CAGcast #153: British Cosby


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
[preview][img-l=4668]3078[/img-l]I'd really love to write an accurate description of what we talked about on this week's show, but all I really know is that it's almost 2 hours and that we discuss the latest shopping and industry news, new releases, your CAGbag questions and much more!

Download - 113 minutes, 45MB

Show Linkage/Notes (click the button below to expand):

Bonus Photos & Video:
Love Hotel Video
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Sweet. Gonna listen tonight.

Edit: I'm gonna steal Wombat's metric converter. Flobbity Floos FTW! I never noticed any lag on the NXE.

Also, I'm not believing the whole "RE5" costs too much for Cheapy excuse. The Internetz Space Pimp has to have some PA credit or somethin' at least! lulz @ Wombat's Apple comment.
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The infamous scene in Indy spawned the catchphrase "They nuked the fridge." It's become sort of a jumped the shark for describing shitty stuff these days.
Edit: Was a decent episode. You guys covered a lot of ground this week.
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Great show once again guys. I always love the dynamic you have together.

You made me hungry talking about that Steak House Cheapy lol.
I think backwards compatibility is something that needs to stay in the next generation of consoles, namely the downloadable games. Imagine the uproar from gamers for companies saying 'yeah, thanks for spending hundreds of dollars on your downloadable games you can't have access to anymore'.

At least with a disc you still have it, and you could run it on an older console (assuming you still have it), and even if you don't have it, you can sell it for a few bucks.
Crap, I forgot to edit my comment in the last CAGcast because you guys covered my comment right after I posted it, I fail.

I would have to agree with the ambiguity of what crosses the line in terms of representing sexual orientation on XBL.

You two brought up very good variables that all play a role in the simple statement of "I like men." We have no clue the gender of the speaker, the definition of the word "like," if it stands in the realm of just friends or a sexual level, or if it was meant as just a smart-ass way to say "I is gay."

I personally think that Microsoft has a "DO NOT WANT" stick attached to their arm and wouldn't touch anything related to anything outside of relationships, sexual orientation/preference, or even gender. A person can expect a lot of shit putting "Hermaphrodite" or "Post-op" in their profile and Microsoft could probably issue a suspension based on the "I don't want this shit on my service" law.

The lag/hanging on the 360 guide is annoying as shit for me. All these theories seem like bunk to me, I even reduced my friends list by 25 people and saw no performance increase. This has brought me to using the Guide less and less, to the point where I don't even press it to look at incoming messages if I'm within 1-2 minutes of something important. In other words, it makes me want to stab myself in the face.

I'm about 25 minutes in, going to call it a night and finish up on my commute to/fro class tomorrow.
Great cagcast like always guys. I agree with you Cheapy about how Bioshock 2 should have some type of backstory to the fall of rapture. Can't wait for the next CAGCAST!
The software for a hacked xbox, was called Xbox Media Center, I only correct you on that because it was an awesome piece of software.

also cheapy you could build a small form factor pc or an "HTPC" and stick in like a $70 video card with HDMI(there are actually much cheaper ones), I already have a desktop pc in my livingroom, so I stuck in one of these video cards and picked up a 30 ft hdmi cable for $15 bucks on ebay to hook up to my tv, thats my cheapass media center. Basically it clones my monitor signal to my tv (it can also be set as a dual monitor) and I can watch whatever I have on my pc or watch on my tv.
To Wombat: People largely do not want home console games on the handheld, though I'm sure there are some. The reason is because given the choice, most people would rather play Resistance or God of War (for example) on a big TV screen with better graphics.

Even most of the big portable Nintendo games that sell well are decidedly different from their console counterparts. Plus they all kinda have crappy graphics anyway ;)

Pachter's comments are off base because almost no one owns more than one console for that multiplatform comparison. The last sampling I saw on the matter had it at 95% single console, 3% two console, 2% three console. Gaming enthusiasts are a much smaller bunch than you would think by reading message boards.

Furthermore, how the mini-golf game that they actually enjoy compares favorably with Gears is irrelevant, because odds are they wouldnt like Gears

Cheapy is right on the importance of backward compatibility. Its useful to a few, but in the big picture its not important from a sales perspective. Its merely a nice bullet point on the back of the box.

If you get Pachter on, you gotta let people know ahead of time so we can get some questions to him. I've always wanted to ask him some things, since I'm into tracking sales numbers.
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Man! Cant wait for this :)...2 hours aswell.

I have this and the new Rebel FM. What a day already...and ive only just woken up lol :)
Continuing the trend, this show was the latest in a great streak! Having listened to every single cagcast atleast twice, I'd have to say these latest couple of shows are the greatest to date.
The dynamic between you guys and the energy has been great and you generally seem happier with the show!

To comment on your questions on what you would talk to Major Nelson or Michael Pachtor about, I'm sure two innovative guys like you can figure it out. For Major Nelson, how about having him on for an extended Microsoft segment and a Major Nelson dedicated cagbag? Just a thought.

Keep it up guys and thanks for all the great new features even if i dont get tremendous use out of them, being from Sweden, its still nice to see the site evolve.


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Cheapy, although you can't see individuals in your affiliate feedback on CAGs' purchases, have you been able to see a downward trend or an upward trend in the number of or size of purchases through CAG?

I know that in my area, the economy has everyone terrified and making sizeable cutbacks in personal purchases. Have people been flocking to CAG for their purchases as times get tough, or has everyone stopped purchasing in a desperate attempt to save money?

Love the show, and props to Wombat for excellent commentary on the industry.
I'm not sure how YouTube determines what is considered "indecent". There are tons of videos on that site that show teenage girls beating the shit out of each other, but they won't allow a video of a hotel room tour?

So baffling.
And now Cheapy knows why the phrase "jumping the shark" has been replaced with "nuking the fridge."

Hey, that's what this podcast should have been called!
Just listening now about 35 minutes in.

I got a shout out again, BUT you pronounced my username wrong again. It's pronounced sawn-ders cow-ie. Get it wrong once more and i'll sue :D

Sounds like a great show so far.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

You should have Workman on your show. I think it would be the best episode ever. Also I haven't notice my Xbox Vista running any faster. It still takes forever for my friends avatars to show up and now the games they are playing takes longer to show up as well.

Oh and do a search in Youtube for 2 dudes kissing and see what comes up. Youtube is so inconsistant. Start using Vimeo instead.
Another top notch podcast as per usual. Hope wombats job is safe, no one wants to see a friend lose their job (thats right, he's my friend!!).
Hope that stake dinner was really good, sounded like it wasnt a cheapass dinner!
this is the best podcast i've ever heard in my life its better then fucking my wife, living my life, praying to jesus.h christ and banging three dykes
It is kind of funny your videos got removed because there are hundred videos of teenage girls in their undies dancing around in ways they should not be. Not that I have been looking or anything.
Great show as always guys, you should make JewBeard and British Cosby recurring characters, maybe JewBeard's Deals of the week or British Cosby's Pretentious Review of the week. Anyway have fun shufflebawdin' wit Saul Watchmen & Hahvey Wheelman.
The online system in KZ2 isn't perfect by any means but they do make it easy to find and join games with your friends and clan.

It still would be nice to have a party and invite system so you can guarantee you are on the same team when you want to be.

For the next CAGcast game, I suggest Wombat or Cheapy setting up the room, getting both you guys in there first, and THEN posting the info on the forums. That way you can make sure you both get in.

But Wombat is right, the popularity of this game on CAG is really high right now. There are three clans up and running atm!
Another great show guys, always looking forward to the next. I definitely like the idea of the CAG "Game Nights" with CheapyD and Wombat, and hope to join in next time you roll out Halo 3. Bring the Ships if possible.

Also, philosophical question: Is buying a game for at 76-100% MSRP count as a mark against you on your "CAG card"? I admit that there are a lot of games out there worth playing, but quite frankly I myself cannot justifying paying for a $45-60 game that I know will eventually (a few months) be $20 if not lower, either as a deal or normal price.

Maybe it's just because money is tight, but even when I start my new job tomorrow (same field as Shipwreck), I imagine that even with a salary I will still be a CAG at heart and buy games for no more than $20-30. It's certainly a personal choice, but I think picking up a game on launch day for full price goes against the nature of the site (something I am guilty of and still reel from Buyer's Remorse).

That was the greatest intro song I've heard in quite a long time Cheapy. Where do you come up with these? haha! Golden Podcast...
I'm sure there are a number of people with their own "steak" stories, but in any case - my brother in law (5'6", 135 lbs, pretty small), ate 32 oz (2 lbs) of steak at an Irish restaurant in town. But not only that, he had two Guiness', and a plate of poutine (french fries with cheese and gravy on them). It was utterly disgusting, but he actually ate it all...
[quote name='kashwashwa']I'm sure there are a number of people with their own "steak" stories, but in any case - my brother in law (5'6", 135 lbs, pretty small), ate 32 oz (2 lbs) of steak at an Irish restaurant in town. But not only that, he had two Guiness', and a plate of poutine (french fries with cheese and gravy on them). It was utterly disgusting, but he actually ate it all...[/quote]

Yeah... I succesfully completed the Beefeater contest. (40 oz (1.13 kilogram) steak plus a potatoe, texas toast, and a salad).

Man was not meant to eat that much food at one sitting. I have a lovely picture they took after completing the chalenge. I look half dead. I was shitting a liquid stream of pure hate and evil for two days after.

Not worth it.
Re: Xbox Vista ~ Mine is still slow. I'm curious how you guys are seemingly getting it to run faster.

Re: Chronicles of Riddick: Assualt on Dark Athena ~ I liked the demo but there is definitely something up with the perspective. I had to double check more than once to make sure I wasn't walking around in 'crouch' mode. Maybe that's one of those legendary 'best kept secrets in Hollywood,' the fact that Vin Deisel is actually a midget or a hunchback.

[quote name='Gentlegamer']And now Cheapy knows why the phrase "jumping the shark" has been replaced with "nuking the fridge."

Hey, that's what this podcast should have been called![/QUOTE]

No. 'nuking the fridge' is a retarded phrase that needs to die. It helps if no one ever mentions it again... starting... NOW!
[quote name='PioRow']Another top notch podcast as per usual. Hope wombats job is safe, no one wants to see a friend lose their job (thats right, he's my friend!!).[/quote]

He's not your friend, guy.:)
Cheapy you're right on with the taxing of video games and the waste of time politicians spend on minute issues such as these.
As a UK user I might decide to stop listening to the show, so much taking the piss out of english accent, nah it was hilarious.

With John being on the show/hosting a UK podcast. I think you should get John on the show at somepoint, but I think him doing a CAG UK Podcast would be a little pointless. The CAG cast is international, i'm from the UK and it suits me perfectly. The talk of Japan and US is quite interesting.
I can understand not wanting to go to a gamestop shareholders meeting, but don't hate on the lonestar state, yall!
9PM game nights would work perfect, so here's hoping you continue that (maybe not every week, but every other week or something). Still waiting on a Warhawk night, but it'd probably be good to do each console with actual online every other time or something.
Hey Wombat... you should play the Benny Hill theme music while you do your British Cosby impersenation... I would help with the authenticity.
CAG has the best intro music.

Also, I'd like to mention I enjoy this new CAG Game Night thought up by Wombat. I haven't played in one yet, but it's a great idea to do it as a weekly event. It definitely helps the community to meet you all and most importantly shows that you guys are willing to take a night out of the week to spend some 1 on 1 time with the community.
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I'm listening to the show right now, and Wombat's gripe about RE5 being over-crowded is dead on. He couldn't have worded it any better.

"I was even thinking about maybe even plugging in my Wii, and buying this game"... - Cheapy on MadWorld

Me too.

Great show so far.
The question of Do you listen to podcasts while you game is an easy one for me to answer. Yes! I haven't listened to the games real music in months if not years. I always have a podcast playing if im not on live. Wombat you need to have a radio show featuring Jewbeard the pirate and his 1st mate Super Programmer John.
Really enjoying the show guys. I agree with others that Wombat should just evolve fully into Jewbeard the pirate.

Also, I think Braid really follows the middle ground between the two opinions, I really only felt ripped off because I wanted a little more of a surface story, and not one that has to be "created" by 100 different people's opinions.
Cheapy: Your "I like men" idea in your gamertag profile would probably still warrant a ban even if they don't know your gender. It is still defining your relationship with men, either in sexual or non-sexual terms.
I think the argument should be more based on does your profile suggest or define an orientation, and what determines that (the users the submit complaints or MS) and why it is a problem.

If it truly is a problem, maybe MS needs to implement rating system for players:


This player is a child. Do not shoot or swear at him/her. No pictures.
Make sure to jump up and down and make funny noises to keep this player entertained.


Tries to have fun with everyone. No tea-bagging when you shoot this player with rainbows.


Can almost play with everyone. Exercise caution with this player as he/she may be a choking hazard to small children.


Grandpa will probably not like this player; will constantly try to add the word "penis" to every conversation.
Lasers fueled by hate and fear may shoot from player's eyes; this is common and can cause slight irritation upon contact.


Warning: This player may tear you a new one, be it with a chainsaws or horribly distorted obscenities.
Might have used a hobo near the 7-Eleven to create this account.


Player should be respected and a weekly tribute given to appease him/her.
Should help provide an enjoyable game experience, but current player may be offspring (check earlier ratings for expected play experience).


Player can be any combination of previously stated ratings.
Warning: Player may be a cannibal or alien. To determine: Ask if they have read "To Serve Man" and base opinion on resulting conversation.
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Listening to the show, and Cheapy, your comment about how KZ2 would be better on XBL is kinda a non-comment. I'm the first to admit that XBL has a lot going for it in online features. Sony's PS3 guys really need to make their next mandate to be standardized game invites.

Hey, they did it with Trophies.

Oh XBMC was Xbox Media Center. Not Xbox Media Connect.

Wombat, On the issue of portable gaming I do largely enjoy fully fleshed out experiences on the go. Just like how I might enjoy a playing a casual game on my home system. Call me unusual, but the PSP's load time don't typically bother me. Still I'd be all over a system that ditched the UMD.

We need more readings of pretentious reviews!

On the issue of Backwards Compatibility. It matters to me. But like Cheapy said, I didn't buy a current gen console to play last gen games. So if there is no BC on a console, no big deal. But if there there is model with it, and a model without, I'm going to get the model with it. Even if the support is less then perfect, I like having it. I don't buy a lot of games (preferance not finance), and I tend to go back and play old games so having BC is worth it to me. Sure I could just keep the old console hooked up, but I like keeping things uncluttered and clean looking.
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bread's done