Fable: The Lost Chapters (XB).. out now!?


72 (100%)
WTF? I've been waiting on this for a while. EBGames.com still doesn't have a date and Gamestop says "11/1/05".. but Gamespot says it shipped out yesterday!!


Fable for the Xbox was rereleased today as Fable: The Lost Chapters, and it's part of the $19.99 Platinum Hits collection.

Fable: The Lost Chapters
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Developer: Lionhead Studios
Genre: Action Role-Playing
Platform: XBOX
Release Date: Oct 18, 2005


What in the hell is going on? I know that MK: Deception got added to the Platinum Hits lineup, so maybe this week they launched a bunch of new platinum hits? Can someone that works at a game store (or maybe even someone that might have the XBox version) tell me what the hell is going on?
Yeah. They changed it to a "Platinum Hits" title two or three months ago. Originally, I guess, it wasn't going to be, as the cover art was entirely different (and not silver).

I'm a little disappointed by this fact, as I'm a purest in video game cases. I don't like the style of the budget boxes. ;o

But, yeah; it's out today (or shipped today). I'm gonna get it a little later today. I hope it's a fresh enough spin on the title to keep my attention (like the last one).

As for new Platinum Hits... *shrugs* I don't think so.
Yeah. They changed it to a "Platinum Hits" title two or three months ago. Originally, I guess, it wasn't going to be, as the cover art was entirely different (and not silver).

I'm pretty sure it was never added as a Platinum Hits until TLC, but I know there was a cover art change.. sorta. I know that they decided to bundle the pre-order DVD's with the normal game and it had a blurb about it on the box.. but I don't recall it ever going PH before now.

I'm a little disappointed by this fact, as I'm a purest in video game cases. I don't like the style of the budget boxes.

As am I. I'm still upset that TLC comes as a PH game and there isn't a normal style case for it.

And why'd you take me off your friends list on XBL? Or maybe I overlooked something. We wanted to get a game of XML2 going the other night and were told that you were on, but I didn't see you on my friends list.
It may mean it shipped to retailers. I am going nuts for Stubbs the Zombie, which "shipped to retailers" on Monday. I have a Best Buy gift certificate and so I am waiting for it to become available at Best Buy.

I continue to wait and go slowly insane. ;-)
[quote name='Scorch']I'm pretty sure it was never added as a Platinum Hits until TLC.[/quote]

Well, right. I meant that The Lost Chapters wasn't originally billed as a Platinum Hits title until two or three months ago, which is an odd surprise... kind of, anyway. On GameSpot (a couple of months ago), the cover art was the new cover art, but on a regular Xbox case. Then is magically changed to my disappointment.

I guess they're just killing two birds with one stone.

And it's odd how it's release date entirely slipped under the radar and there's been zero press as far as Lost Chapters or the PH change goes. Kinda dumb.

[quote name='Scorch']And why'd you take me off your friends list on XBL? Or maybe I overlooked something. We wanted to get a game of XML2 going the other night and were told that you were on, but I didn't see you on my friends list.[/QUOTE]

I've noticed that on every title other than Halo 2, when you select somebody's name, the default action is to "Remove Friend From List". I've lost count of how many times I've done this (especially on Far Cry).

In fact, it took me over thirty minutes to get in a game with craven fiend and Sticky Waffles on Project Snowblind (the Comedy Game) because we kept removing eachother from our lists. The layout on that game was terrible... as was the entire game, itself.

If you can, add me next time you get on because I won't be on until later tonight, or something. I'll try to remember if you don't.
[quote name='Venkman']It may mean it shipped to retailers. I am going nuts for Stubbs the Zombie, which "shipped to retailers" on Monday. I have a Best Buy gift certificate and so I am waiting for it to become available at Best Buy.

I continue to wait and go slowly insane. ;-)[/QUOTE]

I think you're going to definitely go insane, because I don't think Best Buy is going to carry Stubbs the Zombie ever. I was told yesterday that they will not be receiving any copies. They do carry the soundtrack though.
I've noticed that on every title other than Halo 2, when you select somebody's name, the default action is to "Remove Friend From List". I've lost count of how many times I've done this (especially on Far Cry).

Wow, and we've been needing an extra person to join us in Far Cry. Yeah, I've almost done that a few times, but it does give you a confirmation asking if you want to really remove the person from the list. Far Cry also seems to auto-accept friends or something, I just put 'add to friends list' and they show up, I don't know if it sends a request or not. It may, they may just be accepting the request really quickly, I dunno. But yeah, i'll add you back right now.
[quote name='shipwreck']I think you're going to definitely go insane, because I don't think Best Buy is going to carry Stubbs the Zombie ever. I was told yesterday that they will not be receiving any copies. They do carry the soundtrack though.[/QUOTE]

I went there yesterday to get it and they said they weren't getting it until the 20-something-th. I wanted to kill two birds with one stone by picking up Land of the Dead and Stubbs the Zombie in one swift stroke... but Land of the Dead wasn't even on sale. So I went to GameCrazy (where I should've went to begin with).

Constant reminders of why I don't like Best Buy. ;o
Is Fable:TLC out or not?

When you click on 'Buy it' on GameSpot it brings you to a blank page, I guess thats a good sign that their date is wrong.

I just went to GameStop.com and it says Fable:TLC isn't coming out till 11/1/05, then I went over to EBgames.com and it says Fable (NEW) is Back Order, which I asume is because TLC is replaceing it. also IGN has it listed as Oct 2005.
I just called my local EB and they have it in stock, so you might want to check your local stores. I'll be picking it up at lunch.

If anybody knows...

Do I have to replay the entire game to play the new levels, or can I just convert my save from the old Fable over to the new game?
[quote name='Scahom1']If anybody knows...

Do I have to replay the entire game to play the new levels, or can I just convert my save from the old Fable over to the new game?[/QUOTE]
I think you need to restart the game. The new levels are prolly at different times in the game.
I think it was Gamespot that said any saves from the original Fable won't work here - so you'll have to replay it. Hey, at least it's a good game...

Okay, so I just got back from lunch. EB's computer said they had two copies, but the guy couldn't find them. He thought maybe they were put aside as reserved. The Gamestop guy was a complete asshole - he was completely confident it wasn't coming out until 11/1, and then when he looked into the computer it didn't have a date at all and just said "preorder", so he said probably not "until next year". I love it when these guys are so informed of their products...

This release is really weird - no one has it listed online, so it's hard to tell exactly who has it and who doesn't. At the very worst, I'm not in any hurry to play it so I can wait until it's more readily available. It just bothers me that so many people have no idea about this.

[quote name='CapAmerica']you sure EB might have mistaken the Normal Fable for TLC? or maybe the PC version for the Xbox version?[/QUOTE]

He might have - he didn't seem like the brightest guy, but I specifcally said Lost Chapters for Xbox, should be new to stores today.

[quote name='shipwreck']I just saw a copy of it at GameRush, so it's definitely out.[/QUOTE]

I'd love to buy it and show it to the guy at Gamestop. What a complete prick that guy was...

WTF?!?! So now there's a "more loaded" version (ala Ninja Gaiden Black) of Fable coming out for $20?
fucking shit, I just bought the regular for $20 (minus $5 at BB of course...)
[quote name='Blustrk98']WTF?!?! So now there's a "more loaded" version (ala Ninja Gaiden Black) of Fable coming out for $20?
fucking shit, I just bought the regular for $20 (minus $5 at BB of course...)[/QUOTE]

Where have you been for the last 5 months since it was announced?
[quote name='pimpinc333']Where have you been for the last 5 months since it was announced?[/QUOTE]

off the grid baby!
[quote name='Scorch']WTF? I've been waiting on this for a while. EBGames.com still doesn't have a date and Gamestop says "11/1/05".. but Gamespot says it shipped out yesterday!!


Fable: The Lost Chapters
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
Developer: Lionhead Studios
Genre: Action Role-Playing
Platform: XBOX
Release Date: Oct 18, 2005


What in the hell is going on? I know that MK: Deception got added to the Platinum Hits lineup, so maybe this week they launched a bunch of new platinum hits? Can someone that works at a game store (or maybe even someone that might have the XBox version) tell me what the hell is going on?[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the thread, but we already figured this out last week that it's coming out this week. Check out MS's site for confirmation from the publisher.
[quote name='Jaket']damn... NO ONE in my town has it in stock :([/QUOTE]

Same. None of them ever got it shipped to them. I haven't checked GameStop, yet... and I don't really want to.

I walked into GameCrazy where I was(n't) greeted by a new female employee who was watching American Pie on one of the T.V.s. I asked if they had the new Fable Platinum Hits disc. And she asked, "For what system?" I almost walked out the door.
[quote name='Brak']I walked into GameCrazy where I was(n't) greeted by a new female employee who was watching American Pie on one of the T.V.s. I asked if they had the new Fable Platinum Hits disc. And she asked, "For what system?" I almost walked out the door.[/QUOTE]

Was she at least cute? With a brain like that you could have probably had your way with her in the back.
I was hoping that they would have added multiplayer (although they would have been hyping it up in that case) like they were going to have in the original Fable before they cut it due to time restrictions. I'm still playing the original Fable (I think I'm on my 4th or 5th profile) so it might still be worth it.
[quote name='godmike007']Was she at least cute? With a brain like that you could have probably had your way with her in the back.[/QUOTE]

Nah. My brain went into feril mode the minute I detected the presence of a female, checking her out and seeing if she'd be a suitable mate for my king's genes. She was ugly and stupid. :(
I'm not sure if I should get the PC version or the Xbox version.

The main reason I wanted the Xbox version in the first place was because I wanted to use old characters on it, but if I can't, I might as well get it for PC.

Except it's $30 more. Dammit.
I've read the PC version supports 16x9 widescreen resolution, so it's hoped that the re-release for the Xbox does the same (the original Fable wasn't widescreen). I hope that this feature, more than the extra levels themselves, made it into the TLC re-release.

Still can't find it anywhere though. Might have to just order online.

Snathed the last one from my local Gamerush tonight. One of the girls there wasn't too happy. She was planning on buying it after she got off.
sweet, i'll probably get it during the toys r us sale. i would prefer the normal box, but i got over it with twin snakes.
I got it earlier today. I hope I can play some after work. I want that chicken helmet. ;o
picked one up today new quests. new items and new spells ....very exciting and it supports HDTV. The original Fable gave me problems on my WEGA.
[quote name='dsullo']picked one up today new quests. new items and new spells ....very exciting and it supports HDTV. The original Fable gave me problems on my WEGA.[/QUOTE]
The original supported HDTV as well. There was a specific order in how you booted up and it would work fine.
I'm gonna take screenshots of my Fable character's metamorphosis... for something to do. ;o
I was surpised to see it in EB today. I just walked in there and bam, there it was. I didnt expect it to be released so fast.... At a first glance I thought it was just the PH version of Fable (as I thought it would have a slightly different cover), but it was indeed the Lost Chapters. I dont like the new additions to the nomral art, it looks a bit lighter and the PH logo doesent fit in well.
[quote name='jeffreyjrose']Well, I'm going to have to sell my regular Fable, then go pick this up! If anyone is interested in purchasing my mint regular Fable, PM me.

In other news, people on Ebay don't know the MSRP of this game!

Perhaps a few of you can make enough to have your copy for free.
I love how it is up to $50 when it is a PH case. Don't they know all PH are $20?
[quote name='mcgavin27']I love how it is up to $50 when it is a PH case. Don't they know all PH are $20?[/QUOTE]

Alot of people are having a hard time finding it. Sounds like Gamestop stores received very few quantities. Like 1-3 at each store, if that. I may be wrong but when I checked gamefaqs most people claim to have bought the only copy the stores received.
i ran by like 4 stores today, but unforutnately didnt see the PH version of fable (naturally, i sold my original version of fable on ebay a couple months ago when i heard about the new content). Eh, doesnt matter, i have to wait for best buy to get it on the shelf so i can use some of the mcdonalds bucks
[quote name='dsullo']Alot of people are having a hard time finding it. Sounds like Gamestop stores received very few quantities. Like 1-3 at each store, if that. I may be wrong but when I checked gamefaqs most people claim to have bought the only copy the stores received.[/QUOTE]

Yup my GS only got three. Hopefully they get more since I didn't buy it.
Does anyone know if the fixed the load times at all, it drove me nuts in the original watching load screens every 3 minutes. If this is fixed I will pick up copy ASAP, thanks
bread's done