Suggestions for adding Wii U space


148 (100%)
I've just about run out of space on my Wii U and am looking for feedback on the best options for adding more space to the console via an external usb.

Any suggestions, any better than others? Largest supported size? I'm not into doing any type of soft-mods as well.

Thanks in advance for the help!
External hard drive is probably the most bang for your buck. Just get one that has a separate power adapter. If not you will need a "Y" adapter that pulls power from 2 usb ports.

I was in the same situation and ordered the following:

"Y" cable from amazon ($5.99 after shipping):

1TB external drive from amazon (it was $57.99 last week, see if you can find a 500GB or 1TB in the $40-60 range):

The Wii U can recognize up to 2TB, but I figured that since 4 full, 6 smaller eshop, and 25 VC games took up only 30GB, 1TB will be more than enough.

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You could also just invest in a 64 gb flash drive, like I have, this is only $30  Of course, the only issue is that the wii u only recognizes one USB storage at a time, but when it runs out, I plan to upgrade to a bigger one, which I'm sure will be a lot cheaper by then (or a portable hd)  And, ignore whoever on here has a weird hatred of Tigerdirect, I've never had a problem, and I've used them for years.  Granted, they're cheaper on amazon.

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It says on the Nintendo website not to run games from a flash drive.  Who knows.

I use a flash drive too, although I move stuff to system memory before using.  It's a pain, and I'm hoping to get a USB 3.0 HDD for my PC so that my Wii U can have my old 2TB USB 2.0.

I didn't know it would only recognize one USB storage thing at a time, though.  That's a shame.  I'll have to copy everything from the system to the HDD, then from the flash drive to the system, then the system to the HDD again.  Oh well.

I guess they must be talking about bigger games like Mario Kart 8, considering at bigger sizes running files off a flash drive can wreck havoc or something.

Flash drives die faster from excessive writes, which is probably why Nintendo doesn't recommend their use. I've never understood why installing a game would lead to excessive writes, as you would think it would be mainly reads.
Yeah, I don't really understand it either.  It's also a mystery to me how/why things seem to load at the same speed regardless of whether they're on a disc, system memory, or via USB 2.0.  I guess they're designed with slow loading in mind.

Well, external HD's that use external power sources cost more, I bet Nintendo gets a kick-back (kidding).  I'll just make sure I keep my save data on the system, and the games on the flash drive.  I also plan to switch out the 64 gb one for a 128 gb when they get down to about $30-40, so I doubt it'll crap out before I replace it.  And don't laugh, but we're quickly approaching affordable 1tb flash drives.  

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Couldn't you just get an HDD for the amount youre spending and planning to spend on flash drives?  :p

I think the save data stays with the main game data (except in the case of disc games).  Not sure about that, though.

I am probably crapping my flash drive out just as quickly or more quickly with all my copying back and forth.  :(  I got it for my PC originally, not my Wii U--nice 32gb usb 3.0 that I was looking forward to using, but now it's "stuck" with my Wii U.  

Sorry if this a dumb question but I will ask it anyways. Is it ok 2 use the 2 to 1 USB adapter? Any worries about drawing too much power from the WiiU ports a burning them out?
That's not a dumb question.  I think it's totally fine to do that.  I think the ports are designed to put out a certain amount of power all the time such that all the ports could be putting out max power all at once and it would be within operation limits.  So, in other words, using two at once for a HDD shouldn't be an issue.  I think Nintendo even recommends using the Y cable thing, don't they?  Personally, this seems like a better solution than having yet another AC adapter...  I am thinking of just saying hell with it and getting a cheap small external portable HDD and using the Y cable myself.  I need another piece of electronics plugged in over there like I need a second anus.

It says on the Nintendo website not to run games from a flash drive. Who knows.

I use a flash drive too, although I move stuff to system memory before using. It's a pain, and I'm hoping to get a USB 3.0 HDD for my PC so that my Wii U can have my old 2TB USB 2.0.

I didn't know it would only recognize one USB storage thing at a time, though. That's a shame. I'll have to copy everything from the system to the HDD, then from the flash drive to the system, then the system to the HDD again. Oh well.
I wouldn't worry too much about it. I'd even argue that you're probably wearing things out more by copying it all back and forth instead of just letting it update the little save file in the game's folder on the flash.

The 3DS uses flash (SD Cards) and no one complains there.

I'd say that the worst bit about the flash drive is that it's slightly slower. I've used both and it's not really that noticeable but, technically, it's slower.

I use a 32GB Sandisk Fit Cruizer, which is just a little USB nub that I plug into the front port on my Wii U. Per GB it isnt a great deal, but I dont have to fuss with a Y-Cable or separate power supply.

I'll probably have to upgrade to a 64GB at some point, but I think I can wait on a Amazon sale for a good deal.

Just so you know, you can already get 64gb flash drives for only $30-$35, Tigerdirect sells em at that price.

Office Depot has 32 gb flash drives for $12, and 64 gb for $23.  Office Max does too.  Actually, they're $11, and $20 respectively, at best buy.

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a bit late but I bought a 750G HDD from Tiger Direct for about $50 ($30 AR) a couple weeks back along with the aforementioned Y cable from Amazon.  If you can hold on, I'm sure similar HDD deals can be had leading up to BF.

I have the 4 free games from Mario Kart, Mario 3d World, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, and a crapton of VC, along with a few wii u ware games, and still have plenty of room on my 64 gb flash drive.

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I really wish Nintendo would've just put a 100 gb drive into the thing.
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Dont know if linking to products on websites is against the rules or not, so sorry if this breaks any rules.

WD My Passport Ultra 1TB Portable External USB 3.0 Hard Drive for $70
Pretty decent deal. Just ordered one for myself.

Also saw this one for $60
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lol, this is a deals site. Of course you can link to products on websites.
Well, you never know. Rules are funny things. People get told off all the time for stuff that you wouldn't think was "wrong."

But yeah, they like links here, because there's a complicated sort of referral system, but it ultimately leads to the owners of the site getting money when we link to things. And I'm fine with that, because CAG is awesome, and I love the owners.

lol, this is a deals site. Of course you can link to products on websites.
Well, I was banned on another forum for 1 week because I linked to another forum.
Apparently it was ok to post links to sites ebay, amazon, target, walmart, toysrus, and robotkingdom, but it was against the rules to link to another forum for some reason (jealousy and haterade I tell yoU!).
Well, I was banned on another forum for 1 week because I linked to another forum.
Apparently it was ok to post links to sites ebay, amazon, target, walmart, toysrus, and robotkingdom, but it was against the rules to link to another forum for some reason (jealousy and haterade I tell yoU!).
Yep, you just never know! CAG is pretty darn friendly for the most part, but I would hate to get banned. I don't even know where else I'd go on the internet. :(

Ok I finally dug out my out 500gb 2.0 external hard drive and would like to use it on my son's WiiU. Quick question I have is. I need a "Y" cable that either has one female USB port turning into two USB male ports or one that has a maler mini "B" on one end and two male USB ports on the other. Can somebody point me in that direction it would be greatly apreciated.


Would this be what i was looking for.

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Ok I finally dug out my out 500gb 2.0 external hard drive and would like to use it on my son's WiiU. Quick question I have is. I need a "Y" cable that either has one female USB port turning into two USB male ports or one that has a maler mini "B" on one end and two male USB ports on the other. Can somebody point me in that direction it would be greatly apreciated.


Would this be what i was looking for.
I think any old Y-cable will do. As long as the non-Y end fits in your particular hard drive, that's all you need to worry about (and then the Y bit goes into two USB ports on the Wii U obviously)

Gonna bump this thread now due to a problem I encountered.

Bought a 64 gb usb drive. Plugged it in. Formatted. Started moving files over. Moved about half of my things, but now receiving an error message that there is a problem with the USB drive.

Now I cant move anything to it, and cannot access anything on it.

Anyone run into this issue before?
Gonna bump this thread now due to a problem I encountered.

Bought a 64 gb usb drive. Plugged it in. Formatted. Started moving files over. Moved about half of my things, but now receiving an error message that there is a problem with the USB drive.

Now I cant move anything to it, and cannot access anything on it.

Anyone run into this issue before?
I would try and see if you can reformat it. If you can try again. If it gives you the same problem, do it on a PC and see if the problem persists. If it's the same problem on the PC then the USB drive is probably faulty.

Note that on Nintendo's site that they recommend a hard drive with its own power unit.

bread's done