What ever happened to all the anti-war people?


6 (100%)
So, the last 3 years they're suddenly quiet? WTF?

In short:

Obama was elected, and DailyKos, etc turned their attention elsewhere when he continued Bush's foreign policy. Most of them weren't really opponents of the foreign policy; simply opponents of a Republican president. Flip the script and you have the answer for the Republican party's newfound libertarian rhetoric (for a laugh, Bush's 2000 campaign was centered around a humble foreign policy, one in which we didn't police the world and dictate virtue).

There are very few Glenn Greenwalds out in the wild.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess'](for a laugh, Bush's 2000 campaign was centered around a humble foreign policy, one in which we didn't police the world and dictate virtue).[/QUOTE]

While I disagree with the actions taken, to be absolutely fair, USA in 2000 was a completely different mindset than USA in 2002. Americans were out for blood and if Bush hadn't went into Afghanistan, he probably would have been dragged out of office and replaced if someone who would (at least any effort that could be made towards that effect).

But yeah, I believe The Daily Show had a great clip during the 2004 election cycle of "Candidate Bush" vs. "President Bush", taking clips of him in the run-up to the 2000 election and pitting them against clips of him from 2003-2004. And yet, somehow, he still got re-elected.

The day the House debated the HC bill last year there was a pretty big protest. Not the conservative one protesting a sociomuslim communo-marxist takeover of the healthcare system. The other one, that wasn't very interesting, that wasn't covered by the MSM.

But yeah they were the principled ones. Most rank and file Democrats kind of stopped criticizing the war once their jesus escalated it.
Well for a while the wars were about the only controversial things really happening, at least the largest at any rate. A lot has happened since then.
A trillion dollar yearly empire is a pretty massive issue. Not to mention the power that accumulates at the federal/executive level during times of (undeclared) war (PATRIOT Act, Military Commissions, etc).

I mean, hell. I'd at least take democrats seriously if they argued for cutting our empire by 75% and using that seven hundred and fifty billion dollars per year to stimulate the economy to their heart's desire for the next few years. That would at least be partially fiscally responsible. Or proposed ending the War On Drugs, PATRIOT Act, Military Commissions, Gitmo, DHS... hell, any of those would do. They're as worthless as republicans.
Sharing the news with world and other US events, people's attentions being shared by way of Republicans trying to burn the place down internally. See, during a Republican administration, there isnt any governing going on, so theres plenty of time to cover the one thing they DO do.

There was an anti-war rally around here just the other day I think. Since 2008 its just been crisis after crisis after world shaking event after clusterfuck of some sort. Aside from the two wars, the period between 9/11 and the beginnings of the 2nd Republican Great Depression were vastly less crazy than what we've seen since.
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[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']In short:[/QUOTE]

Let me fix that for you: in short:
Military and civilian casualties in Iraq declined *substantially* from 2009 on.
Obama increased military activity in Afghanistan. That was some I've always been fine with, even going back to the first second Bush administration (christ that's difficult to phrase). being in afghanistan made sense. iraq was the bumblefuck neocon waste of money unrelated to what happened to us in 2001.
Obama made plans to begin drawdowns in Iraq.

Throughout 2008 and going into 2009, the wars in the middle east lost political relevance for all parties, as the sagging economy became (and remains) the primary issue of prominence.

That's where we went. We get disappointed from time to time, like when Obama decided to resume unconstitutional, secretive, and corrupt military tribunal trials at Guantanamo Bay, like when he gave us a half-assed Republican-rooted health care reform bill, like when he gave the rich their tax cuts without putting up much of a fight.

We're still here, waiting for a genuine progressive politician. A Bernie Sanders kind of character. The kind of politician people on the right can call a "socialist" without looking like they're out of their mind idiotic. Someone who breaks the mold of politicians who serve the oligarch party and the oligarch lire party. We're sitting back, well aware we're headed for a depression, due to a combination of a public of blithering idiots and a gilded class of people who fucked the country financially, suffered no penalty, and are in a prime position to fuck it up further.

Yeah, they say two thousand zero zero party over
Oops out of time
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1937.
[quote name='mykevermin']A Bernie Sanders kind of character. The kind of politician people on the right can call a "socialist" without looking like they're out of their mind idiotic.[/QUOTE]

...so, you mean, someone who considers themselves a socialist?
bread's done