Got sold a broken PS2 on CL that I was told worked...


I was told it was from a local chain that the guy works at that just had too much scuff on the case for them to sell but it works.

I have his name, phone number, email address, and where he works.

I am emailing him now about it.

If he doesn't reply, what do you guys think I should do? Show up where he works and explain he was selling stuff that they threw away/gave away for being broken? Give his number to /b/ as looking for hookups at 3AM EST? (I'm in Ohio)

Any ideas?
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Definitely show up. You're lucky to have the information of where he works. (Assuming that information is valid)[/QUOTE]

He was wearing one of their employee only shirts, so I'm guessing that's pretty good intel...
Was it buybacks? I hate that chain!!!!! I've bought a few things on Amazon from them, and it doesn't come as stated or comes and it's a pos!!!
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What kind of exchange did you work out? It wasn't at a residence where you could actually test it out and connect it to a TV and maybe even spin a disc in it for a a few minutes? :whistle2:?
[quote name='TXboxGuY']What kind of exchange did you work out? It wasn't at a residence where you could actually test it out and connect it to a TV and maybe even spin a disc in it for a a few minutes? :whistle2:?[/QUOTE]

No, I don't go into other people's houses for CL deals or have them come to mine unless my mom or brother is there with me since they have CCWs.
I don't know if you get the guy in trouble by just showing up at the store like that. Who knows if he took it from the store or not, or if he was selling it on the stores behalf. You can just try calling him just to see what he says and if that goes no where I would just show up at the store. I hope you don't get burned!!

[quote name='dabamus']No, I don't go into other people's houses for CL deals or have them come to mine unless my mom or brother is there with me since they have CCWs.[/QUOTE]

Is that legal in Ohio? Or just a lot of easier to get there. It's practically impossible to get a CCW permit here in Cali.
Sounds like a shady practice for the company. I bet they bought the PS2 from a customer, assumed it fully worked and when it didn't, dump it off on some unsuspecting schmuck (no offense, OP).

I would show up at the local Buybacks, making sure the guy is there. If they refuse to refund you your money, contact higher up in the company, as this may be a store-level tactic to better their numbers.
I would go into the store (accompanied), bring it in with me and first speak to him. If he doesn't apologize and return the cash immediately...speak to the manager/owner and ask for his/her help.
IF you don't have your cash by that point, let him know you will be filing in small claims and he will then be paying court costs on top of the unit costs (YOU have witness to the transaction with your family and you will win).
I would be amazed if he doesn't fold at that point...

I've only bought one console of CS (our 2nd 60 gb PS3) I took a friend and went to his home to see it issues after now a couple years...

Good luck! and are you seeking a slim or fatty? How much was it...?
[quote name='donut']i would go into the store (accompanied), bring it in with me and first speak to him. If he doesn't apologize and return the cash immediately...speak to the manager/owner and ask for his/her help.
If you don't have your cash by that point, let him know you will be filing in small claims and he will then be paying court costs on top of the unit costs (you have witness to the transaction with your family and you will win).
I would be amazed if he doesn't fold at that point...

i've only bought one console of cs (our 2nd 60 gb ps3) i took a friend and went to his home to see it issues after now a couple years...

Good luck! And are you seeking a slim or fatty? How much was it...?[/quote]

Well, he emailed me back claiming it worked a few days ago when he tested it.

I'm calling BS. I'm gonna give him a call in a little bit since I was my money back now, and not in a few days.
If he definitely claimed that it worked before you bought it then yeah, bust em up.

If he was selling it on craigslist THROUGH the store, as in, using the store as a credible source that the console works then I would show up at the store and get my money back.

But if he was trying to sell it personally on craigslist I would probably just deal with him personally first, if he refuses to give your money back I would then go to the store.
He wasn't claiming to sell it through the store, but when I asked if it was something from there he said yes.

I'm gonna call in a little bit and if he doesn't answer or answers and says he is at work then I'm taking a little trip to the store.
I don't think the store can do anything for you. Just because he works for a game store doesn't mean that they are liable for his actions. I hate to say it, but sounds to me like you're SoL
Last I checked most craigslist sellers have a policy of not accepting returns. If you aren't getting something cheap enough to be ok with it not working, you shouldn't be buying it without testing it.
[quote name='yourlefthand']Last I checked most craigslist sellers have a policy of not accepting returns. If you aren't getting something cheap enough to be ok with it not working, you shouldn't be buying it without testing it.[/QUOTE]

The trick around here is getting the idiots to even show up to buy the items from them or sell them something. People on there are time wasters or want you to cater to their terms. If I'm selling something I'm not gonna drive halfway to China and then on top of it all meet them in the parking lot of a shopping center after hours and that's if they even list the item(s) in some detail that's reasonable.

Most people around here list "PS2 with 20+ games" and then instead of taking the 4-5 minutes to list the games will email you back constantly to 'call me and I'll tell you the games'. Either that or if you ask if all of the games are sports games they'll lie and say no, but when prodded for the titles of the non sports ones they can't think of them.:roll:

Speaking of which, I wonder if anyone responded to my CL ad I posted(Transformers: WFC for under $40) as of yet.:lol: Chances are if I have any responses it's probably "I'll give you $20 for it", even though my price is listed as FIRM.:roll:
[quote name='dabamus']He wasn't claiming to sell it through the store, but when I asked if it was something from there he said yes.

I'm gonna call in a little bit and if he doesn't answer or answers and says he is at work then I'm taking a little trip to the store.[/QUOTE]

not sure what you want the store to do you expect the store to give you a new system.... so if i buy a ps3 off someone on ebay who works at best buy and they got the system from best buy 2 years back and its now broken you expect the store to give me a new one just cause the seller,worked and got the system there..... also about small claims court . even if you take them there its your word against theirs

who is to say you didnt break the system

mostly your SOL and if i was the seller and you continue to bug me at work i would sue you for stalking so i be very careful for what you do cause this could all back fire on you very very quickly

few years back i was selling Ds games on CL... women emails me saying i give you 60 bucks for 5 games ... well everything was set up and right before we was to meet at a walgreens i get an email from their kid saying

We are only giving you 20 bucks for the 5 games cause we can get them off ebay for that much (what was a lie) and you have to sell these games to us cause you say you would sell them in the email or we will sue you.i told them to go #$#$ themself and sue me if they wanted cause they voided the deal by changing the price.. little prick emailed me a few time after that saying i had so many days or i will be sue... i finally told them I kept every one of their emails and would be very happy if they sued me cause i have proof of the price we first agreed to and all of the nasty letters they sent after that bugging me... prick never sent another email after that .. but i did see on cl they were posting
BUYING DS GAMES TOP PRICE and im sure they pulled that same shit with differnt people
[quote name='slidecage']not sure what you want the store to do you expect the store to give you a new system.... so if i buy a ps3 off someone on ebay who works at best buy and they got the system from best buy 2 years back and its now broken you expect the store to give me a new one just cause the seller,worked and got the system there..... also about small claims court . even if you take them there its your word against theirs

who is to say you didnt break the system

mostly your SOL and if i was the seller and you continue to bug me at work i would sue you for stalking so i be very careful for what you do cause this could all back fire on you very very quickly

few years back i was selling Ds games on CL... women emails me saying i give you 60 bucks for 5 games ... well everything was set up and right before we was to meet at a walgreens i get an email from their kid saying

We are only giving you 20 bucks for the 5 games cause we can get them off ebay for that much (what was a lie) and you have to sell these games to us cause you say you would sell them in the email or we will sue you.i told them to go #$#$ themself and sue me if they wanted cause they voided the deal by changing the price.. little prick emailed me a few time after that saying i had so many days or i will be sue... i finally told them I kept every one of their emails and would be very happy if they sued me cause i have proof of the price we first agreed to and all of the nasty letters they sent after that bugging me... prick never sent another email after that .. but i did see on cl they were posting
BUYING DS GAMES TOP PRICE and im sure they pulled that same shit with differnt people[/QUOTE]
:rofl: You ever see the ad I posted a link to in the CL stupidity thread and the followup emails from the guy saying how he was 'gonna get his state police buddy after me and I was fucked for reposting his ad here on CAG'?

I think it was about 3-4 months ago. The guy was selling something for a ridiculous price, so I emailed him asking what kinda drugs he was smoking, which was perhaps a bit harsher than I should've been. But the hilarity that ensued was priceless.
I was just going to the store to see if he was there.

He works 11-4 tomorrow according to them, so I'll drop by then if he still doesn't answer the phone or email me back. (he said he'd contact me in a few days about giving me my money back)
I just got ahold of him on the phone. Now he claims it was packed up in his basement and worked before he packed it up... me smells BS in the air...
How much did you pay for the PS2 though? To me Craigslist is ALWAYS buyer beware and I treat everything as 'as-is' when buying it from there. Although I've rarely bought anything from there. I mainly sell on there and I mark stuff up 20-25% from what I truly want, so it gives people room to 'haggle'. Then they feel as if they got a good deal and I get what I want for the items.

But if they come out with some ridiculous opening offer like offering me $5 for some PS3/360 game I may put an ad up to sell, they don't even get a response or if they do I ask them how much crack they've been smoking.
Yeah, if they massively lowball me with an offer I try to think up a witty retort.

Anyways, this was $10 for console only. Oh well, he said he'd give me a call tomorrow so I'll take it with me while I'm oot and aboot guide hunting. (hopefully not cut short :D )
[quote name='dabamus']Yeah, if they massively lowball me with an offer I try to think up a witty retort.

Anyways, this was $10 for console only. Oh well, he said he'd give me a call tomorrow so I'll take it with me while I'm oot and aboot guide hunting. (hopefully not cut short :D )[/QUOTE]
Guide hunting? You know something we don't in the guide thread? Or just have that many untapped GS/BB stores?:D I wish mine were like a few I've seen in my travels, where they put the $.01 stickers on them and on the shelf and just let people have at them.

Instead I get some smarmy answer from the clerks who think they know more than me about them.:rofl:
No, I just saw that a bunch fell off the site so I figured I'd go check it out in the morning since I have nothing better to do. :D
The laser/disc drive is broken. I put the disc in and boot it up and it won't even spin the disc at all.
It could just be a disconnected ribbon cable inside the PS2. I've opened up quite a few fat PS2's in my time, even took one down to the base components and let it sit there for 3 weeks to a month all taken apart, just to see if I could put it back together and have it work right.

There's at least 1-2 cables that can cause quite a few headaches if they're disconnected/crimped/punctured(usually by idiots trying to open and work on a PS2 when they don't know what the fuck they're doing inside it:roll:).

For example. there's a ribbon cable connected to the top part of the PS2's case(that comes off like a lid with the ribbon still keeping the top part attached the rest of it when it's opened via that cable)that operates the eject/reset/power buttons on the front right portion of the system.

If that slips out of it's little slot it goes into, you usually have to get a pair of tweezers and a small flashlight to try and get it back into the slot. Otherwise you're fumbling with it and it's major pain in the ass.

There's also a ribbon cable connecting the controller/memory card ports that if the clasps holding it in place are damaged on either end the ports may not work right ever again without a replacement clasp being put in.

As I said, I've worked on quite a few of these and usually it's something really simple and stupid to fix them.

FYI: These ribbon cables are made of little metal strips and PAPER from what I've seen, so they're pretty easily punctured.:whistle2:#
[quote name='dabamus']Anyways, this was $10 for console only.[/QUOTE]

Now I see why you didn't mention how much you paid for it until now.

This thread belongs somewhere within a Twilight forum amidst other whining 12-year-old girls about teeth-grindingly pointless crap.

The rant is too damn why.
I would never buy a console on CL without testing it. I once bought rockband stuff and made the guy invite me in to play for a little while. He seemed like a cool guy and I didn't get a bad vibe off of him.

I'm gonna go with others and say you are SOL. I reccomend appealing to his better nature because that's the only way to get the money back.

Try messing with the ps2 like standing it up, laying it flat or even hitting it a little. My ps2 fatty won't play vertically but works horizantally. My dreamcast a while back wouldn't play and I just tapped it and it started to work. Yeah, not the best method but give it a shot, it aint working anyways.
The only thing I know buybacks sucks, period! I don't even have one in my state and the closest one is at least 1000 miles away to know they are bad. To have been burned a few times on Amazon was all it took, I do give them this they have excellent customer service. They sent me pre-paid envelopes both times I had a problem with them.
[quote name='Kerig']Now I see why you didn't mention how much you paid for it until now.

This thread belongs somewhere within a Twilight forum amidst other whining 12-year-old girls about teeth-grindingly pointless crap.

The rant is too damn why.[/QUOTE]

You didn't see his rant about "Best Lie" during the last guide drop, did you?:lol: I thought I was bad, but I don't think I ever called to complain to corporate about being denied.
I would think something would be fishy about someone selling a used console for such a low price. Doesn't make it right that he sold you a broken console, but I'd always be cautious (especially if it's not from an establishment that you can actually return the product to.)
On CL, it's buyer beware. Considering most of us won't allow somebody in our homes and won't venture into somebody else's house, you have to buy everything "as-is" as you really don't have much recourse if the item is broken or damaged. If this were me, I'd take it apart and see if it was fixable. If not, chalk it up as a lesson learned and move on.
so your bugging this guy at work for 10 bucks..... if the guy was smart he would give you the 10 bucks back and then sue you for stalking ... you would look stupid if he got fired and they would come back and sue your #$#$# for way more then 10 bucks...
I didn't catch this, but is it the fat or slim PS2? If it's the slim, make sure none of the sensors are actually pushed down. I can help you with that.

Even still, use FMCB which is free. You can burn your games and boot them with a hard drive.
[quote name='karkyco']FLOL all this for $10? Yeesh, I would just list it for $20 "as is" on craigslist :lol:[/QUOTE]
You didn't see his Worst Buy/Best Lie rant about penny guides from the last drop, did you? He called corporate and then complained because the CSR 'lied to him about the guides' or something like that.

I know I used to get in a huff if I wasn't sold a guide that pennied and I thought about contacting corporate before, but that would just make it worse for everyone else grabbing them.
Put up a listing on craigslist for this listed as is with the description of what's wrong with it and that some tool named Jeremy Nolan ripped me off and said it worked when it didn't. I am just asking for my $10 back for the broken PS2.

Here's an email I got just now in reply to the ad:
Jeremy Nolan is a douche I went to sccool with tha $$$$a and he once tried to sell oregano on tha playground. His ass got served by tha princeable. $$$$a would hussle his momma for a quicc bucc.
[quote name='dabamus']Put up a listing on craigslist for this listed as is with the description of what's wrong with it and that some tool named Jeremy Nolan ripped me off and said it worked when it didn't. I am just asking for my $10 back for the broken PS2.

Here's an email I got just now in reply to the ad:[/QUOTE]

Wow dude you're going trough all this for $10.
bread's done