LEGO Deals 3

Not the next Lego movie I was expecting

It was announced a few months ago and the world went 'Okay....'.

And after watching the trailer I still feel that. I'm really upset that the racing themed LEGO movie got canceled. It sounded good.

The train station is tiny. EDIT - Also first sold out and Mushroom House was shortly after.
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yup, California lol.
probably the biggest story I have seen as far as amount of Lego sets and monetary value, but otherwise this is pretty common here.
ten years ago voters passed Prop 47, which was sold as reform for drug crimes and theft. any property theft under $950 is considered a misdemeanor citation, no arrest, basically a ticket. Thieves got wise to this and due to insurance, big box retailers will just let thieves walk out of the store, employees are only told to observe and report, don't engage the thieves.
I personally have seen a guy load up a cart with Lego and walk out of Target in a nice area of town, while security just watches. My local facebook marketplace is flooded with new, Lego sets selling for about 50%-60% of retail - now how can they afford to sell so cheap?
Anyways people are getting sick of it and law enforcement in some areas have divisions dedicated to organized retail theft rings and once in a while make big catches like in this story.
Yea, my son wants that X-Wing Starfighter in the foreground of the top photo. I'm gonna need Officer Carlson to "miscount" the quantity of that by one...
We taking bets on over half disappearing from the Evidence locker?

I don't think they are going to evidence locker. They will get lost on the way there.

My DARE officer went to prison for three years for stealing coke from the evidence locker. Several others were getting paid off for 20 years to look the other way on my neighbor selling pills. I have zero respect for the criminals in blue.

Never forget that cops steal more in civil asset forfeiture than burglars.
bread's done