Help with signature!


Could this be the problem?

Signature Permissions
Allow Basic BB Code Yes
Allow Color BB Code Yes
Allow Size BB Code Yes
Allow Font BB Code Yes
Allow Alignment BB Code Yes
Allow List BB Code Yes
Allow Link BB Code Yes
Allow HTML No Allow Image BB Code No
Allow Code BB Code Yes
Allow PHP BB Code No
Allow HTML BB Code Yes
Allow Quote BB Code Yes
Allow Smilies Yes
Can Upload Images for Signature No
Can Upload Animated GIF for Signature No
You can't add an image until your rank is CAG Veteran.

CAG Ultra Noob: 0-2 days - can't do much of anything
CAG Newbie: 2-29 days (cannot use signature or create threads in Trading Forum)
CAG in Training: 30-269 days
CAG Veteran: 270-364 days and/or 250+ posts (can add images to signature)
CAGiversary!: 365 days and beyond and 50+ posts (can create custom titles)

It's in the FAQ.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']You can't add an image until your rank is CAG Veteran.

CAG Ultra Noob: 0-2 days - can't do much of anything
CAG Newbie: 2-29 days (cannot use signature or create threads in Trading Forum)
CAG in Training: 30-269 days
CAG Veteran: 270-364 days and/or 250+ posts (can add images to signature)
CAGiversary!: 365 days and beyond and 50+ posts (can create custom titles)

It's in the FAQ.[/QUOTE]

alright thanks, I suppose I should have checked that:( at least I know now:)
bread's done