Spoilers: How do you (if you do) recover when someone accidentally spoils a MAJOR plot point


I'm a huge fan of The Walking Dead season 1 & 2.  That's about where it starts and ends for me.  Just to mention I'm all caught up with the series.  So just to get that "magic" back, and because of the dynamite good prices at Google Play, I purchased The Walking Dead Compendiums 1 & 2.  I wanted to just delve into the books more...a fresh start on the series.
So I was talking to my cousin who is a Walking Dead fan.  We're both up to date on the television series and I was telling him that I recently bought the Compendiums 1 & 2.  He was excited and started telling me about a friend of his who read the books.  He said his friend told him about some differences in the books compared to the tv series.  I spoke about a couple of differences I've noticed within the first 79 pages of Compendium 1 (it's over 1000 pages) without spoiling anything that might have been spoiled.  He mentioned some things his friend said.  I mentioned a couple of other things.  Then he started getting more excited and was talking about the Governor and out of the blue....

He says
"Yeah Rick got his head chopped off!

...those who have read it could possibly make a connection.  Possibly.  I didn't delve any deeper beyond that.  He was still smiling.  I was not.  Surprisingly I wasn't mad.  I was disappointed.  We both know that spoiling anything would be devastating in our circle.  We watch Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, House of Cards and we always have a conversation about the episode after we've all watched it.  The rest was like this:
Me: I didn't know that..
Him:  YOU DIDN'T!  Yeah
Rick got his head chopped off.
Me:  I didn't want to know that...
Him:  Wait...
Me:  Yeah I started reading the books because maybe I was hoping that it would be a better alternative to the show but...
Him: Awe damn...my bad...wow.
Me:  Yep.  Thanks.  Now I don't know if I want to continue reading or not...
Him:  Yeah but the way....and ummm how it happened....it's not THAT big of a spoiler...
Me: Yes, yes it is.
Him:  Yeah I guess it is.  I didn't know.  I thought you was way farther into it. 
Me:  I just got it yesterday.  I'm only on page 79.
I could tell he felt bad about that so I changed the subject.
Now that I know what I know, I'm struggling trying to decide whether or not I should continue reading.  Is it even worth me reading.  I have a hard time recovering from spoilers because I know that I've missed an opportunity to experience a story in any entertainment medium the way it, quite possibly, was meant to be told.  

Also, share some experiences as to how you view spoilers.  Are they a deal breaker?  Do you continue to watch, read, play if someone has revealed a MAJOR spoiler to you?  

No spoilers please.  :p

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I don't know how to hide spoilers in this forum. I would like to post it so that those who have read the book can tell me if it's really worth it to continue.
Use spoiler tags! The code is [ spoiler ]Text goes here.[/ spoiler ] (remove the spaces)

As for spoilers, I generally hate 'em, but strangely, if the series/game/whatever is good enough, they're less of a factor in the end. For example, I got this spoiler for Evangelion before I finished the series:
Rei being a quasi-clone of Shinji's mother.

This really annoyed me at the time. However, Eva has since become one of my favorite anime series. Same goes for Gurren Lagann, which I was spoiled for regarding
Kamina's death.

On the flipside, I was spoiled for
Tidus' death/ceasing to exist
prior to playing Final Fantasy X, and I believe that most certainly affected my enjoyment of that game.

I also actively seek out basic plot synopses if I suspect that something I'm interested in might contain content that would offend or otherwise annoy me, but that happens rarely.

So, it varies, but in general, I try my damndest to avoid them. Like you, I'm pretty sensitive to them, especially when it comes to a game/series/etc. that I'm currently enjoying.
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Spoilers definitely bum me out (and I have a very broad definition of spoiler) but I try not to t let it destroy my enjoyment of something, especially if there's other elements of whatever it is that I like.  You said your cousin felt bad about it, so my suggestion is to let it go, and just continue with the comic.  You might be surprised and wind up enjoying it more than you think.

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Ummmm..... I have some good news

He doesn't get his head cut off....

My brother spoiled the twist of the 6th Sense for me. I'm still salty about it. Years later for revenge I spoiled Harry Potter for him with the "Snape Kills Dumbledore" twist and even why he did it.

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That's not even what happens to rick... and if it did what you're going to throw away those compendiums now?

Ummmm..... I have some good news

He doesn't get his head cut off....

My brother spoiled the twist of the 6th Sense for me. I'm still salty about it. Years later for revenge I spoiled Harry Potter for him with the "Snape Kills Dumbledore" twist and even why he did it.
Thank you. That is good to know.

That's not even what happens to rick... and if it did what you're going to throw away those compendiums now?
Nope. Not even if they were hard copies would I throw them away.

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A few months after the game was released, someone intentionally spoiled Zelda OoT on an AOL message board (they used a misleading title to trick people into opening the thread). I feel like that was part of the reason I never finished the game, because the later dungeons were getting very frustrating to me to the point where I felt like I didn't want to keep trying to finish the dungeons when I already knew what was going to happen.

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I only get bummed about spoilers when it's a show, movie, game, or book I really am into. If someone spoils it for me I just get a bit annoyed and get over it. 

Someone once told me who the killer was in Scream 4, which I didn't care about, but it does take away the allusion big time. So yeah, every-time I see spoilers on social media, even if I know, I'm going to let them know it's not a good idea. 

I am impervious to spoilers. It's my superpower. :lol: Seriously, I don't enjoy things any less when I know what's coming. Sometimes I read a movie's plot summary on Wiki before I watch it, just for the heck of it. My perspective on it is just, the element of surprise is one element of a good story. It's not the end-all be-all. Don't build it up in your mind that you need to be surprised by something to enjoy it.

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I am impervious to spoilers. It's my superpower. :lol: Seriously, I don't enjoy things any less when I know what's coming. Sometimes I read a movie's plot summary on Wiki before I watch it, just for the heck of it. My perspective on it is just, the element of surprise is one element of a good story. It's not the end-all be-all. Don't build it up in your mind that you need to be surprised by something to enjoy it.
This is true for me most of the time, but it's diffrent when the movie/game/comic hinges on the plot twist. When it becomes the main focus (i.e. 6th Sense) that's when it's a bit of a problem for me.

But recently I read up on the synopsis of Transformers 4 just out of curisoity. Made 0% difference.

Thanks for the clarification peoples!  I've finished both compendiums and all I can say is WOW!  Much better than the tv series.

bread's done