Silent Hill $5.99 on the PlayStation Store (PSN)


14 (100%)
sorry if this is a repost. i couldn't find it.

not really a deal since this is regular price but it's a deal for those who would otherwise have to pay a lot more for the disc version. should work on PSP too.

plus $5.99 might not last; i can see it going up to $9.99 like other popular PS1 games
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[quote name='TerraBemani']And now disk copies will drop in price big time.[/QUOTE]

Good... it's a GH game. There is no reason for the prices it reached in the aftermarket.
The price will not change. PS1 games stay the same price they launch at on PSN. The $9.99 prices were for big titles like FF7 and MGS. Yes, Tomb Raider did that as well, but I have no idea why since that game doesn't deserve it (and I'd like to see how poorly it's selling because of it).
[quote name='zenintrude']Good... it's a GH game. There is no reason for the prices it reached in the aftermarket.[/QUOTE] is about time. There is an obvious market for these games and Sony is missing out on new sales for titles they already earned money on years ago so the longer they take to get these out...the more money they are giving up to resellers on ebay. Same thing with was about time they released this title. I believe there were 100,000 downloads within the first week. :)
Oh, I thought this was a limited time pricing. Well I still have a black label SH1. Glad they're putting this stuff up. But it would be neat if they did some sort of trophy support akin to the achievements found in XBLA games. There are so many little easter eggs in these old games that I think they could add some creative trophies.
Even if you plan on getting Shattered Memories, get this. It'll be different enough to justify the cost of both.
[quote name='mkelehan']Even if you plan on getting Shattered Memories, get this. It'll be different enough to justify the cost of both.[/QUOTE]

Isn't SM doing away with all combat? If so, it's drastically different...
Unfortunately we will never get trophies on PS1 games. They are just disc images running on an emulator so it would take too much effort to recode the game just to add something like that. Also, these are playable on PSP and Sony has said that PSP will not get any trophies thanks to all the hackers. Sucks, I know, I would love them too, but just the way it is.

On another note, they really need to start getting more out because the Japanese Store DESTROYS the US store. Anyone taken a look at it? If you browse through the games there are categories because there are so many games. I think the Japanese store has just as many games in the Fighting category as we have total in the US store.
[quote name='TobalRox'] Also, these are playable on PSP and Sony has said that PSP will not get any trophies thanks to all the hackers. Sucks, I know, I would love them too, but just the way it is.[/QUOTE]

Ah, and now I know. Thanks for the input. That is quite logical of sony.
I think Sony is just copping out :) They say it will be "unbalanced" because of the hackers. Well, I'm comparing to my friends, so who cares if some people are out there cheating. Also, with the Go coming and digital downloads of games, they should add them to those versions of the games :) But that's me in a perfect world, which we all know we don't live in.
I have the disc version and when you shoot the gun you hear a screeching noise making the game unplayable. Does this release fix that problem for good or only if you have the PSN version?
[quote name='wildnuts02']sorry if this is a repost. i couldn't find it.

not really a deal since this is regular price but it's a deal for those who would otherwise have to pay a lot more for the disc version. should work on PSP too.

plus $5.99 might not last; i can see it going up to $9.99 like other popular PS1 games[/QUOTE]

Thanks for letting us know, I will definitely pick this up. That's all I seem to use my PSP for is playing old PSone games lol.
I picked this up along with Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen. PSN has really been getting a bunch of great PS1 games lately. Hopefully Soul Reaver, Parasite Eve, Chrono Cross and FFIX hit soon, but I'm not holding my breath

[quote name='PDJ']Thanks for letting us know, I will definitely pick this up. That's all I seem to use my PSP for is playing old PSone games lol.[/QUOTE]

That's a shame then. You're missing out on loads of good PSP games. IGN just put up an article on the Top 25 PSP games. Go check it out.
Was just about to mention Blood Omen coming too... This is probably my favorite PS1 game to come to the Store so far. Sony is slowly building momentum, but as I said, they have a LONG way to go to catch up to the Japanese Store. They have so many Square games on there if that's your thing and we just have one. Japanese store has Ehrgeiz, Vagrant Story, FF1 remake, etc. What I wouldn't give to be able to play Tobal 2 again :)
[quote name='Green Card200']I have the disc version and when you shoot the gun you hear a screeching noise making the game unplayable. Does this release fix that problem for good or only if you have the PSN version?[/QUOTE]
I had the same exact problem happen to me when I played my disc copy yesterday. I figured that I would just play my old copy rather than purchase it on the PSN store, but that screeching noise scared the crap outta me and made the game unplayable the second time that happened to me.

Can anyone confirm that this glitch is not in the PSN store copy? I doubt it would be, but would like confirmation before I purchase the same game twice.
[quote name='nflsonic']I had the same exact problem happen to me when I played my disc copy yesterday. I figured that I would just play my old copy rather than purchase it on the PSN store, but that screeching noise scared the crap outta me and made the game unplayable the second time that happened to me.[/QUOTE]
It's a known bug on the PS backwards compatibility list. I had the same issue right up front when I started the game, but later on it doesn't seem to happen nearly as often (in other words, it doesn't happen every time you shoot). I even forgot it was a bug after a while because it happened so few times.

And when it does happen, you can wait it out (pause, wait, the sound goes away) or just quickly save and reset from the menu. Not the best work arounds, I suppose, but I'm playing through for the first time and I'm loving the game (despite the really awkward controls and combat).

For $6 from PSN, this is a steal. I thought $25 for the hard copy disc wasn't bad a month ago. Whether or not the glitch is fixed, it's still very much playable.
[quote name='destro4eva']any chance this comes to XBL?[/QUOTE]

Yes, it comes as an achievement when you teabag 50 people online in Halo OSTD.
[quote name='omyard']That's a shame then. You're missing out on loads of good PSP games. IGN just put up an article on the Top 25 PSP games. Go check it out.[/QUOTE]

Well ok I lied, I play Star Ocean 2 also...which also happened to be on PSone first :p Haha seriously, I know there are some decent games on there (and I've gone through patapon, GoW, FFT, Disgaea, metal gear), but since I acquired my DSi from the amazon deal my PSP hasn't gotten any attention. I think I had about 7 DS games before the DSi even got to me, and I still have yet to open one of them. Too many good games with little time to play.

[quote name='destro4eva']any chance this comes to XBL?[/QUOTE]

I laughed too.
[quote name='zenintrude']lollerskatesssssssssssssssssssss... Surely, you can't be serious.[/QUOTE]

The same could be said about Symphony of the Night and Perfect Dark.
Bought it. This was my first PS one download. It's a pretty great bargain. Even includes the original manual in digital form and I copied it over to my PSP with no problems.

Also, just FYI, Shattered Memories is a complete re-imagining. It will be nothing like the original except for maybe some story elements here and there.
[quote name='chriscolbert']The same could be said about Symphony of the Night and Perfect Dark.[/QUOTE]

Was going to reply with the same thing about SOTN, not sure why Konami wouldn't release this on XBL too. I mean, SOTN is on there, why leave off Silent H?

Isn't Vandal Hearts re-do coming out on both systems?
SotN and Vandal Hearts were multiplatform games. They are both on the Saturn as well. And Microsoft owns Rare, who owns the Perfect Dark license. This couldn't be a more different scenario. Silent Hill is already being remade on the Wii; why would they remake/port it to XBLA for 1/5 the price?
My point is that we have no clue what Konami could do with it. The Silent Hill franchise has appeared on the 360 and they would make a lot more money even if they only charged $5 for a straight port than they would if they didn't do it at all. The last time I checked making money was a good thing. I seriously doubt that any exclusivity that may have applied back then would still be a factor since companies switch up all the time.
Wasn't there a pc version of Silent Hill 1 too? I know there's pc versions of 2-4 for sure. And I have the pc verison of Silent Hill 3.
[quote name='TerraBemani']Wasn't there a pc version of Silent Hill 1 too? I know there's pc versions of 2-4 for sure. And I have the pc verison of Silent Hill 3.[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately no.

Can anyone answer the earlier question as to whether or not the downloadable version fixes the sound bugs?
I never experienced a sound bug on my disc. That sucks that there is a potential for it. Certain televisions?

Man, PS3 trash-heads here. The SOTN argument rocked you.
Would be nice to get an XBLA version, but I wouldn't hold my breath. This is why I own both systems (and Wii).
dumb question... but is this a straight port or they boost the resolution a bit? do they add some smoothing filters or something? how does a psone game look on a ps3 hooked up to a hdtv?
[quote name='dejeckt']dumb question... but is this a straight port or they boost the resolution a bit? do they add some smoothing filters or something? how does a psone game look on a ps3 hooked up to a hdtv?[/QUOTE]

Honestly? Like shit. The bigger the tv, the worse it gets in my experience. It's a straight port but the PS3 has some upscaling which only helps a tiny bit. I've got a 47" HDTV and it doesn't look that good at all.

But they look awesome on the PSP, so I'll accept the trade off.
[quote name='dejeckt']dumb question... but is this a straight port or they boost the resolution a bit? do they add some smoothing filters or something? how does a psone game look on a ps3 hooked up to a hdtv?[/QUOTE]

It's just a disc image, it's exactly the same as putting the disc in the drive. With that said, as mentioned there are some filters as well, but it's not much of an improvement. Some games though i don't mind like Crash Bandicoot since it was just simple graphics to begin with.
thnx tobalrox and animalspinners; I prolly dl this none the less. survival horror genre running thin as of late (re5 doesn't count...); prolly download siren to boot too
[quote name='dejeckt']thnx tobalrox and animalspinners; I prolly dl this none the less. survival horror genre running thin as of late (re5 doesn't count...); prolly download siren to boot too[/QUOTE]

No problem. I still find that the PS1 downloads are pretty cool to get if you enjoy the game and it's something you can play over and over. The ability to play on your PS3 and your PSP is a nice feature, esp. since you can just transfer saves back and forth (ie, start at home and then continue on a road trip).
[quote name='TerraBemani']And now disk copies will drop in price big time.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='zenintrude']Good... it's a GH game. There is no reason for the prices it reached in the aftermarket.[/QUOTE]

Digital copies don't affect black/non-gh physical disc prices. The only way it will go down is if they re-released the black label original discs. FF7 is still selling for $35-$50 easily for used, Valkyrie Profile PS1 $60-$90 used, etc. Collector's don't care about digital copies. There's a reason why popular/rare mint SNES "Complete in Box" titles still sell for a premium even if you can download the rom easily.
[quote name='destro4eva']any chance this comes to XBL?[/QUOTE]

If it does, it would likely be at least $10, if not $15. Look at all the rubish they sell for $10 now. If SotN was released recently they would've charged at least $15. Don't get me wrong, XBLA has some very good games, but $10 seems to be the lowest most xbla games go for these days.
[quote name='wastedyears']If it does, it would likely be at least $10, if not $15. Look at all the rubish they sell for $10 now. If SotN was released recently they would've charged at least $15. Don't get me wrong, XBLA has some very good games, but $10 seems to be the lowest most xbla games go for these days.[/QUOTE]

This is true. Plus, if you buy it on live, you cannot play it on your PSP as well. Plus the 360 has the worst d-pad on the face of the earth. So there is that also.
[quote name='Perfect*Ending']If I have a PSP only and no PS3, can I still buy and play this?[/QUOTE]

Yep. Purchase it from the Playstation Store online from your pc and transfer it, or just log into the PSN from your PSP and buy it there directly.
[quote name='Perfect*Ending']If I have a PSP only and no PS3, can I still buy and play this?[/QUOTE]

See, this is the kind of stuff Sony really need to work out on educating people with. The fact that people don't know you can do stuff like that is something that can really hurt the Go when it is released if they don't get their act together. There are already a few download only games for PSP as well.

In case it wasn't clear, this is not an attack on original poster, but on Sony for not advertising properly.
bread's done