Top Gun Hybrid - PS3 - Movie & Game - $20.72 Shipped


9 (100%)

Currently, $20.72 right now on Amazon from a third party, but fulfilled by Amazon. This is the cheapest I have seen the game.

The Days of Thunder Game and Movie hybrid has been standing still at $29.99 for a long time. Both Top Gun and Days of Thunder are available as standalone downloads on PSN. The movie and the game are on the same Blu-Ray disc and I never heard any confirmation if the movie will work on a standalone blu-ray player or not.

EDIT: Will work on standalone Blu-Ray players.
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For what you get this is a pretty good package if you like arcade flight sims (not realistic simulators like on PC). It doesn't really hide the Ace Combat "borrowed" mechanics at all but that's fine with me, and I think it says a lot when a budget game can replicate something that was touted as a reason to buy the newest $60 Ace Combat last year (I liked both games, but not enough to keep).
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