How tough is the DS fatty?


75 (100%)
i'm buying my 5yr old girl a DS this christmas. its a fatty. how durable are these versions. i'm always monitoring her use of my ds lite because it doesn't seem very durable specifically the flip top. also what are some games she could maybe play and like. keep in mind this is her first gaming portable/system.

games i have that she plays:
cooking mama
princess peach
oh yeah, she likes to draw on it in the pictochat...any word on a mario paint type game?

might pick up barbie game

any gba games to be on the look out for her?
my ds tank is the toughest handheld i own (have a gb, gbc, gba sp) :) works wonders

Edit: maybe disney meteos? might be a bit complicated for her though
The big DS's are very durable. The screen can snap back and into place without damage.

I hear the Tomagatchi games are pretty fun for kids.

How about Electroplankton? I've never played it, but I hear it's fun to just mess around with. It seems like a child would be able to enjoy it.
What about Animal Crossing?? I remember seeing someone who said their 3 year old liked to play the GC version, so I would think she could handle it... and I think just about any little girl would like it, what with all the cute animals and the clothes and furniture and such. There are also those board game compilations out on GBA... i think one of them has candyland, mouse trap, etc... might be good.

And I second Tamagotchi... if she likes Cooking Mama, she'd probably like those. Thought these games are sort of limited content wise, and I don't think I'd pay $30.... they ought to be budget titles. If you can find it cheaper, though...

I can't wait until I have kids that I can introduce video games to ;P

I never did anything that would have damaged my DS... but I remember reading at the Nintendo forum about people who did things like run their DS through the washer, or drop it in the toilet (ewww), and the freakin thing STILL worked... or so they claimed.
Nintendogs is a definite. Girl + Kid = Solid

Maybe Super Princess Peach or NSMB if she can grasp a solid platformer. We all played Mario @ her age or younger. (I did at least). So maybe she could handle it.

Electroplankton if she likes to make noises.

not many options I can think of. But def nintendogs, that keeps all little kids occupied forever and a day.
Other good games she may like:

Mario Kart DS
Clubhouse Games
Brain Age

The only problem with the DS fat is that the hinge is pretty weak. If she drops it or something while the DS is open, it may break. If its closed however, its the toughest handheld system I own.
I second Mario Kart Ds, my four year old plays that all the time on the DS. We bought a used 'fatty' just for him so he would not damage our DS Lites.
They're pretty durable. Just don't get into a fake fight and do a super action packed table roll, throwing yourself into a wooden chair, then onto a tile floor with the DS in your pocket.... me, it will break.
well i got princess peach and nintendogs from cags, so i'll see how those go with her. in the mean time, i'll keep an eye out for electroplankton. thanks.
I highly doubt she'd like electroplankton long term. It's something that requires and aquired taste :)

Nintendogs? Most defintely. Princess Peach? Go for it. I would think Animal Crossing and Brain Age would be too hard / too much to read for a 5-year-old.
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