BriankLizard93's Choose-Your-Own Adventure Contest! ENDED! Congrats Sephiroth1089!


30 (100%)
CONTEST COMPLETED! THANK YOU FOR THOSE WHO ENTERED. (PS: I need CAG friends! Friend request me, guys!)

THE WINNER IS Sephiroth1089! PM SENT


Sephiroth1089 - 3
Mirpkered - 1
otangz - 1
Bill Mcdougal - 1
Full script:

Hello, warriors! You are about to embark on a quest of epic proportions, in the hopes of achieving victory, and claiming your prize. The road ahead is a difficult one, and not everyone will survive. Good luck!

Your journey begins in the small town of Madoryn
Part 1: The Bandit
The owls hoot and the crickets sing in the dark depths of night as you arise from your slumber. You have decided to leave your hometown of Madoryn. You hope to get a fresh start on life, with the dream of becoming a famous adventurer someday. You gather you bag and depart down the rugged old road many before you have traveled upon. Days pass, and you reach a trader's outpost. While there, you overhear a gruesome tale of a bandit, Sabre, in the nearby area who has been terrorizing people. You boldly announce that you will bring an end to Sabre's life. It isn't until after boasting this audacious claim that you realize you have no idea what you’re doing, nor do you have any weapons. You need a plan. What do you do, warrior?
A.) You notice a drunkard who has passed out on a table. Drool runs from his mouth. Following the path of the drool, you notice a dagger loosely clutched in his hand. Should you attempt to steal it, and use it to kill Sabre?
B.) You decide that you'll just charge Sabre head on. Fists of fury worked when you were a child, as you often won fist fights- will they work now?
C.) You decide that teamwork is the best method, and ask a nearby drunkard (who just snapped out of a stupor) to join you. He accepts. This should work, right?
D.) You notice there are poisonous berries nearby. They are both tasteless and colorless when crushed into a juice. Sneak into Sabre's layer and poison his drink?
E.) Your father was a very suave talker. You believe you inherited his abilities, and can talk Sabre down. Prepare your speech?

A.) Upon trying to steal the dagger, the man awakes perfectly sober! As fate would have it, he is an undercover guardsman arresting thieves. You are placed under arrest, and your adventure ends here. Sabre roams free. [LOSE]
B.) You charge straight to Sabre's hideout. At first, he cannot believe his eyes. He never thought someone would have the balls to attack him like this. Before he has a chance to defend, you relentlessly attack him. By the time he strikes back, his punches are sheepish at best. When you go to grab him to take him to be arrested, he swallows nearby poisonous berries, vowing he would never let himself be arrested. He dies, and you later become renown in the area for your courage. [Win]
C.) The drunkard and yourself travel to Sabre's hideout. You walk ahead of your newly found partner to try and give Sabre a chance to turn himself in, as he could not beat two people by himself. Before you can utter a single word, however, you feel a red hot pain surge through your back. You look down to see a bloody sword protruding from your torso. Your partner turned out to be one of Sabre's hidden allies. You die there, and are never seen again. [Lose]
D.) After preparing your concoction, you wait until nightfall. Shortly after, you sneak to Sabre's hideout. He is preparing for dinner, and you notice his tankard could use a little more in it. The second he walks out to answer a call of nature, you sneak in and place the poison in his tankard. As you are escaping through an open window, you feel a tap on your shoulder. Sabre has a dagger pointed at you. He nods towards his drink and tells you to drink it. You attempt to escape, but he catches you and forces the mixture down your throat. Your insides practically melt as you die a slow and painful death. [Lose]
E.) You prepare a heartfelt speech, and strut towards Sabre's hideout. Before you can even finish the first paragraph, he fires an arrow into your stomach. Determined, you continue your speech through the gut-wrenching (pun not intended) pain. Sabre becomes so annoyed he slices out your tongue and watches you drown in your own blood. Did you honestly think this would work? [Lose]

Part 2: The Test

It has been ten years since you ended Sabre’s life. Since then, you have traveled across the vast expanses of the country. Helping the weak and needy by vanquishing evils has become a common occurrence with you. This has merited you a great deal of fame. Others have tried to follow in your footsteps, as you are living proof that heroes still exist. One day, as you are passing through the capitol city, you are stopped by a man wearing a hooded robe. He asks you politely to follow him. Upon arriving at your destination, you see a group of people. Before you can even ask the meaning of this, the man says “The King is looking for certain individuals, and he may want to meet you. However, he wants you to pass a test to see what kind of person you are before that. He has entrusted to one of these people in front of you the key to his chambers in the castle. Obviously, this is quite a big deal, as if it were in the wrong hands the King could be assassinated. Simply figure out who the best person to guard the key would be. In order to do so, you will have to think in the way the King hopes you will. Who is it, warrior?”

A.) You see a gallant knight in beautifully crafted armor. His long, flowing hair blows in the gentle breeze. You notice a magical blade at his side. It is rather apparent that this man could go toe to toe with even the best of warriors. The king would definitely trust the key to this man, right?

B.) Beside the knight is an old maid. She appears to be exhausted, and is covered in dirt and grime from cleaning all day long. She is obviously a person who knows the virtues of hard work. Is this the kind of person the King would trust?

C.) Over in to the left, you see a shrewd merchant. He is giggling as he counts his massive coin purse. He is obviously intelligent if he has been able to make that much coin. The King would want to trust something like the key to an intelligent person, right?

D.) In the corner, you see an old beggar shakily holding out a rusty tankard, begging for coins. He appears to be sick and frail. He is obviously a person who knows how to survive on very little. Perhaps this is the trait that the king would trust the key with?

A.) After choosing the knight, you discover that he is actually the head of the royal guardsman. While he can fight with extreme skill, you are told that he would be far too obvious to trust the key with. You are told to leave the city. Upon exiting the city, you are ambushed by some of Sabre’s old friends and are killed. [Lose]
B.) After choosing the maid, you learn that she earns very little pay. You are told that, because of this, she often steals things and resells them. The King would never trust the key to this person, as an assassin could simply buy the key from her. You are told to leave the city. Upon exiting the city, you are ambushed by some of Sabre’s old friends and are killed. [Lose]
C.) After choosing the merchant, you are told that he likes to keep things for himself and only himself. He would keep the key, and use it as a bargaining chip if he were ever in danger. You are told to leave the city. Upon exiting the city, you are ambushed by some of Sabre’s old friends and are killed. [Lose]
D.) After choosing the beggar, you are told that he keeps everything he is given. He often just has piles of junk near his makeshift bed. This would apparently be the perfect hiding place for the key. The beggar also knows the virtues of generosity, as his livelihood depends on it. He will help out anyone in need. This is who the King would trust the key with. Someone unsuspecting with good morals. The beggar gives you the key and you go to the castle. You go to the castle and proceed to the King’s chambers. Upon entering, he turns to you and says, “I have a quest for you that is so great, that it will be recorded as legend for all eternity”.

Part 3: The Choice

The King tells you that he has received visions of the country’s demise. While at first he did not believe them, he began to after he received an object from his dream. A small glass orb. He tells you that you must travel to the top of the volcanic mountain, Mt. Ashe, and place the orb on a pedestal there. Apparently, if you do not, the mountain will explode, and during the fiery rage that would ensue, demons would appear to terrorize the land. It is during this explanation that you remember why you came to the city in the first place. You were on a quest to find medicine for a village of sick people. The King tells you that the orb must be placed on the mountain within a few hours. You have to make a choice now. What is yours, warrior?

A.) Accept the King’s quest and abandon the people. Everyone will die if you do not hurry.
B.) Deny the King’s quest and go help the village. Families with young children are dying. They need you.
C.)Accept the King’s quest, find medicine for the village, and deliver the medicine to the village. Even though the village is in the opposite direction of the mountain, you think you can still make it.
D.) Deny the King, and forget about the medicine. You think you know a better way to save everyone: go underground.

A.) You accept the quest. While the King is preparing his finest steed, he sees that you are distraught. After learning about the people you had promised to send medicine to, he gives his word that he will send them medicine immediately. You leave for Mt. Ashe, and should arrive there with some time to spare. [Win]
B.) You deny the King. Before he can ask for details, you are already out of the door and continue your search for medicine. You find some, and return to the village. The medicine works almost immediately, and the town calls you a hero. While you are celebrating, however, you hear an incredible explosion. Within minutes, the town is burning to the ground. You try to save people, but it is impossible. You burn to death along with the entire country. [Lose]
C.) You accept the King’s quest, but tell him you must finish something first. He seems uneasy at your response, but accepting of it. After you find medicine, he gives you his finest steed. You race to the village and drop off the medicine. Upon seeing that it works, you race towards Mt. Ashe. However, as soon as you arrive at the mountain, it explodes. You are obliterated immediately. [Lose]
D.) You run outside and gather as many people as you can and run to a cave nearby. You have blacksmiths quickly create a makeshift metal door for the front of the cave. Shortly after, Mt. Ashe explodes. Amazingly, you all survive. There were no demons after all. You opt for everyone to stay in the cave, which you have named a “vault”. You are appointed “Overseer” of the vault. After decades of being Overseer of the “vault dwellers”, you pass away. You died a shell of the person you once were. You had become obsessed with power over the years, and even murdered someone when a young boy and his father escaped. Everyone hated you. [Lose]

Part 4: The Battle

You arrive at Mt. Ashe. The ground is rumbling. It is rather apparent that the King was right. Realizing this, you wrap the horses reigns around a nearby tree, and you climb to the top of the mountain as fast as you can. The heat is exhausting, and you can barely move once you reach the top. At the top there is a small temple. You see a pedestal in the center of the building. You place the orb the King gave you on the pedestal. As soon as you do, the mountain rumbles. You hear a huge explosion. Racing outside to investigate, you see an enormous dragon that just burst out from inside the mountain. It has its eyes trained on you. You hear a voice in your head “Defeat the dragon, and save the planet”. The voice was unlike any human’s. It was a God’s. Shakily, you prepare to fight. As your adrenaline begins to flow, you become more sure of yourself. You calm your mind. What do you do,

A.) Prepare your sword.
B.) Prepare your bow.
C.) Prepare your magic.
D.) Flee.

A.) You ready your sword. As the dragon flies nearby you slash into it. Hurt, the dragon retaliates with its flame breath. You collapse behind a large rock to protect yourself. You are completely exhausted. Sheer willpower is all that is keeps you moving. You decide for one final attack. Jump on the back of the dragon’s neck, and slit its scaley throat. The next time it swoops down you jump onto its neck. Enraged the dragon tosses you off of it. As you were being thrown off, you did manage to slice its throat. As you lay on the ground unable to stand, the dragon bleeds to death. [Win]
B.) You draw your bow and wait for the dragon to stop moving for just a single second. You have to hit it between its eyes. You notice your hands are shakey. Your exhaustion is taking its toll. Even with your adrenaline rush, you second guess your abilities to make the kill shot. You are nervous. Suddenly, you see your opportunity to shoot. You take it. The arrow goes through on of the beast’s eyes. You missed the shot because of your doubt. The dragon surges towards you and rips you in half with its mighty jaws. [Lose]
C.) You try to calm your mind I preparation for magic. You decide to try to kill the dragon with one powerful shot of lightning. You put all of your might into the spell. The dragon crashes into the mountain at the same moment you collapse to the ground. The part of the mountain you are on begins to crack apart. You realize that you will fall to your doom. Just as the ground you are on begins to plummet, you look back to the temple and see that the orb had fallen from the pedestal. You die, and the mountain explodes shortly after. [Lose]
D.) You flee. You mountain explodes. Everyone dies. Good job, warrior. Kudos to you.

Part 5: The Orb
As you lay on the ground, you look over towards the temple. Inside you notice that the orb has fallen! The voice inside your head roars, “PLACE THE ORB BACK NOW! THERE’S NO TIME!” The crawl as fast as you can crawl towards the orb. Just as you grab the orb, two deities appear. One is dressed in white, the other is dressed in black. The deity dressed in black tells you to place the orb back onto the pedestal. He says that it will save the world. You recognize that the voice was the same one that was in your head. The white dressed deity asks you to smash the orb. She tells you that the other deity has been trying to mislead both you and the King into doing his bidding. What do you do, warrior?

A.) Destroy the orb.
B.) Place the orb.
C.) Ask for details.
D.) Keep the orb.

A.) You destroy the orb, and the deity in black vanishes. The deity in white seems pleased. She then tells you that world will be safe, and that you will be greatly rewarded. She absorbs the orb. As soon as she does that, the black deity attacks her. He is no match for her with her newfound power. The black deity vanishes permanently this time.[Win]
B.) You place the orb, and the deity in white disappears. The deity in black smiles, “You have done well, warrior”. The deity then takes the orb and consumes it. “Now DIE.” Just as he goes to attack you, the white deity appears again and tries to fight the black deity. With the power of the orb, the black deity is able to easily win. He then turns his attention to you. He kills you, and then unleashes demons across the planet with his new powers. As he laughs hysterically, the mountain is bursting with flames. You have failed. [Lose]
C.) When you ask for details, the black deity grows impatient. He murders you and steals the orb. He then destroys the white deity. Using powers he acquired from the orb, he unleashes demons and fire upon the planet. [Lose]
D.) You decide to keep the orb. The orb senses your decision somehow and vanishes. The deities are shocked. Enraged, the black deity kills you. The two deities have a fierce battle. Eventually, the black deity prevails. Due to not having the power of the orb, he is unable to summon his demons. He still is able to cause the mountain to explode, and the world burns because of this. [Lose]

Part 6: The End

The white deity is amazed at you. She tells you that she cannot believe someone could make it this far on their journey and prevail. She notices the dragon’s corpse outside the temple. She tells you that you you need to cast the dragon’s body off the side of the mountain, or else it will come back to life. She gives you a godlike power that will enable you to manipulate the dragon’s body as you will for a brief time. You see an opportunity here, warrior. What do you do?
A.) Cast the corpse off the mountain so it will vanish forever.
B.) Use the power to absorb the dragon’s strength and use it for good.
C.) Leave.
D.) Ask if there is anything that can be salvaged from the corpse
E.) Challenge the deity for the orb after consuming the dragon.

A.) You cast the corpse off the mountain and watch it disintegrate. The deity tells you that you gave up the ultimate power. As a reward, she promises to watch over you from now on, protecting you and your loved ones for all eternity. You return to the King, where you are given the highest honors. Even a day is named after you. The land becomes peaceful, and you happily die at the age of 100 in your sleep. Legends of you are told even this day. [FINAL WIN]
B.) You absorb the dragon’s power. You feel invincible. The deity vanishes. Suddenly, your blood begins to boil. Pain surges through you as you transform into the dragon that you had just slain. While you still have a slither of humanity left, the deity returns and tells you that all others made the same mistake as you when they reached this point, and that these events would repeat in the future. The land remains peaceful for a few decades, and then another warrior carrying an orb climbs to the top of the mountain. She slays you. What will she do? [Lose]
C.) You just leave the area. You are praised as a hero. Then, five years later, after the King sent another adventurer on the same quest, the mountain explodes, and demons pour across the planet. [Lose]
d.) You ask the deity if the body can be salvaged. She replies with only a stare. You persist more and more. The deity grows annoyed and casts you off the mountain along with the dragon. Good job. [Lose]
E.) You absorb the dragon and challenge the deity. The fight is long and hard. After hours of back and forth fighting, you are about to win. But just as you are, pain surges through you as you turn into the dragon you had once slain. The deity kills you in this form, and casts you from the mountain. You are no more. [Lose]
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Hello, warriors! You are about to embark on a quest of epic proportions, in the hopes of achieving victory, and claiming your prize. The road ahead is a difficult one, and not everyone will survive. Good luck!

Your journey begins in the small town of Madoryn

Part 1: The Bandit

The owls hoot and the crickets sing in the dark depths of night as you arise from your slumber. You have decided to leave your hometown of Madoryn. You hope to get a fresh start on life, with the dream of becoming a famous adventurer someday. You gather you bag and depart down the rugged old road many before you have traveled upon. Days pass, and you reach a trader's outpost. While there, you overhear a gruesome tale of a bandit, Sabre, in the nearby area who has been terrorizing people. You boldly announce that you will bring an end to Sabre's life. It isn't until after boasting this audacious claim that you realize you have no idea what you’re doing, nor do you have any weapons. You need a plan. What do you do, warrior?
A.) You notice a drunkard who has passed out on a table. Drool runs from his mouth. Following the path of the drool, you notice a dagger loosely clutched in his hand. Should you attempt to steal it, and use it to kill Sabre?

B.) You decide that you'll just charge Sabre head on. Fists of fury worked when you were a child, as you often won fist fights- will they work now?

C.) You decide that teamwork is the best method, and ask a nearby drunkard (who just snapped out of a stupor) to join you. He accepts. This should work, right?

D.) You notice there are poisonous berries nearby. They are both tasteless and colorless when crushed into a juice. Sneak into Sabre's layer and poison his drink?

E.) Your father was a very suave talker. You believe you inherited his abilities, and can talk Sabre down. Prepare your speech?
C.) You decide that teamwork is the best method, and ask a nearby drunkard (who just snapped out of a stupor) to join you. He accepts. This should work, right?
C.) You decide that teamwork is the best method, and ask a nearby drunkard (who just snapped out of a stupor) to join you. He accepts. This should work, right?
E.) Your father was a very suave talker. You believe you inherited his abilities, and can talk Sabre down. Prepare your speech?
C.) You decide that teamwork is the best method, and ask a nearby drunkard (who just snapped out of a stupor) to join you. He accepts. This should work, right?
C.) You decide that teamwork is the best method, and ask a nearby drunkard (who just snapped out of a stupor) to join you. He accepts. This should work, right?
D.) You notice there are poisonous berries nearby. They are both tasteless and colorless when crushed into a juice. Sneak into Sabre's layer and poison his drink?
D.) You notice there are poisonous berries nearby. They are both tasteless and colorless when crushed into a juice. Sneak into Sabre's layer and poison his drink?
A.) Upon trying to steal the dagger, the man awakes perfectly sober! As fate would have it, he is an undercover guardsman arresting thieves. You are placed under arrest, and your adventure ends here. Sabre roams free. [LOSE]

B.) You charge straight to Sabre's hideout. At first, he cannot believe his eyes. He never thought someone would have the balls to attack him like this. Before he has a chance to defend, you relentlessly attack him. By the time he strikes back, his punches are sheepish at best. When you go to grab him to take him to be arrested, he swallows nearby poisonous berries, vowing he would never let himself be arrested. He dies, and you later become renown in the area for your courage. [Win]

C.) The drunkard and yourself travel to Sabre's hideout. You walk ahead of your newly found partner to try and give Sabre a chance to turn himself in, as he could not beat two people by himself. Before you can utter a single word, however, you feel a red hot pain surge through your back. You look down to see a bloody sword protruding from your torso. Your partner turned out to be one of Sabre's hidden allies. You die there, and are never seen again. [Lose]

D.) After preparing your concoction, you wait until nightfall. Shortly after, you sneak to Sabre's hideout. He is preparing for dinner, and you notice his tankard could use a little more in it. The second he walks out to answer a call of nature, you sneak in and place the poison in his tankard. As you are escaping through an open window, you feel a tap on your shoulder. Sabre has a dagger pointed at you. He nods towards his drink and tells you to drink it. You attempt to escape, but he catches you and forces the mixture down your throat. Your insides practically melt as you die a slow and painful death. [Lose]

E.) You prepare a heartfelt speech, and strut towards Sabre's hideout. Before you can even finish the first paragraph, he fires an arrow into your stomach. Determined, you continue your speech through the gut-wrenching (pun not intended) pain. Sabre becomes so annoyed he slices out your tongue and watches you drown in your own blood. Did you honestly think this would work? [Lose]
Currently no one has any correct answers. Anyone's game. ROUND 2!
Part 2: The Test

It has been ten years since you ended Sabre’s life. Since then, you have traveled across the vast expanses of the country. Helping the weak and needy by vanquishing evils has become a common occurrence with you. This has merited you a great deal of fame. Others have tried to follow in your footsteps, as you are living proof that heroes still exist. One day, as you are passing through the capitol city, you are stopped by a man wearing a hooded robe. He asks you politely to follow him. Upon arriving at your destination, you see a group of people. Before you can even ask the meaning of this, the man says “The King is looking for certain individuals, and he may want to meet you. However, he wants you to pass a test to see what kind of person you are before that. He has entrusted to one of these people in front of you the key to his chambers in the castle. Obviously, this is quite a big deal, as if it were in the wrong hands the King could be assassinated. Simply figure out who the best person to guard the key would be. In order to do so, you will have to think in the way the King hopes you will. Who is it, warrior?”

A.) You see a gallant knight in beautifully crafted armor. His long, flowing hair blows in the gentle breeze. You notice a magical blade at his side. It is rather apparent that this man could go toe to toe with even the best of warriors. The king would definitely trust the key to this man, right?

B.) Beside the knight is an old maid. She appears to be exhausted, and is covered in dirt and grime from cleaning all day long. She is obviously a person who knows the virtues of hard work. Is this the kind of person the King would trust?

C.) Over in to the left, you see a shrewd merchant. He is giggling as he counts his massive coin purse. He is obviously intelligent if he has been able to make that much coin. The King would want to trust something like the key to an intelligent person, right?

D.) In the corner, you see an old beggar shakily holding out a rusty tankard, begging for coins. He appears to be sick and frail. He is obviously a person who knows how to survive on very little. Perhaps this is the trait that the king would trust the key with?
C.) Over in to the left, you see a shrewd merchant. He is giggling as he counts his massive coin purse. He is obviously intelligent if he has been able to make that much coin. The King would want to trust something like the key to an intelligent person, right?
D.) In the corner, you see an old beggar shakily holding out a rusty tankard, begging for coins. He appears to be sick and frail. He is obviously a person who knows how to survive on very little. Perhaps this is the trait that the king would trust the key with?
D.) In the corner, you see an old beggar shakily holding out a rusty tankard, begging for coins. He appears to be sick and frail. He is obviously a person who knows how to survive on very little. Perhaps this is the trait that the king would trust the key with?
B.) Beside the knight is an old maid. She appears to be exhausted, and is covered in dirt and grime from cleaning all day long. She is obviously a person who knows the virtues of hard work. Is this the kind of person the King would trust?
I notice there was a list earlier, but am I to understand the contest is now open to everyone? If so:

B.) Beside the knight is an old maid. She appears to be exhausted, and is covered in dirt and grime from cleaning all day long. She is obviously a person who knows the virtues of hard work. Is this the kind of person the King would trust?
B.) Beside the knight is an old maid. She appears to be exhausted, and is covered in dirt and grime from cleaning all day long. She is obviously a person who knows the virtues of hard work. Is this the kind of person the King would trust?
B.) Beside the knight is an old maid. She appears to be exhausted, and is covered in dirt and grime from cleaning all day long. She is obviously a person who knows the virtues of hard work. Is this the kind of person the King would trust?
B.) Beside the knight is an old maid. She appears to be exhausted, and is covered in dirt and grime from cleaning all day long. She is obviously a person who knows the virtues of hard work. Is this the kind of person the King would trust?
A.) After choosing the knight, you discover that he is actually the head of the royal guardsman. While he can fight with extreme skill, you are told that he would be far too obvious to trust the key with. You are told to leave the city. Upon exiting the city, you are ambushed by some of Sabre’s old friends and are killed. [Lose]

B.) After choosing the maid, you learn that she earns very little pay. You are told that, because of this, she often steals things and resells them. The King would never trust the key to this person, as an assassin could simply buy the key from her. You are told to leave the city. Upon exiting the city, you are ambushed by some of Sabre’s old friends and are killed. [Lose]

C.) After choosing the merchant, you are told that he likes to keep things for himself and only himself. He would keep the key, and use it as a bargaining chip if he were ever in danger. You are told to leave the city. Upon exiting the city, you are ambushed by some of Sabre’s old friends and are killed. [Lose]

D.) After choosing the beggar, you are told that he keeps everything he is given. He often just has piles of junk near his makeshift bed. This would apparently be the perfect hiding place for the key. The beggar also knows the virtues of generosity, as his livelihood depends on it. He will help out anyone in need. This is who the King would trust the key with. Someone unsuspecting with good morals. The beggar gives you the key and you go to the castle. You go to the castle and proceed to the King’s chambers. Upon entering, he turns to you and says, “I have a quest for you that is so great, that it will be recorded as legend for all eternity”.
Part 3: The Choice

The King tells you that he has received visions of the country’s demise. While at first he did not believe them, he began to after he received an object from his dream. A small glass orb. He tells you that you must travel to the top of the volcanic mountain, Mt. Ashe, and place the orb on a pedestal there. Apparently, if you do not, the mountain will explode, and during the fiery rage that would ensue, demons would appear to terrorize the land. It is during this explanation that you remember why you came to the city in the first place. You were on a quest to find medicine for a village of sick people. The King tells you that the orb must be placed on the mountain within a few hours. You have to make a choice now. What is yours, warrior?

A.) Accept the King’s quest and abandon the people. Everyone will die if you do not hurry.

B.) Deny the King’s quest and go help the village. Families with young children are dying. They need you.

C.)Accept the King’s quest, find medicine for the village, and deliver the medicine to the village. Even though the village is in the opposite direction of the mountain, you think you can still make it.

D.) Deny the King, and forget about the medicine. You think you know a better way to save everyone: go underground.
D.) In the corner, you see an old beggar shakily holding out a rusty tankard, begging for coins. He appears to be sick and frail. He is obviously a person who knows how to survive on very little. Perhaps this is the trait that the king would trust the key with?
C.)Accept the King’s quest, find medicine for the village, and deliver the medicine to the village. Even though the village is in the opposite direction of the mountain, you think you can still make it.
C.)Accept the King’s quest, find medicine for the village, and deliver the medicine to the village. Even though the village is in the opposite direction of the mountain, you think you can still make it.
C.)Accept the King’s quest, find medicine for the village, and deliver the medicine to the village. Even though the village is in the opposite direction of the mountain, you think you can still make it.
C.)Accept the King’s quest, find medicine for the village, and deliver the medicine to the village. Even though the village is in the opposite direction of the mountain, you think you can still make it.
C.)Accept the King’s quest, find medicine for the village, and deliver the medicine to the village. Even though the village is in the opposite direction of the mountain, you think you can still make it.
[quote name='Mirpkered']Sorry! I posted just as you were posting the answer it seems. Did I make it? Awesome idea BTW![/QUOTE]

Even though it was a hair late, I'll accept it as I believe you truly did not see the answers. ROUND 3 ANSWERS:

A.) You accept the quest. While the King is preparing his finest steed, he sees that you are distraught. After learning about the people you had promised to send medicine to, he gives his word that he will send them medicine immediately. You leave for Mt. Ashe, and should arrive there with some time to spare. [Win]

B.) You deny the King. Before he can ask for details, you are already out of the door and continue your search for medicine. You find some, and return to the village. The medicine works almost immediately, and the town calls you a hero. While you are celebrating, however, you hear an incredible explosion. Within minutes, the town is burning to the ground. You try to save people, but it is impossible. You burn to death along with the entire country. [Lose]

C.) You accept the King’s quest, but tell him you must finish something first. He seems uneasy at your response, but accepting of it. After you find medicine, he gives you his finest steed. You race to the village and drop off the medicine. Upon seeing that it works, you race towards Mt. Ashe. However, as soon as you arrive at the mountain, it explodes. You are obliterated immediately. [Lose]

D.) You run outside and gather as many people as you can and run to a cave nearby. You have blacksmiths quickly create a makeshift metal door for the front of the cave. Shortly after, Mt. Ashe explodes. Amazingly, you all survive. There were no demons after all. You opt for everyone to stay in the cave, which you have named a “vault”. You are appointed “Overseer” of the vault. After decades of being Overseer of the “vault dwellers”, you pass away. You died a shell of the person you once were. You had become obsessed with power over the years, and even murdered someone when a young boy and his father escaped. Everyone hated you. [Lose]
Part 4: The Battle

You arrive at Mt. Ashe. The ground is rumbling. It is rather apparent that the King was right. Realizing this, you wrap the horses reigns around a nearby tree, and you climb to the top of the mountain as fast as you can. The heat is exhausting, and you can barely move once you reach the top. At the top there is a small temple. You see a pedestal in the center of the building. You place the orb the King gave you on the pedestal. As soon as you do, the mountain rumbles. You hear a huge explosion. Racing outside to investigate, you see an enormous dragon that just burst out from inside the mountain. It has its eyes trained on you. You hear a voice in your head “Defeat the dragon, and save the planet”. The voice was unlike any human’s. It was a God’s. Shakily, you prepare to fight. As your adrenaline begins to flow, you become more sure of yourself. You calm your mind. What do you do, warrior?

A.) Prepare your sword.

B.) Prepare your bow.

C.) Prepare your magic.

D.) Flee.
A.) You ready your sword. As the dragon flies nearby you slash into it. Hurt, the dragon retaliates with its flame breath. You collapse behind a large rock to protect yourself. You are completely exhausted. Sheer willpower is all that is keeps you moving. You decide for one final attack. Jump on the back of the dragon’s neck, and slit its scaley throat. The next time it swoops down you jump onto its neck. Enraged the dragon tosses you off of it. As you were being thrown off, you did manage to slice its throat. As you lay on the ground unable to stand, the dragon bleeds to death. [Win]

B.) You draw your bow and wait for the dragon to stop moving for just a single second. You have to hit it between its eyes. You notice your hands are shakey. Your exhaustion is taking its toll. Even with your adrenaline rush, you second guess your abilities to make the kill shot. You are nervous. Suddenly, you see your opportunity to shoot. You take it. The arrow goes through on of the beast’s eyes. You missed the shot because of your doubt. The dragon surges towards you and rips you in half with its mighty jaws. [Lose]

C.) You try to calm your mind I preparation for magic. You decide to try to kill the dragon with one
powerful shot of lightning. You put all of your might into the spell. The dragon crashes into the mountain at the same moment you collapse to the ground. The part of the mountain you are on begins to crack apart. You realize that you will fall to your doom. Just as the ground you are on begins to plummet, you look back to the temple and see that the orb had fallen from the pedestal. You die, and the mountain explodes shortly after. [Lose]

D.) You flee. You mountain explodes. Everyone dies. Good job, warrior. Kudos to you. [Lose]
Part 5: The Orb

As you lay on the ground, you look over towards the temple. Inside you notice that the orb has fallen! The voice inside your head roars, “PLACE THE ORB BACK NOW! THERE’S NO TIME!” The crawl as fast as you can crawl towards the orb. Just as you grab the orb, two deities appear. One is dressed in white, the other is dressed in black. The deity dressed in black tells you to place the orb back onto the pedestal. He says that it will save the world. You recognize that the voice was the same one that was in your head. The white dressed deity asks you to smash the orb. She tells you that the other deity has been trying to mislead both you and the King into doing his bidding. What do you do, warrior?

A.) Destroy the orb.

B.) Place the orb.

C.) Ask for details.

D.) Keep the orb.
bread's done