Need help with a title for this old game


CAG Veteran
Alright so I used to watch my older brother play this game on the computer when I was a little kid. It was about a kid and his pet frog Horny (at least Im pretty certain thats the name of the frog). I only remember bits and pieces of the game, like you can make the kid badmouth at his teacher, he has a little sister (or maybe it was an older sister), he cut his finger and you need put stuff on it, and I think a ghost appeared at the front of the kid's house once.

Anyways, thats most of what I remember......And I know thats a pretty vague description but I figured anyone whos familiar with the game would pick up on it....I hope
The Adventures of Willy Beamish.

The PC-CD version is the best and can be played on dosbox. Sega CD version suffered from a very limited color palette and excruciatingly long load times.

Edit: reading your description seems like you remember many of the early parts of the game very well... Willy has both a younger and an older sister... great game that any kid who grew up in the early 90's (like me!) could relate to.
bread's done