Ffxiii for ps3 or xbox 360


Hey everyone that has both systems what system did you get it for?? Im still debating which one leaning towards the PS3 no multi discs and they say it runs smoother.
I'm not sure of all the differences, but I did read somewhere that the PS3 version is in high-def, while the 360 version is not.
PS3 will look and sound a lot better. Only one disc so no switching nonsense. Really the only reason to bother with the 360 is if you really care about achievements.
[quote name='musha666']PS3 will look and sound a lot better. Only one disc so no switching nonsense. Really the only reason to bother with the 360 is if you really care about achievements.[/QUOTE]

Or if that is the only system you own.

I will get it for the PS3. Trophies or achievements don't matter to me. As long as it has one of them- I am okay with it.
I had it pre-ordered for the 360 just because I like the achievements and mainly because if there is a glitch and an update is needed, the 360 always seems to get updates quicker. Plus no long loads/install times compared to PS3. However, after debating for awhile I decided I better switch it to PS3 due to the compression of the Audio/Video. I read a review that said there is a noticable difference and that was enough for me to get it on the PS3 instead. Load times, install times, waiting for updates, and achievements be damned. The trophies shall be mine instead!

Plus, who knows if a 360 can survive a 30-100+ hour game without getting a Red Ring. Mine is probably already getting tired from the Dragon Age & Mass Effect 2 play-throughs it has had lately.
ya i really always lean towards towards my 360 if its dual platform cause i love achievements and gamerscore. But in this case I want the better game and I think that is for the ps3 thanks for your comments guys.
Definitely the PS3 version. I also saw a review that said the PS3 version was superior in this case. If you have both systems and don't care about achievements vs trophies, then go with the PS3 trophies, since there is no other reason to get the xbox version.
[quote name='mission42']I had it pre-ordered for the 360 just because I like the achievements and mainly because if there is a glitch and an update is needed, the 360 always seems to get updates quicker. Plus no long loads/install times compared to PS3. However, after debating for awhile I decided I better switch it to PS3 due to the compression of the Audio/Video. I read a review that said there is a noticable difference and that was enough for me to get it on the PS3 instead. Load times, install times, waiting for updates, and achievements be damned. The trophies shall be mine instead!

Plus, who knows if a 360 can survive a 30-100+ hour game without getting a Red Ring. Mine is probably already getting tired from the Dragon Age & Mass Effect 2 play-throughs it has had lately.[/QUOTE]

there's no HDD install for FFXIII. That said, I don't know about loading time differences. Loading's not bad in the PS3 version.

The PS3 is 'better,' but this whole console gen all of the bickering over the minutiae of detail that determine one as "better" than the other is so vastly overstated. With very, very few exceptions (e.g. Bayonetta), you won't even be able to pick out the differences without letting some super anal-retentive dude point them out for you.

I may pick it up for 360 b/c the PS3 trophy system is universal - so it won't give me a new "set" of trophies if I buy the US version and play it.

Yeah, it's good enough that I'd buy it and play it again.
[quote name='DPsx7']As with everything else, get the PS3 version. Anything on the 360 is just sloppy seconds.[/QUOTE]

lol ok...

[quote name='DPsx7']As with everything else, get the PS3 version. Anything on the 360 is just sloppy seconds.[/QUOTE]

yeah man, look how much better bayonetta is on the ps3.... oh wait...

ill get it on 360.. dont have a ps3, or the money to spend on a ps3. but if i had a ps3 id be getting it for the ps3 for the video/audio difference, and no disc swapping. but im just glad i get to play it. :)
PS3 is the answer you're looking for I'm afraid. Technically superior, PS3 d-pad > 360 d-pad (btw, you use the d-pad A LOT in FFXIII), 1 disc > 3 discs, etc.
[quote name='KingBroly']PS3 is the answer you're looking for I'm afraid. Technically superior, PS3 d-pad > 360 d-pad (btw, you use the d-pad A LOT in FFXIII), 1 disc > 3 discs, etc.[/QUOTE]

Interesting point about the dpad, didn't know that. i only have a 360 so obviously i'd go that route. I'm not concerned with switching discs. Either way, I'm sure it'll be good.
[quote name='mission42']I had it pre-ordered for the 360 just because I like the achievements and mainly because if there is a glitch and an update is needed, the 360 always seems to get updates quicker. Plus no long loads/install times compared to PS3. However, after debating for awhile I decided I better switch it to PS3 due to the compression of the Audio/Video. I read a review that said there is a noticable difference and that was enough for me to get it on the PS3 instead. Load times, install times, waiting for updates, and achievements be damned. The trophies shall be mine instead!

Plus, who knows if a 360 can survive a 30-100+ hour game without getting a Red Ring. Mine is probably already getting tired from the Dragon Age & Mass Effect 2 play-throughs it has had lately.[/QUOTE]PS3 FFXIII has zero install and pretty fast loading (from what I heard in Japan). That along with other things (like one disc, better sound, better graphics, etc.) make it the version to buy.
[quote name='crzyjoeguy']yeah man, look how much better bayonetta is on the ps3.... oh wait...

ill get it on 360.. dont have a ps3, or the money to spend on a ps3. but if i had a ps3 id be getting it for the ps3 for the video/audio difference, and no disc swapping. but im just glad i get to play it. :)[/QUOTE]
Wanna borrow my other PS3 to play it on? ;)
1 disc at 12x speed Does anybody know what the preload cap. is going to be. I am sure its gonna be a couple gig for sure. Also because of the 12x i bet there is going to be some loading.......
PS3: Better uncompressed audio, better cinematic visuals, one disc, better D-pad on the DS3.

Xbox 360: Better "achievement" system compared to Trophies, avatar stuff, installs to improve loading times, other Xbox Live stuff (like party chat).

Take your pick, both ways the differences are pretty insignificant. Your experience probably won't change much either way you go.
I have both a PS3 and a 360. I have over 80+ games on the 360 and under 15 for the PS3, so you can say I'm a bit of a 360 fanboy. Typically, my PS3 gathers dust and I use it for only exclusives. I buy all of my multi-player multi-platform games on the 360 because that is where my investment and friends are at.

With that said, I am also a Final Fantasy and Square fanboy and have decided on the PS3 version. There are some screen comparisons out there and I decided I'm too picky in this one case to play the 360. I actually think that most multi-platform games perform better on the 360 and the PS3 usually runs things like a high end computer video card, choppy and unrefined. Flame away if you wish. The thing is, Square is about the same as many 1st party companies and typically can really squeeze the juice out of a system if that is what they have the budget to do, and the PS3 was the lead system.

I did preorder both until screens had come out, but I switched to PS3.

Lastly, what do you WANT to have it on? These differences are kinda small-ish to teeter between the two.
[quote name='nddave']1 disc at 12x speed Does anybody know what the preload cap. is going to be. I am sure its gonna be a couple gig for sure. Also because of the 12x i bet there is going to be some loading.......[/QUOTE]

On most games from most companies this is true, but if you remember the past few Square Final Fantasy games they are pretty good with hiding load times. I played the import FF13 and did not notice much for loading times, and I'm picky.
Are trophies not the equivalent of Microsoft's achievement system? Either way, I was hoping there would be some DLC differences between the two consoles; I'm leaning towards the Playstation version not because of the DLC, but because I've always played FF games on a Sony console.

I do not want to sound like a Sony fanboy, but I feel that playing the game on a PS3 would bring back memories.
[quote name='crzyjoeguy']yeah man, look how much better bayonetta is on the ps3.... oh wait...

ill get it on 360.. dont have a ps3, or the money to spend on a ps3. but if i had a ps3 id be getting it for the ps3 for the video/audio difference, and no disc swapping. but im just glad i get to play it. :)[/QUOTE]

Your point being? Even that was better on PS3. 360 is just a kiddie knockoff console, the discount store version of everything on the market. Hardware, online, controller, game library, there's a reason M$ hasn't had a 'winner' yet. But that's not the point here, just get the PS3 version.
[quote name='DPsx7']Your point being? Even that was better on PS3. 360 is just a kiddie knockoff console, the discount store version of everything on the market. Hardware, online, controller, game library, there's a reason M$ hasn't had a 'winner' yet. But that's not the point here, just get the PS3 version.[/QUOTE]

you. stop. now.
I was planning on buying a PS3 in the near future anyway, so I'll be getting it for the PS3. Perhaps the 360 version won't look quite as bad as the comparison shots/videos make it seem, but I've had enough of the macro-blocked shitfest my cable provider calls "HD," so I'm kind of sensitive to these things.
I was gonna get the ps3 version, but then I heard that it has a slightly worse average framerate in cutscenes, so I decided against it.
Didn't we already have this thread? Wasn't there already a poll?
Anyway, for people hooked on Achievements, I can get why they'd want to play through it just for that. But personally, I think trophies are cooler. Anyway, it's pretty obvious that the PS3 version is much better graphically and performance-wise (no install, no disc-swaps, etc.). There's no multiplayer, so there's no reason to get the 360 version, except if you need the Achievements or can't figure out how to use the PS3 controller.

I'm rooting for the PS3 version to sell more though. I'm really hoping MS just wasted all the money, on advertising and paying SE to break the exclusivity, for nothing.
I'm not getting either version! I'll wait until the game goes on sale! I still got to finish Boarderlands and I haven't even opened demon souls....
It looks like the PS3 is the version to get. Apparently the "in-engine cutscenes" are actually compressed videos on the 360 version. That, plus higher fidelity audio/video and only 1 disc really make the PS3 version stand out.
[quote name='DPsx7']Your point being? Even that was better on PS3. 360 is just a kiddie knockoff console, the discount store version of everything on the market. Hardware, online, controller, game library, there's a reason M$ hasn't had a 'winner' yet. But that's not the point here, just get the PS3 version.[/QUOTE]


Just as pathetic as 360 fanboys.

Please, go away.

both parties need to stop the fanboy-ism, really gets on my nerves, when i'm trying to read some thread and you both throw your bullshit around, fanboys, shut the fuck up >_>

if you have only one system, get it for that, if you have both, get it for the ps3 and ill explain why

*the 360's version is 576p gameplay (videos are 720p? forgot)
*compression goes with the video quality listed up there ^ but also effects audio, yes everything is compressed, but ps3's compression for this game is without loss, note: ps3 is 720p gameplay, not a huge leap, but noticable to some (like me)
*the d-pad as someone mentioned, 360's dpad has problems, admit it fanboys, ps3's will help
*disk switching, not really an issue because the reps said you only have to do it 3 times ever (guess that means no theater like with ffx)
*cause the ps3 won't melt while playing it

the last one was a joke for the fanboys lol, really the old ps3's could melt just as much if enough system resources are used non stop for enough hours (which is why i switched to a slim after my box breaking down again)
Do you want to play a final fantasy game in HD? PS3 version then. Non-HD versions are available for people on food stamps and pirates.
I have both systems. I take the PS3 version. I like my videos in 1080p. I prefer achievements but I rather not switch 3 discs around. This will be the first multi platform game I choose PS3 over 360. And the PSN is free.
[quote name='DPsx7']As with everything else, get the PS3 version. Anything on the 360 is just sloppy seconds.[/QUOTE]

You're awesome. Never stop fighting for your dreams.

I'm probably going to get both long run, but PS3 on tuesday. Then probably 360 later in the year for a 2nd play through and achievements, when it's cheaper.
bread's done