Is it too late to buy a new PS3?


I have had my PS3 since about 2008 and have had no problems with it. I take care of my stuff. I now have over 40 PS3 games and know that eventually the system will fail. I want to buy a backup system with intentions of using it after my well kept PS3 dies. This could be next year or it could be ten years from now. I don't know when it will die. I just know that I have 40 excellent games that the PS4 will not play.

I already have The Last of Us and Grand Theft Auto 5, so I am not inclined to buy either of these bundle packages. A PS3 Watch Dogs bundle would be nice, or even better yet, a 500 MB console by itself without a game and a lower price than the $269.99 bundle price with a game.

I went to Frys and Best Buy today. PS3 consoles were not to be seen. I asked both the Frys and Best Buy employees if the PS3 console has been discontinued. Both confirmed the discontinuation status with some hesitation. Honestly, I don't think they understood my question. Discontinuation has six syllables. I think I would have conveyed more effective communication by limiting my choice of words to three syllables or less. It seems I always get non-coherent responses from people. I also tend to get a lot of answers that in no way address my question. It is very annoying. That's an entirely different subject though.  

Is the PS3 still in production? Can anyone speculate how much longer it will be in production? Are there any rumors about a new bundle package set for release after July 2014? I would like to buy a backup PS3 console, but prefer not to buy it packaged with a game I already have. I also prefer to avoid the 12 MB model. A 500 MB would be best.

Try Walmart. The one near me in MA never has any PS4's but they always have a few PS3's they can't seem to move.

They will probably make the SuperSlim for a while.

The just stopped making the PS2 a couple years ago. 1/4/13 to be exact.

Sony will continue to make them, just in lower numbers as time goes on.

It kind of falls flat when you act uppity about the competence level of retail employees and then confuse MB and GB.

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It kind of falls flat when you act uppity about the competence level of retail employees and then confuse MB and GB.
My mistake. I should have proofed my message more carefully. I surely do look like a dumbass.

I probably would not be so harsh on the customer service reps, but time after time I get poor customer service at retail stores. I think Sears is the absolute worst. Wal Mart customer service is non-existent. After so many bad experiences, I tend to expect a bad experience walking into just about any retail store. Customer service was better before Obama Care when retail employees could get a full 40 hours plus benefits. Now that retail employees are always short changed on hours and benefits, it seems no one cares about their jobs and they do not care about customer satisfaction. That's another rant though. I would rather stay focused on the subject at hand.

They still make new Playstation 3 consoles and they probably will for some time. Any new PS3 they make from now on will probably come bundled with a game just because it's now considered the budget system.

The last PS3 bundle was the 500 GB Lego Hobbit bundle for $249 and the next one is a 15 GB Disney Infinity 2 bundle for $249.

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Not sure if you've made a decision on this matter yet or not, but I would say that if your current console is still running well right, wait for a year or 2 more before buying a new one as your backup. I fully expect PS3s to be in production for a few more years, if not more. I mean, the ps2 was only stopped being manufactured a couple of years ago. 

So I would say wait until the price drops down some more and then get a console for your backup.

PS3 is still selling well all things considered and devs are still supporting so it's not going anywhere anytime soon.
bread's done