diversity meeting excludes "white folks" You can't make this crap up....
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    EBT card accepted at Lingerie store Fucking awesome!
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    High School Bans US Flag shirts Mexican flag shirts were allowed on Cinco de Mayo but not US flag shirts due to possible violence threatened by the Latino students. What happened to equal protection? Why not ban all flag shirts instead? Is any member...
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    Minimum Wage....Yeeeehaaaa! Pelosi at her finest..... Anyway, who supports raising the minimum wage, and, if so, by how much? PS: extra points if you know who sings the thread's title.
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    Navy bribery scandal "Investigators are still assessing the scope of the alleged fraud, but federal court records filed in San...
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    Free Speech in America This is outrageous.
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