CAGcast #262: Happy Thankskrymming!


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
[preview][IMG-L=5838]15060[/IMG-L]CheapyD hates Cannonball Run, but loves Saints Row, Shipwreck has gotta catch 'em all, and Wombat has children. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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Show Linkage/Notes:

Intro: Cannonball Run Theme - Outro: Arnold Total Recall DVD Commentary

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I thought Best Buy had Batman AC and Uncharted 3 for $29.99 starting at 12:01 AM on Thanksgiving Day . . . Am I missing something? I can't find the deal on BB's website.

Edit: just bought Uncharted 3. BB updated their website earlier this morning. SWEEEEEEET!!!
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Shipwreck, are you upset the NFL blackout of Ohio is blacked out in Cincinnati this weekend? Listening now.

FYI Angry Birds is a PS3 mini that plays on both the PS3 and the PSP, and soon the Vita all on the same download.
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I have evolved as a gamer the exact opposite of Wombat. When I was younger i had more time and I played pc rpgs. The Ultimas. Wizardry. ....sunk tens and tens of hours into those games.

Now though I have less time. Less patience. I have done the Elder Scrolls stuff in games before albeit with much lesser graphics. I can't muster the time nor attention span to sift through a billion pieces of equipment and objects nor spend hours configuring my character nor wander barren lands for hours looking at beautiful landscapes and herky jerky animation. Feels too masturbatory to plow 150 hours into something like SkyRim not that there is anything wrong with that.

I really have rejected that type of game. And now would rather see a focused effort. A game that trades quantity for quality. Something easy to get into but challenging too. Something with some craftsmanship instead of everything and the kitchen sink. Something where I do not have to spend a lot of time trying to find the fun.

I see Zelda as the one of the closest Games to that ideal. It almost like I have come full circle.

I guess for my 2 kids and I Zelda is like a Spongebob cartoon or a Pixar movie. I appreciate the craftsmanship and absorb some of the story lines that fly over the heads of my kids while they of course marvel at the young Link and how he slays the monsters and rescues everybody.

Not that is a perfect game. Never understood the point of money in the game and sometimes you get the tedious must do fetch quests. Also never played all the Zeldas before the GC either.

But I stare at SkyRim and just see a time sink and a half. If it was co op at least like a Diablo maybe, but ...too much work. Too much quantity. Btw, Elder Scrolls was One of the businesses Steve Jobs wanted to reimagine next. TV was first. Then I think it was cameras. Next Elder Scrolls.
what I could have been listening to this while waiting! I'll listen to a few minutes of this after the 3am sales start (and so I'll be able to fall asleep even faster)
Yes, I too would like to know where I could find more Arnold commentary (full length .mp3 would be awesome, never watched that movie so maybe it would be interesting to "telephone" my review of the movie). :) lol
People are going to need to come up with some more substantial criticisms against GTA IV some day. Stuff like the dates were optional and didn't really affect anything.

I just finished the story in SR 3. It was okay, over in about 9 hours. Really, the main thing I was thinking within the last few hours of it was "man, I can't wait for GTA V". I don't know, just not my thing.

Great episode, though. Can't wait for the Black Friday 'cast!
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I don't get why people always mention the dates and hanging out with friends in GTA IV. It was completely optional and didn't really affect anything.

I just finished the story in SR 3. It was okay, over in about 9 hours, felt sort of quick. Really, the main thing I was thinking within the last few hours of it was "man, I can't wait for GTA V". I don't know, I just think the whole wacky, off the wall humour stuff isn't my thing. Didn't really find the game particularly funny and that seems like the main selling point.

Great episode, though. Cheapy's "I have a fine mace. A fine fucking mace" had me dying laughing for some reason. Can't wait for the Black Friday 'cast!

Edit: Cheapy, definitely go activate the Steed Stone in Skyrim. Shit is a godsend. You can also have your companion (if you roll with one) carry a ton of stuff for you. That's helped me out big time. And Shipwreck was right, they position three of the guardian stones literally right in front of you when you first exit the intro. The Warrior, Thief, and Mage stones, with different bonuses respectively. I think the Steed Stone is definitely the most useful, though.
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Cheapy, for easy money in Skyrim, craft daggers (iron ingot + leather strip) and then enchant them with your most valuable enchantment you have available. (Banish is the most profitable I've seen so far.) Use petty soul gems since they're the least costly and easiest to fill. You should be able to sell these for easy profit to general goods stores and weapon traders.
Hey cheapy, what do cars do you guys have so far in your garage for Saints Row 3, I just picked up the a rare Blade.
One of the best episodes I've heard in a long time!

The best moment though was Cheapy: "You'll never guess what I called my guy"... (Wombat: FATASS!)

Love the Arnold commentary at the end too! I'd love to watch Total Recall with this audio track. I might have to buy it!
I am sitting in my room, half-naked, eating Chocolate Fudge Brownie flavored Ben & Jerry's, listening to the CAGcast. Best Thanksgiving ever.
I think Shipwreck was thinking of Dragon Crown, by the people that made Odin Sphere. Yep. Peace n great show!
lol im eating hagendaz blueberry crumble...mmmmmmm
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Hey guys. Just had to point out that soul gems are also used for enchanting as a poster above me mentioned.

Also Cheaply, talk to everyone in town to get a bunch of quests that usually get you 100 to 500 gold.

Good episode though! I love summoning my sexy flame astronaut.
Absolutely phenomenal. See how great the show can be without Wombat (the black friday show). He brings absolutely nothing to the table. Jimmy Mack was hilarious.
I don't which Steve Jobs biography Shipwreck was listening to on Audible but I just finished the Walter Issacson official biography and he was horrible, horrible person. Not just to employees but those closest to him. A selfish, self-centered jerk that took credit for others ideas. Shipwreck forgot to mention how much he cried, a grown man who literally cried when he couldn't get his way. Cried a lot. Rolling Stone magazine even ruled that in hindsight he was an asshole. This isn't a comment on Apple products. This is just about the man himself.
[quote name='banodyne']I don't which Steve Jobs biography Shipwreck was listening to on Audible but I just finished the Walter Issacson official biography and he was horrible, horrible person. Not just to employees but those closest to him. A selfish, self-centered jerk that took credit for others ideas. Shipwreck forgot to mention how much he cried, a grown man who literally cried when he couldn't get his way. Cried a lot. Rolling Stone magazine even ruled that in hindsight he was an asshole. This isn't a comment on Apple products. This is just about the man himself.[/QUOTE]

I knew this before he died, and why I found it appalling when G4 ran a full day marathon dedicated to him when he did die. He is not a person to be looked up to in any way.
Cheapy, I have the same problem. I've been playing for about 18 hours, and I just scrounged up enough money to buy a house in Whiterun. Then, I went in and it was a dump, but at least I could store stuff. I had to switch my guy over to light armor to be able to carry stuff, but it almost doesn't matter since the vendors won't buy so many items and they'll never give you anywhere the listed value, and they couldn't anyway because they have such limited funds. You're not alone in being upset with the economy.

Also, I totally agree with your point about the character not being visible in the menu. That is standard RPG fare, and its omission is completely ridiculous. The UI needs work.
In regards to the performance of the Kindle Fire: I would say that its performance is lower than the iPad because of the resolution difference. The iPad is 1074x768 and the Fire is 1280x800. The Fire also wasn't meant to be an iPad killer in anyway.

It's also best in class. I doubt you'll find a better tablet, or even a similar tablet, for less than $300.
Cheapy must not read any on screen text. He sounds utterly clueless in the Skyrim discussion and spends the whole time whining about things the game teaches you about the first time you use them.
Hey Cheapy, quick tip for making money in Skyrim. Just loot a bunch of shit like armor and weapons from dead enemies and fast travel to different towns and sell them to the merchants until they run out of money. Rinse and repeat at different merchants. It's super easy to make a ton of money that way.

If you do Guild quests, they provide plenty of awesome gear so you rarely need to buy gear if you need better gear. Since you're going mage, you should do the Guild quests at College of Winterhold. Awesome mage gear can be obtained there. I'm going one-handed melee mainly but my dude acts like a Battlemage now from what I got there.

Also, the stones that give you blessings are called Guardian Stones. The three Shippy mentioned were at the beginning after the first dungeon. You should've come across it if you followed the dude who helped you. If you left him then you probably missed it.

Good Skyrim discussion but I need more stories. :)
Cheapy, every time Wombat called you David, you should have called him Stewart. I think I may be the only person a bit disappointed by Skyrim. It needs something like the VATS targeting system and guns. I think they would have invented guns by now.
[quote name='thakingrocka']Cheapy, I have the same problem. I've been playing for about 18 hours, and I just scrounged up enough money to buy a house in Whiterun. Then, I went in and it was a dump, but at least I could store stuff. I had to switch my guy over to light armor to be able to carry stuff, but it almost doesn't matter since the vendors won't buy so many items and they'll never give you anywhere the listed value, and they couldn't anyway because they have such limited funds. You're not alone in being upset with the economy.

Also, I totally agree with your point about the character not being visible in the menu. That is standard RPG fare, and its omission is completely ridiculous. The UI needs work.[/QUOTE]

Do Thieves Guild side quests. That will net you good profit and most are pretty easy to do. Vendors will give you more when you increase your speechcraft. Once you've discovered enough towns you can fast travel among the vendors if they start running out of gold. If you do the Thieves Guild main quests you will get fences you can sell to that have a decent amount of gold on them. Pickpocket, steal, do side quests, chop a lot of wood, mine, etc. There are a lot of ways to gain gold in the game, there's not a problem with the economy in it.

As far as Cheapy's issue with storage, he should have access to a couple of packmules/companions by now. Hell, you can have them join you, dump extra stuff on them and dismiss them, they've still had all the crap later when I needed it.

As someone who uses Alchemy/Enchanting it was amusing to listen to the show and hear that Alchemy wasn't explained well enough and hearing soul gems just dismissed. Alchemy is easy, and after you get both down you can create powerful stuff, like enchanted frost damage weapons coated with a potion that lowers the targets frost defense.
Great Show guys! I enjoyed all the SKYRIM talk and look forward to next week's installment of "Teaching Cheapy about Skyrim". Anyway, I find myself facing quite the dilemma. In a one month span - OCT 11 to NOV 11 - we have seen some phenominal new releases: Forza 4, Batman Arkham City, Uncharted 3, Call of Duty: MW3 and SKYRIM (average metacriitic score is 92.4). I am glued to SKYRIM, but I find myself wanting to spend some of my precious video game time on a few of these other great games (I'm sure some of you older CAG guys understand what I'm talking about). Frankly, I can't ever think of a time when I've had a more highly rated/anticipated #2, #3 and #4 game in my personal gaming que.

Here's my question to the three of you: have any of you ever experienced a one month new game release period better than the OCT 11 - NOV 11 time frame that we just went through? I seriously can't think of a better one month period to buy a new game. Anyway, I'd like to hear what you three have to say, thanks.
Was laughing out loud at the opening music to the podcast. (Not sure what it says about my childhood that I recognized it immediately...)

Have to ask Wombat whether he's used Comixology on the Kindle Fire, and how well that works. I very much like the idea of the Kindle Fire as a digital comics reader (since my nearest comic shop is about an hour away), but I'm worried about whether fine text will read clearly on the Fire without being zoomed in. I don't really need an iPad as long as the Fire does this one task well enough.
Skyrim gold tip: enchant all those blank weapons and armor you pick up. It'll add at least 500-700 gold to it's value. I suggest the enchanting table in Dragonreach castle of Whiterun.

You'll need soul gems (pick them up everywhere, I have not had to actually buy any yet) and fill them. Before you kill any enemy, cast the soul trap spell, or use a weapon with soul trap enchantment on it already.

Of course you'll need to fast travel around the world to various vendors as their gold supply diminishes fast when selling items worth 200-800 gold each at a time.

If you carry a pickaxe, mine every ore you come across. Every chance at mining you can get precious gems like rubies too. But that cheap ore? Use the Transmute spell to upgrade it multiple times into more precious ore, then smelt it into ingots and sell.
I got enough money for the house in Whiterun before I killed the first dragon because I looted the fuck out of the castle and other parts of town. I bought all of the upgrades and it looks really nice now, though I'd have liked to have more bookcases to store my books. It's not hard to get money if you play Skyrim like it's a Bethesda RPG.

If you followed the guy out of the first dungeon, he takes you by three stones on the way to his town and explains what they do.

I'd rather see Criterion make a new open-world Burnout instead of Hot Pursuit 2, as I don't want them to become a Need for Speed developer.
Keep in mind that if you drop items, they'll stay where they are forever, even if you turn your game off. So you could honestly just find a good ditch to store your items until you get a house.
Great show guys. I don't the the show would be quite the same without all three of you.

You need to make the "Skyrim 20 minutes" a set segment in every show. I love hearing about how others are skyrimming.

Just wanted to to note that Wombat is 100% correct that people that grew up loving Zelda naturally grow into loving games like Skyrim. My commentary... the ones that never grew up hate Skyrim and still think Zelda is the greatest thing.

Keep up the great work!
[quote name='chaseamazon']See how great the show can be without Wombat (the black friday show). He brings absolutely nothing to the table. Jimmy Mack was hilarious.[/QUOTE]

100% wrong.
Guys, its to much of a strange world out there for you to do live shows! Thanks for the effort but im too scared to listen to the live stuff again I think!

Less of the wombat hate on the CAGBAG as well, you know the show would not be the same without him. Keep us laughing Wombat!
Hello, new fan of the cagcast. I had listened before, thought it wasn't really my cup of tea, but decided to pick it back up again. I've listened the last couple of episodes and I've enjoyed it and going to stick with it. Wombat is funny and he has a great tone in his voice and I enjoy him. He and Cheapy are fun to listen work together. Shipwreck is a mess though. He's just so drab and dull with zero emotion. I mean come on, this subject matter is one of the guys passions and there is just no feeling in his voice.

Loved the live show too by the way although that JimmieMac dude sucks. Not funny and sounds like a show hanger-on to me. Let's keep him as far away from the show as possible, he's a clown.
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It's getting seriously old listening to gaming podcast complaining about having to move 3" when playing a game (i.e. Skyward Sword). "whaa, I may have to burn a few calories?" I know we all have personal preferences but some of that is straight up laziness.

However, Wombat has some good points about being a lefty.
Wombat is funny as fuck. I don't see how anyone would complain about him. Every show he says something that gets me to laugh aloud while listening at work.

I had a question for you guys. Are you all playing Skyrim on ps3 by chance? I heard the bugs are terrible on the ps3 version especially the lag. I have purchased the game and have not opened it yet, waiting to play it after it is patched. However, if the issues continue, I may just return my ps3 version and get the 360 version. You guys heard/expirenced any bugs on the 3 version?
bread's done