Is it legal to download music off MySpace Artist page?

Not if it's the actual artist's page because it's their music. But I would imagine that if someone puts up a page in honor of a band, without their explicit permission, it would be illegal.
Xevious, IP address + Federal agency = d00m
shit i havent heard of anyone getting sued for downloading music on myspace so i guess its okay..

Wouldnt Myspace by liable for hosting unauthorized music? I mean the appearance of the page layouts are suggesting everything is legit. fuck it if i get sued i'll blame it on MYspace.
Oh come on you guys...

Suppose I put up on my site a .zip file of wallpapers that happens (by mistake, or maybe on purpose) to contain an RIAA mp3 file.

Do you really think people who download the file could be held accountable?
LoL, I guess when the RIAA sued some individuals to scare everyone using P2P apps it worked.

You won't get in trouble for downloading the songs. You could if you hosted the files though.
Nope, I'd bet it's fine. I DL'ed the Boondock songs when they were up on the guys site. Really, I find myself heading to myspace only for that stuff as I hate every person's site I've seen on it. Myspace is the most un-aesthetically appealing site on the net. It's an absolute eye-sore, an assualt on the eyes (and sometimes ears), and on ones intelligence.
[quote name='BodyShot213']shit i havent heard of anyone getting sued for downloading music on myspace so i guess its okay..

Wouldnt Myspace by liable for hosting unauthorized music? I mean the appearance of the page layouts are suggesting everything is legit. fuck it if i get sued i'll blame it on MYspace.[/QUOTE]
Yes, it's likely that MySpace would be the ones sued for putting it up.
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Yes, it's likely that MySpace would be the ones sued for putting it up.[/QUOTE]

And even then, I doubt it. The RIAA doesn't mind going up against countries and governments, but they would never touch Rupert Murdoch.
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