GGT 266 Backed Mighty No. 9

Waiting on the Fuse 2 kickstarter.

I'll support that.
i believe insomanic games , the company who made fuse, had moved on to next gen console titles. Namely an exclusive xbone game title "sunset overdrive" for microsoft. will you support them by getting an xbone, and the game.

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This killer is dead game is ass. Last two suda games have been straight booty checks. Keiji inafune the savoir of japanese gaming

i believe insomanic games , the company who made fuse, had moved on to next gen console titles. Namely an exclusive xbone game title "sunset overdrive" for microsoft. will you support them by getting an xbone, and the game.
nah. zombie games that aren't resident evil are a waste of time and money.

is the combat gameplay as weird/bad as most review say it is?
Its just simple combat. Press X a lot I don't mind that its just the enemy AI are either A)standing still to attack or B) throwing out slow ass attacks and don't forget the random sexy phone calls from random females that I've randomly never meet before throwing sexual innuendo your way. HEY MONDO I HEARD YOU HAVE A HUGE UH DICK I MEAN SWORD CALL ME LATER, like bitch I'm trying to kill this monster with my shitty katana

Its just simple combat. Press X a lot I don't mind that its just the enemy AI are either A)standing still to attack or B) throwing out slow ass attacks and don't forget the random sexy phone calls from random females that I've randomly never meet before throwing sexual innuendo your way. HEY MONDO I HEARD YOU HAVE A HUGE UH DICK I MEAN SWORD CALL ME LATER, like bitch I'm trying to kill this monster with my shitty katana
i saw in reviews , there is also a mini dating game? call gigolo mode

i saw in reviews , there is also a mini dating game? call gigolo mode
There's achievements for giving gifts to g/f's I've had this game since release and am barely on chapter 3 so I'm not there yet or probably will ever be. I'd rather play demons souls.

I just beat a giant spider wasted like 20 herbs doing 20 dmg per attack. holy fuck me batman

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So much hullabaloo over Quiet's costume in MGS V.  "oh military snipers don't dress like that".  Yeah, well, it's a goddamn video game and who the fuq cares?  You don't like, don't buy.

Then there's the uproar over Kojima tweeting ass pics to cosplayers.  It's not like the cosplayers are being forced to sexualize themselves.  In fact, half the cosplay I see is sexualized versions of characters that had no sexual context until the cosplayer themselves changed it so.

So much hullabaloo over Quiet's costume in MGS V. "oh military snipers don't dress like that". Yeah, well, it's a goddamn video game and who the fuq cares? You don't like, don't buy.

Then there's the uproar over Kojima tweeting ass pics to cosplayers. It's not like the cosplayers are being forced to sexualize themselves. In fact, half the cosplay I see is sexualized versions of characters that had no sexual context until the cosplayer themselves changed it so.
exactly nigri's costumes suck but all she has to do is show her fat tits

Microsoft is a big sponsor of the game and I don't think they are going to make him change it.

I'm not saying that Ellis necessarily wrong either, but I think it's very disingenuous of one dev to publicly attack another dev for something he himself is just as guilty of.  Cortana is a fucking beautiful naked blue girl with huge tits.  I get annoyed when some people try to defend that as artistic and then turn around and call Quiet some miscarriage of female misogyny.  You could've easily wrote in that Cortana gave herself clothes and smaller breasts or made herself fat and unattractive but you didn't.  Time to put up or shut up really.

Artistic, lol. At least Kojima is honest about his reasons. He likes a sexy character. And he's right -- cosplay communities and merchandise makers are going to go apeshit over this design, because it's honestly pretty great. It fits the universe, it's sexy, it's outrageous (but certainly minimal), and it's badass. Sniper Wolf wore a zipped open jumpsuit in arctic conditions, and Raiden did naked cartwheels while holding his ballsack. This is nothing unusual in the realm of Kojima inspired fan service.

For real though.  This kind of thing has been going on for years throughout the MGS series.  

Those male feminists at GAF are too much.  They over-intellectualize these things to the point of abstraction.  It's a game, it's fantasy.  Only a small fraction of individuals actually fail to separate the fantasy from the reality. 

Wooooooooooo character designs :p

I played uh, Phantasy Star Online back in the day. Yay MMOs?
I played that as well! Both online and off! Then I bought that PSOE 3 card game and it was weird, still kinda fun but I wanted more

PSO goodness, hopefully we get 2 someday :/

I also got an ESO beta code. I'll still be playing Saints IV, though.
Man, everybody be getting them codes but me :(

Microsoft is a big sponsor of the game and I don't think they are going to make him change it.

I'm not saying that Ellis necessarily wrong either, but I think it's very disingenuous of one dev to publicly attack another dev for something he himself is just as guilty of. Cortana is a fucking beautiful naked blue girl with huge tits. I get annoyed when some people try to defend that as artistic and then turn around and call Quiet some miscarriage of female misogyny. You could've easily wrote in that Cortana gave herself clothes and smaller breasts or made herself fat and unattractive but you didn't. Time to put up or shut up really.
You think those are huge? What?

I'm not into your big tit fantasies Jo-El Bro.  I like 'em natural myself.  C or lower is fine wit me.

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Preordered a Red Pokemon 3DS XL. Time to upgrade.
Nice, I would totally jump on one if there weren't so many games I wanted coming out soon, I already have my 3DS so I'd rather get some new games instead of just getting another system I already have even though it looks awesome

I'd get a Pokemon XL if it actually came with Pokemon. They did it for that ugly ass Animal Crossing one...

Actually this probably means I won't. I know I'm in the minority on that though. I' haven't been into Pokemon for years, but I'd take a bundle.

I seriously haven't bought one since Red/Blue, last one I tried was Diamond/Pearl and found it to be pretty much the same game and got bored very quickly.

Yup, Nintendo doesn't need to bundle Pokemon because that shit sells itself. 

Some dude is selling his ultra rare artist card for like $50G or some crazy ass shit.  The Poke-fan will buy it.


Lost Planet 3 is done doe! Only took me 24 hrs. shit is long brah, and so repetitive, so tired now. must rest 

Microsoft is a big sponsor of the game and I don't think they are going to make him change it.

I'm not saying that Ellis necessarily wrong either, but I think it's very disingenuous of one dev to publicly attack another dev for something he himself is just as guilty of. Cortana is a fucking beautiful naked blue girl with huge tits. I get annoyed when some people try to defend that as artistic and then turn around and call Quiet some miscarriage of female misogyny. You could've easily wrote in that Cortana gave herself clothes and smaller breasts or made herself fat and unattractive but you didn't. Time to put up or shut up really.
The difference is Ellis zero pull on art design at 343i whereas Kojima is the head honcho over at Konami.

That doesn't mean shit.  Ellis let it happen, Ellis was part of it and did nothing but bitch about it when someone outside his circle did it.  Ellis is worse because Kojima makes no excuses and does what he wants transparently.  If Ellis was so disgusted by the way females are being portrayed in games, then he should quit his damn job and start his own goddamn company, not attack another game dev in public like a douchebag.  What's more damning is that he and his peers try to defend Cortana's design like there's some kind of artistic merit to an AI being a beautiful naked blue girl with big breasts.  It's ridiculous.

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haha, and now Kojima is claiming there is more to Quiet than has been revealed that explains everything.  #trapsprung.

lol yet another dev confirmed PS4 up to 50% more power than Xbone.  This after Major Nelson was recently quoted as saying "the truth will come out".  Dude has the worst job right now (although he's still lucky to have it).


Uh how can it run 50% weaker if xbox has more exclusives? I mean how can they test DR 3 is better on a PS4 if it can't be played on a PS4? So casual propaganda

lol yet another dev confirmed PS4 up to 50% more power than Xbone.  This after Major Nelson was recently quoted as saying "the truth will come out".  Dude has the worst job right now (although he's still lucky to have it).
only thing i dislike about the xbone, is the size. how the hell is it bigger than the xbox 360?
Uh how can it run 50% weaker if xbox has more exclusives? I mean how can they test DR 3 is better on a PS4 if it can't be played on a PS4? So casual propaganda

lol. The Xbone fans really are using those re-directions to counter the truthfacts. "Have you seen Ryse?" lolol.

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  are you actually getting an xbone on nov 22?
Nah I don't think I'll be into next gen for a while man but I'll probably go xbox one if I ever do make the plunge in the next couple of years all my GS credit I had saved for next gen I spent it on workout shit and video games. Lol oops.

lol. The Xbone fans really are using those re-directions to counter the truthfacts. "Have you seen Ryse?" lolol.
Ryse looked great until we saw gameplay

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Next gen is like the opposite of this gen. This gen everyone was hating on Sony at the beginning.

Remember when everyone was saying Sony should remove bluray from the PS3? Guess who looks stupid now.

Also the Wii60 people look stupid too. 

wii-u is going to haVe to lower their msrp price to $199.99, to even have a ghost of a chance  to compete with xbone ,and ps4. i am probably going to wait till a msrp drop on ps4, before getting. i have too much of a backlog. Unless i can a good amount of trade in value off my backlog games.

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bread's done