a new psp with 50 gb hdd built-in?!!!!

Why did I buy this early??? Oh wait nevermind I am getting mine for free.

That would be pretty intresting if they crammed a 50 gb drive in there. It would have to be bigger and heavier though. The PSP is already big enough I think.
If they bundled in a 50GB HD on that without changing the design, not only would I be suprised that they could make something that small, i'd pick up a PSP.

When it dropped in price, of course.
I don't know, I'm wondering how the drive would be added to the design and thinking that it wouldn't be all that practical since the PSP looks great right now.
I wouldnt count on this being very "size friendly" or "inexpensive" if it happens at all.

I could see them doing this if the PSP came out for 150 and then they could put out a huge Ipod fighter with 50gb drive for 300 or 350 but it would be too late to really get people to buy it since people would have already invested in super expensive memsticks for their already owned PSPs. They'd be trying to sell this to people who didnt buy one from the get goand thats not goinng to work unless they make video watching the main selling point and find a way to build off of it well.
The USB port makes this viable as an add-on but expensive as hell unless the media player aspect really takes off in a big way. Which doesn't seem likely as Sony has now ceased production of the PSX multi-function deck that would have been the center of that strategy.

I can see one cool way to do this. One of the third party carrying case has a stand built in to prop up the PSP for viewing videos. Take a design like that, make it a bit thicker to hold the drive and a substantial battery of its own, and the result could still be competitive in size, weight, and cost to a dedicated hard drive based video player like those from Archos.

Again, very expensive. I just don't see it happening except perhaps as an ultra-high-end yuppie toy produced in small quantities.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']rumor Control

Bogus of course...I've learned over time that joystiq.com is not the most accurate gaming news source.[/quote]

Seriously, who could believe this rumor? The PSP already has enough problems with battery life and price and size and durability. Sony isn't quite stupid enough to fuck it up even more than they already did after tricking so many people into buying it.
Its good to see that the rumor isn't true. A hard drive would have made the PSP a lot hotter and would suck up a lot more energy. And think of how much extra it would have cost to have a hard drive in the PSP.
If this does ever happen expect a $399-$499 PSP...

I just don't think it's a good idea... but expect someone outthere to figure a way to play PSP games on the harddrive, So sony also has to worry about that issue...
bread's done