Need advice on being a web master for a music group company.


13 (100%)
I posted this in my blog but got no responses so I decided to post here.

In the last two weeks I have been in early talks with someone at my work about the possibility of managing his web site. At first I thought it was something small like for a small group of artists but after the meeting I had the other day it is bigger than I thought.

I explained to him that it would need to start small and progress as I learn more and more about the process and teach myself more coding. He wants me to do graphics, business cards, fliers, shirts , logos, websites for every artist under him and so on.

So here are my concerns:

-I have never done anything this big before.

-I have no idea what to charge him or his artists (for logos, business cards and so on)

-He wants me to maintain his web site thru which looks very promising and something I might be able to handle...but will be time consuming.

-We talked about either paying me out in one big sum or a monthly retainer.

-He is very serious with this as he is getting legal support for his artists and himself.

-He is actually a supervisor at my job so I see him everyday so I can't avoid him.

I really thought about setting up a contract between the two of us with some of the basics.

-I retain the rights to the original computerized artwork and files. Meaning anything I create, I keep the JPG's, AI files and so on. I can also use them to display in my portfolio if I wish to do so.

-I get two copies of every one of his artist albums. One signed and sealed, the other opened for my personal enjoyment free of charge.

-Legal support/defense provided free of charge for any copy right violation that I was not aware of or any suit brought to him or his company if a previous artist decides to go after him for anything that happened before I started working for him. For example if he gives me something that wasn't finished by a previous artist and I finish it and the other artist goes after him/me for not paying him for the work, then he has to provide free of charge legal defense and not hold me responsible for anything.

-An agreed payment plan. Either we agree on a set fee or he pays for things for me, like pay for a few classes here and there (like a web coding class or a network certification class). Something reasonable.

-Allowed to do side jobs if approached by another organization  that does similar work. This might get dicey as it might be a non-compete thing.

-I don't know if I should ask for a small percent of the profits because I don't know how the system works in the music industry. If I am basically the media manager doing all the advertising and so on to get them exposure, shouldn't I get a percentage of the profit? This part could really turn him off if I ask for too much.

My goal is to:

-Get enough money to get out of debt.
-Upgrade my software (still using Adobe CS 4, and would like to get the master collection with AE)
-Have that extra side income to help with things like emergencies or to put aside for vacation or other goodies.
-Exposure and having my work out there.

As for the guy I am working with for this job, I have basically known and worked with him for nearly 4 years. He is very professional and has helped me out before but he has kinda burned me in the past.
He is very serious about this and has a lot of backers. So everything seems legit and he has the money to make this thing take off. He is in a position that could help me out with my current career later on if he is impressed with my work.

What do you guys think?

bread's done