

170 ratings
[New UI] Remove logos/headers/what's new, change game font colour & more
By A Generic Name
How to remove large game headers / logos when selecting a game. How to change installed / uninstalled game title font for easier readability, how to remove small icons next to game titles and how to remove "What's New" tab from library home.
I've been playing with the CSS of the new client UI and it seems almost everything regarding the UI itself can be customised with CSS - if you can locate the corresponding code. I suspect in the coming months there will be many guides detailing how to add / remove / edit various parts of the UI floating around as well as many easily editable skins.

I've seen many posts asking for information on how to remove logos / icons, remove / resize overly large game headers and edit the font colour of games which are not installed for easier readability. This guide will tell you how to do these things.

For the changes made in this guide to apply after you've restarted Steam, right click your steam shortcut and add -noverifyfiles to the "target" text field. This will stop Steam attempting to "verify" that you're using their version of the libraryroot.css file. Some users have stated that setting the file to "Read-only" will also have the same affect.
Locate library UI CSS file
Go to \Steam\steamui\css and open libraryroot.css (it's probably worth making a copy of this file at this point, before any edits have been made).

Scroll to the very bottom of the text file you've just opened and add the CSS below.
Remove large game header & logo when selecting a particular game
This will remove the large header image and logo seen when selecting any game.

.sharedappdetailsheader_TopCapsule_NZMJ6 {

If you don't want to completely remove the header and logo images, you can resize this element by using the CSS below and adjusting the size in pixels however you wish.

.sharedappdetailsheader_TopCapsule_NZMJ6 {
height: 150px!important;

Remove game logos / icons from library list
This will remove the small game icons to the left of every game in your library list.

.gamelistentry_GameIcon_ga1hy {
Change width of library list
This will change the width of the list of games located on the left, change "400px" to whatever width you like.

.library_LeftListSizableContainer_9sPoV {
width: 400px!important;
max-width: 50%;

Change font colour of installed games
.gamelistentry_Installed_2ws8D {
color: #fff!important;

You can use any hex colour here, #fff (white) is the default.
Change font colour of uninstalled games
.gamelistentry_Uninstalled_5YTBr {

You can use any hex colour here, #A9A9A9 (darkgray) is the default.
Remove "What's New" from library home.
This will remove the "What's New" section from your library.

.libraryhome_WhatsNewContainer_gdZT7 {

The entire UI is designed using CSS, so any CSS property will work (underlines, italics, element sizes, colours etc.)

Change font style: font-family:Arial;
Change font size: font-size: 15px;
Bold font. font-weight:bold;
Underlined text: text-decoration: underline;
Italic text: font-style: italic;

If your changes aren't being applied, add !important before the closing semicolon.

Dark theme download
I've edited some of the CSS and created a dark theme of sorts. Screenshots below show the differences. Simply replace the libraryroot.css file with my version which you can download using the Google Drive link below. I've also included a copy of Steam's default libraryroot.css file.

Download link:

Ewo Feb 7, 2021 @ 11:58am 
If you create a skin and put any customizations in the skin's webkit.css, you don't have to worry about Steam overwriting it with an update. I've done that with the CSS to hide the What's new section.

Instructions on how to create a new skin can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\skins\skins_readme.txt
Cyberpunk89 Jan 26, 2021 @ 12:11pm 
Any way I can get the entire left game list removed from view, so only the game grid images are left?
ToriK Jun 19, 2020 @ 9:51am 
Just copy the text to the very bottom? Did just that and nothing happened. please help, I despise the current ui.
DeadPoolX May 2, 2020 @ 11:56am 
Absolutely brilliant! The funny thing is I didn't know about these edits and was directed here by someone on GOG while discussing how much we dislike Galaxy 2.0! :D
Thes Mar 20, 2020 @ 4:32pm 
For the longest time I used the CSS command

.libraryhome_Container_2gSXC {
background: radial-gradient(100% 100% at 45% 45%, #000000 100%, #000000 100%);}

to change the library's background colour, but now it only changes a small strip at the bottom, the rest remains unchanged, and when I use

[class*="libraryhome"] {
background-color: #000000 !important;}

to change it via the installed skin it changes most of the area, but leaves a default-coloured frame around the shelves. Does anyone know why that happens now and how to fix it?
Stexred Dec 29, 2019 @ 7:34am 
i like the new library nut with this you can also skin it or move stuff around or resize them or whatever
Hahaman Dec 28, 2019 @ 10:27pm 
But am i the only one that likes the new library and wont change it..
Dahl Dec 10, 2019 @ 11:31am 
If you click and hold the line portion at the top of the shelf it will let you drag them to put them in whatever order you like.
Then a blue Done button should appear above them to close this edit mode.
Eazy Dec 9, 2019 @ 2:38pm 
So basically there's only one problem left... How to move "ADD SHELF" to the bottom after we create new Shelf.

And of course - Thanks for this tutorial :)
Mizufluffy Nov 16, 2019 @ 8:15am 
This one should hide review recommendations:
.writereview_RatingContainer_2Jk1D {
display: none;