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Halo: Spartan Assault launches in North America today

Top-down arcade shooter slated for Windows 8-operated PCs, tablets, and Windows Phone 8 devices; no word on game's release date outside of the US.


343 Industries and Vanguard Games' Halo spin-off title, Halo: Spartan Assault, will be available for download from July 18 for Windows 8-operated PCs, tablets, and Windows Phone 8 devices, according to Microsoft. The game costs $6.99.

Halo Spartans are going all Smash TV this week.
Halo Spartans are going all Smash TV this week.

The mobile version will only be available on Verizon Wireless until August 16. The game requires 1GB RAM on Windows Phone 8 devices; the version made for 512MB RAM Windows Phone 8 devices will be out later this August. There is currently no word on the game's release date in other regions.

The twin-stick-controlled top-down shooter takes place between the events of Halo 3 and Halo 4. The game contains 25 missions, integration with Halo 4 that includes additional experience points and unlockable Spartan emblems, and in-app purchases. Check out GameSpot's latest coverage for more information.

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