Final Fantasy XI 08 Collection $20

What do you think are the chances of Amazon getting the PS2 version back in stock? Hasn't it been OOP/HTF for some time now?
[quote name='akilshohen']This is cheap, but I don't even want to try to get into a MMO[/quote]
same here, epecially one that is already been running for a good time time, bein a noob ain't no fun
[quote name='akilshohen']This is cheap, but I don't even want to try to get into a MMO[/quote]

There's aethetic problems with this game.

It's that there are either too few people or too many people at a time.

Once you reach Level 10, you're forced to traverse over highly dangerous land just to reach the first area where you can actually make a party. If you get killed on the way, you lose EXP.

Even better: Once you reach that area to party, you STILL need to reach the right spot. SAFELY.

And then you have to hope that there's actually a party that needs you in the first place.

And once you're high enough to get a subjob, you go back to your home area, get to level 10, and repeat the process above.

Bonus: In that partying area, there is NO way to deposit any items you find. You MUST visit your home area by foot and back again. And again to switch your subjob so you can level THAT up.

And if you want to have more than one character, Square Enix is so goddamn stingy that they want you to pay an extra dollar per month for every character you want.
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[quote name='eau']You can't play this one the slim PS2, can you? No HDD option on a slim PS2.[/QUOTE]

Nope. Fat PS2 or PS3 only.
I've played FFXI from 2004 to 2007.

While I had fun times, I just got bored of it. Plus, the grinding and leveling really took a lot of time and patience. It also made me miss a bunch of games that were released during that span of time.

Thank goodness I quit.

I had some pretty memorable experiences with this game. What ruined it for me was how punitive the game is if you die. You might lose hours (days!) of work. The grind to level 20 is absolutely brutal, and it's not until after 20 that the game really opens up.

If you have a couple of competent friends that are willing to go through it at the same pace with you, it's absolutely a blast; But if you are by yourself it can be a real b****.
I played this for a few years on the PC. Had a lot of fun in the process. Like the above posters mentioned, it can be a pain in the butt for the first 20 levels or so, but if you put the time in--I mean a lot of time--you can find an enjoyable experience. I grew bored of it after 3 years and had to call it quits. Some people are too hard core (ie. take the game way too seriously), but I guess that is how many MMO's are. Also, I found that when you leave a game world, your so called "friends" in there tend to forget you are still alive. I am getting side tracked. Have a super weekend.
I played for a couple of years. It's a massive timesink in every sense of the word, but it was also probably the most fun I've had in a videogame. It's not solo-friendly until much, much later in the game.
$20 is actually a good deal for everything plus a free month.
[quote name='Krymner']No offline mode.

I've always passed on FF XI because I've always heard that it is almost impossible to play solo.[/quote]

Every MMO out there is a timesink. Its just a matter of how much you are into them.
I liked it more than WoW or Guild Wars.

If you can find a party or have friends that play, its the best game out there. If you want to play by yourself, you're pretty much F'd. Finding a party can literally take hours and by the time you actually make your party and kill your first mob, the first guy to join the party has to eat dinner or something and its back to waiting.
This was my first mmo and I told myself my last, but it wasn't. I have so many fond memories and horrible memories of the game. I hate to say this, but I was really addicted in a bad way to this game, even when I cancel my account I would play on my friend's account. At the very least I made two very good friends I still talk to on a almost daily basis with. While everybody else I have little to no contact with, though they still did remember me when I did go back a couple months ago. Can't actually believe how many of my old friends still play this game and never actually quit at all. Kinda scary when you think of how long it takes to do things in the game. I put in over 100 days, yes days and I never reached cap on one job yet I knew people who had 3 or more at cap and were leveling another. Damnit, thinking about it now makes me kinda want to go back. :cry:
God... I really want to get this... but I have so many other games yet to play... As long as no other cags play, I'll be ok.
This game is is definately for the free rides in this game. The game was so hard yet so rewarding when you accomplished something. I have so many great memories about this game...every MMORPG I see I try to compare to FFXI...tried thanks wasn't for me. I have been looking for the next great MMORPG since I stopped playing this and have yet to find it. I sold two level 75 Characters in the game for over $700 total. I am getting the itch to break it out again...anyone with me!!!???
Yea man, I used to love this game. I remember buying the HDD the day it came out for the socom 2 levels... and then playing this game for a month for free. I was hooked. Played for years, but unfortunately I was too much of a 'casual' player (ended with a lvl 38 drk/war) and college was sucking up all my free time. So yea, thanks for all the fish, I guess.

Worth it if you have the free time, but yea, definitely not as fun as it was when it started (the amount of ppl, I mean).
I think that playing an MMO in the world of Final Fantasy is good, I played this from 04 to 06, but really this game does have issues and takes tremendous amounts of time. I personally am hoping for an improved version of this to come out sometime but I probably will wait until then (if it happens) before I get back into a Square Enix MMO.
bread's done