What did you dream about last night?

I dreamt of you Scorch :)

Just kidding, it's hard for me to remember my dreams. Occasionally, I'll get hit or something in my dream, and I wake up like it just hit me in real life. Good stuff, but I just wish I was still in that dream.
I dreamed that I was meeting with my new boss on Monday (which I really am), but I forgot to gather any materials together until the minute before I walked in his office. I was frantically searching through all my papers looking for my resume, but everything I grabbed was some nondescript spreadsheet printout with random numbers on it. Then I woke up.

I would have much rather had a sex dream.
I remember a vivid, blood-red sunrise, the air was smoky in the distance. I stood near an old brick building, three or four stories tall, a high school, but not one I ever attended. I wanted to investigate, but as I approached the building, suddenly, lesbians.
I had a dream that I could turn invisible and fly, but if I talked to anyone or interacted with anything, I turned visible. It was pretty fun.

Also had a dream about metaphysicalstyles mom
I dreamt about you last night. And I fell out of bed twice.

Actually I don't really recall. I usually can't remember my dreams.

The only one I can really remember is from when I was maybe 8 or 10 or so. I, along with a bunch of other kids, was in a big playroom with lots of toys and stuff. For some reason this playroom was in a Dracula-type castle on the top of a mountainous cliff. Every so often a butler-looking person would come in, take a child, put him or her in paper bag, go to the back of the castle, and drop the child out the window onto the rocks hundreds of feet below. Eventually there were no children left except for me, and I fell asleep in the playroom. The butler guy picked me up and took me into a bedroom and put me to bed.
Was on a plane with a friend at night. Prior to boarding, I was very annoyed because Justin Bieber was sitting next to us, while another friend of mine was further up and seated next to the 80's versions of Hulk Hogan and Rocky Balboa. Anyway, the plane failed to take off, and wound up just rolling along the ground, far outside the airport area. Along the way I told Bieber to start listening to Testament. Eventually the plane fell into an underground cave. I joked to my friend that we may see some lava. A moment later, our plane was submerged in lava. As I could see the roof starting to melt, I said goodbye to my friend and the lava came pouring in. And we all were killed.

Upside - this means Bieber died.
Weird one last night.

I had a dream that I THINK I was at "Hedonism" (the adult "resort") in Jamaica.
There's a huge blank spot, but I remember being with some porn star and she gave me a gift bag. Then I was on some sort of hanging monorail system like they have at a ski resort with a bunch of people. I was holding my bag and strange flute music was coming out of it. A guy across from me (who was Patton Oswalt) pointed out my musical bag to me saying "Your bag is going off". I looked down at it and then he said "Don't tell me you haven't noticed your bag going off the whole time". I replied "I haven't had any time to notice anything because I've been getting laid every 5 minutes."

I wish my real life was as awesome as my dreams.
I found a hacky sack bush the contained many lost hacky sacks, it was next to an expressway that I found by riding my pedal bike down a dirt trail. Of course from there were some hot lesbians in action that I joined after collecting the many lost hacky sacks.

The most disappointing thing was when I woke up, all the hacky sacks I collected were gone.
Dreamt that the manager of the Rays (Maddon) was fired. I don't want that to happen, but they are playing like yummy delicious poop. I remember feeling bummed that he was fired.
I dreamt I worked at restaurant and I was being held at gun point.When the robber took his eyes off me I grabbed the gun out his hands and took it apart.Then I proceeded to pistol whip him and scold him.It was strange dream.
Won a make-shift rafting contest where you had to lie-down. Specifically a part where your head had to squeeze through under a bridge and it hurt.
I dreamt that I was watching a movie and it was a mix between action and romance starring josh duhamel. It was like When in Rome combined with Transformers it was crazy and half way through it my wife walked in the room and woke me up.
I dreamt that I was at my old school, I was giving a piggyback ride to someone and just walking around the school premise. weird.
Someone keyed my car (dunno what car I had in the dream). I found out who it was and grabbed him. No violence though. Was pissed off throughout the entire dream though. Very weird dream.
I once had a dream that was a trailer for a new movie, about a guy who grew up in the woods and followed a beauitful woman back into the city. Wacky hijinks ensued, like the guy paddling a canoe through a series of canals that ran alongside the roads. It starred Jim Carrey. That was an especially odd one.

A lot of my remembered dreams lately involve me cashiering at work, dealing with some nasty rude people. At some point, I realize I'm dreaming and free to do anything I want without fear of getting fired, so I start screaming at throwing things at people. It's theraputic, really. (My most recent work-related dream ended with me working for Mythbusters. That was awesome.)
I had a weird Lost related dream. I was on the island, there was the smoke monster, and the Others were raiding our camp on flying motorcycles. Now I want to go rewatch Lost.
I dreamt that a new species of spider was discovered.It had two tentacles that would reach into a persons ears and suck their brain out.I witness it attack a little girl.She screamed and then I woke up.
It was an apocalypse in a city, and there was a 5 foot [killer] baby stowaway in the cabin of our escape "Greyhound" bus. I blame Crysis for this one.
Had a dream I said, "bout who?" he said
Bout B.I.G. I said, "that's big" he said. Dig what he said, proceed he said, Indeed I said, so - breathe I did; Don't repeat what I say I said, he said nothin He agreed with his head, he just nodded like this: What I believe to be a yes I re-peated what was said It came to me like a whisper, last evening I said "Whats the deal playboy?," was the greeting he said. First thing I wanted to know was the reason he was dead, "More money, more problems, better believe it," he said "Careful what you wish for you might receive it," he said I see I said, jealousy I said Got the whole industry mad at me I said Then B.I. said, "Hov' remind yourself nobody built like you, you designed yourself" I agree I said, my one of a kind self Get stoned every day like Jesus did What he said, I said, has been said before "Just keep doin your thing," he said, say no more...
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