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  1. Z

    CAGcast #273: The Wombat Syndrome

    Hey Cheapy Why don't you use the money for the party to pay for Wombat and Shipwreck to visit you in Japan. Could be good to a show from Japan during TGS.
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    Brothers in Arms for DS

    Hey Guys Looking to get a new game and i though Borthers in Arms looked pretty good and for the better part it got good reviews except for 1up. 1up gave it 4 out of 10 and was just wondering if anyone had got it yet and what their thoughts on it were. Im kinda torn between this Sim City and...
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    Syndicate on DS

    Another on i thought of is the desert strike/jungle strike series
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    Syndicate on DS

    Just noticed there seems to be a few old PC title comming to DS lately such as Sim City and Themepark (Yes i know they came out on other systems but i think of them more as PC games than cosole games). It kinda got me thinking of what other old games could make a come back on the DS and...
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    totally agree with what your saying but what i was trying to say was that im suprised that the xbox version got released before anintendo version. i just would have thought nintendo would have got first crack at such a title
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    Does anyone think its weird that they have bought out a katamari game for xbox live aracde but they havnt yet bought it to the ds? i would have thought this game would have been ideal fit for the ds? i personally would love to see it there.
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    Live CAGcast tomorrow?

    i wasnt the biggest fan of the live show. im kinda used to the good old cag cast and i dont like having to listen to people call in. i prefer it when the guys just read out the user comments rather than listening to bad quality sound bites of users calling in. call me old fashion but...
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    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    Hi Guys Im just interested to get your take on Nintendos purchase of Monolith Soft. Do you see this as a step in the right direction in order for nintendo to to ensure they have developers making games for the Wii or do you think they would be better off trying to provide more incentives for...
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    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    Hey Cheapy and Wombat Do you think that the shortage of good games on the Wii is due to developers and publishers underestimating just how many Wii consoles were going to sell. Now that the Wii seems to be outselling the PS3, has a fairly solid number of consoles in the market and in many...
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