Toaster Games And Etc. Club TGAEC
Toaster Games And Etc. Club TGAEC
September 23, 2014
United States 
TheMysterD Jan 29, 2023 @ 11:50am
Chernobylite (PC/Steam) -> My Thoughts, So Far...
Since this is in Humble's Latest Survival Bundle, let me speak on this Chernobylite game.

Chernobylite's pretty good so far, too. Not a surprise on that though, as I thought The Farm 51's other game Get Even (which also has really good storytelling & voice-acting) was also underrated & had "Sleeper Hit" written all over it.

Chernobylite feels like a mix of a bunch of games here. It feels like both the STALKER & Metro games, with its post-apoc' Chernobyl setting & vibe here of "The Zone". In some ways, it also feels like E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy - i.e. the way you have these big open-space & huge-sized maps per each mission, which have main and side missions inside of them...and I'm not sure if some of this stuff's randomized. And then there's also the Fallout 4's Settlement-building mechanics, which you can place & build stuff almost anywhere - yes, even within missions and on those mission-maps, which is pretty cool. There's also here & there some decision-making elements, in which I'm not sure entirely how much it will impact the journey itself and/or the outcome - but yeah, it's definitely there...and feels like it could be a key & integral part to this game. I'll have to do some replays and/or talk to others who've played this, to find out more on how much the decisions might matter here.

The plot, story, narrative & Russian audio for voice-acting paired with English subtitles turned on is all pretty good so far. You play as Igor, a man who is looking for his wife out in The Zone. You will meet friends (NPC's), who can possibly join you & you can have them run missions. While you'll also run daily missions just to survive here so you can do that one big mission to find your wife - you can send your Friends on missions, similar to some of the old-school Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood mechanic. They'll try to do their job, hopefully succeed, and come back with food, supplies, resources, ammo, and/or whatever else you might need.

Since this is a survival game, you also have to keep everybody healthy & sane - and yes, even yourself too. After you do a mission, you'll come back to your base and Headquarters (HQ) - and then you can decide how to feed everyone, how to keep them sane, and more. At your HQ, you can build stuff, cook stuff, make stuff (workbenches), put beds out & about (to keep people comfortable), and anything else to keep your crew happy, sane, and ready to survive in The Zone. This is a key element of the game and often why you do these missions: to have the resources for you & your crew to survive; and so they can help you go out into The Zone to find your missing wife.

As Igor...well, you're a Scientist, not a killer. Given that, know this: the more Igor kills here, the more his Sanity meter will need to be kept in check. So not only do you have to deal w/ your Health (meter), but you also have Sanity too. You can play this like a stealth game and backstab people. You can play this as a FPS & just shoot enemies, if you want. The gunplay mechanics are fine and feel good with my keyboard/mouse here, though...I do wish there was a crosshair here, even when you are aiming right down the scope and/or iron sights on most weapons.

I should also note this: you can change the difficulty of the game too. It ain't easy by any means for me, even on Normal. They even have separate sliders for difficulty of combat and also for even the base management elements, which is worth case you're not that hot w/ combat, not that hot w/ base management stuff and survival stuff, and/or whatever else. Great idea, to keep gamers who have a tough time at certain aspects, able to manipulate these settings, since this game's ambitious and mixing a lot of elements here.

Also, expect to when you run out of Health of Hit Points - well, you might not die yet. You get knocked-out here and there; get caught and be tossed in prison; have to try to escape; and...then fail again, then you'll maybe die. When you die, that's also not the end here. After death, the game will kick you back to a world w/ all the game & story threads - which looks similar to the Outsider's weird world in the Dishonored game, BTW - and then it will send you back eventually to your room at HQ at maybe an earlier Time and Day, which often you can pick what thread to go from (feels like their variation of save-scumming, TBH) - namely by finding and using Chernobylite (a substance & crystal rock of sorts in the game) that you can find when doing missions.

This game looks stunning w/ RT on, I might add to this all here. At 1080p on Ultra, about 40-60fps on the regular here. Locked it down to 45fps via MSI Afterburner, to keep it stable. All the character models and the game-world looks really good here & quite photo-realistic. Pretty much, it's jaw-dropping, with how good this game actually looks; especially when you also toss Ray-Tracing On.

Almost 4 hours in - and I think this might have "Cult Classic" written all over it. Really enjoying the heck out of this one, so far - and yeah, I need to go play this some more & return to The Zone.