PSNOT 3.0 - Let's Talk About University of Kentucky, Baby!

The sale really isn't that bad. It's just big AAA games that you guys have probably either beat or don't care about.

Both Prototype's for $20 is pretty decent.

Both Darksiders (on PS3) for $12

Lords of the Fallen complete for $12

Life is Strange for $20

Injustice for $6

There's lots of pretty good deals.
Prototype - No one cared then no one cares now.

Darksiders - Old as fuck, got one free on Plus

LOTF - No idea on this one.

Life is Strange has been $10 when I got it awhile back.

Injustice - Free on Plus?

What am I missing here?

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I started Dark Souls last night. It's pretty dull so far like Demon Souls, but I'll keep pressing on to see if I can get sucked into it a bit.

It's basically "chop up 20 super easy enemies, get to ridiculously hard enemy, die while barely learning anything about how to fight him." Rinse and repeat.

Prototype - No one cared then no one cares now.

Darksiders - Old as fuck, got one free on Plus

LOTF - No idea on this one.

Life is Strange has been $10 (I think) when I got it awhile back.

Injustice - Free on Plus?

What am I missing here?
Cool. You're not interested in the sale. That doesn't make it a bad sale.

A bad sale is when GTA V and its online currency are 20% off and that's it. There are some good discounts in this sale on a large variety of games.

Jkam ≠ Everyone

Cool. You're not interested in the sale. That doesn't make it a bad sale.

A bad sale is when GTA V and its online currency are 20% off and that's it. There are some good discounts in this sale on a large variety of games.

Jkam ≠ Everyone
Oh you meant for the general public and not the PSNOT. Ok. That makes more sense then.

Ya know what's bullshit? Soda is on sale for 4 for $10 in Maryland at Target but here in Utah it's 4 for $12! What's the logic behind that?!?!?!?

You still have quite a few controller tossing areas left, not the least of which is the final boss fight.
I actually liked the final boss fight, though--it got pretty difficult as it progressed, but the checkpoints were generous and the fight was more challenging than unfair.

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I guess Downwell isn't cross-buy? I don't see a mention of it in the listing. I suppose not surprising given the price, but now I have to decide which version to get.

I started Dark Souls last night. It's pretty dull so far like Demon Souls, but I'll keep pressing on to see if I can get sucked into it a bit.

It's basically "chop up 20 super easy enemies, get to ridiculously hard enemy, die while barely learning anything about how to fight him." Rinse and repeat.
I assume you're referring to the Asylum Demon, who really isn't that difficult. Just roll under his swings and hit him from behind; if you see him hover for a little bit, run/roll backwards.

Since when did tyler become such an apologist for sony and their shit sales they keep having?

Ya know what's bullshit? Soda is on sale for 4 for $10 in Maryland at Target but here in Utah it's 4 for $12! What's the logic behind that?!?!?!?
Because Utah has a bigger weight problem than Maryland so they're charging you more to deter you from drinking as much soda pop?
Prototype - No one cared then no one cares now.

Darksiders - Old as fuck, got one free on Plus

LOTF - No idea on this one.

Life is Strange has been $10 when I got it awhile back.

Injustice - Free on Plus?

What am I missing here?
I played both Prototype games already. Maybe for $10 I would rebuy. Probably not.

Played one of the Darksiders and rage quit IRC. Never went back

LOTF is a Demon Souls like game I think Tyler said but not as hard. Free over on XBox One in the last two months with GWG.

Life is Strange played already

And yes Injustice was already free on PS+.

People are bitching about the XBL sales today too. Neither seems to have anything I am interested in that I don't already have or is too rich for my blood. Which is fine. I have enough to play and can save my money for the next sale.

Did you get Ratchet from Gamefly? Im thinking of starting up a free Gamefly trial when I get to Uncharted 4. If I can get Uncharted 4 right away.
Yes, I did. As far as getting UC4 right away, that will be a tall order. You can try the just having it alone in your Q, but that doesn't mean they will send it.

Is mmo combat where you mash number keys on a keyboard while waiting for the cooldown on your good powers to finish?

3 hours is pretty short, but I'm not too worried about that part.

I'm definitely curious to see reviews now.
I guess Downwell isn't cross-buy? I don't see a mention of it in the listing. I suppose not surprising given the price, but now I have to decide which version to get.
It is according to the blog post. Not sure if you noticed but the Downwell product page is extremely sparse for some reason.

The lady got an email saying her Twitch account as been suspended for 24 hours due to "porn or other sexually explicit content."  She's never broadcasted once.  We think it's because her cartoon cat avatar showed some nip.  I've never been prouder.


If Turtles is that bad I'll just wait for the Super Remixed Mega Turtilized Remastered Edition to release and be on sale for $3. In all fairness I'll probably pick it up and some point to play with my kiddo. I'm sure he'll love it despite 30FPS. 

If Turtles is that bad I'll just wait for the Super Remixed Mega Turtilized Remastered Edition to release and be on sale for $3. In all fairness I'll probably pick it up and some point to play with my kiddo. I'm sure he'll love it despite 30FPS.
It's Platinum. Other than Bayo 1 for Wii U have they ever gone back to a game?

I started Dark Souls last night. It's pretty dull so far like Demon Souls, but I'll keep pressing on to see if I can get sucked into it a bit.

It's basically "chop up 20 super easy enemies, get to ridiculously hard enemy, die while barely learning anything about how to fight him." Rinse and repeat.
Just ask questions as you have them and I'll try to help you anyway I can. What type of character / playstyle do you like to play in other RPGs?

I just bought Downwell (thanks hyping assholes) and both versions appeared in my download list, so it is indeed cross-buy.
What's weird is that you can add both versions to the cart and it does add the prices. Just to be safe - did you buy the PS4 version or the Vita version that gave you both?

Sigh. 30 FPS almost never bothers me. And I could deal with a short campaign if the combat is good and worth trying to S rank or whatever. Sounds like that is not the case, though.
Ehh, I'd wait and see for proper reviews. Wasn't a big hard of the combat supposed to be constantly switching between turtles? If someone didn't realize that and was only playing the main turtle they like, I could see why they would think there isn't much variety.

I bought the Vita version.
Alright, just did it, and yep, both versions. Probably it works fine with the PS4 version too, but I seem to recall some game in the past where if you bought it on Vita you only got Vita but if you bought on PS4 (or maybe it was PS3) you got it on both.

I'm currently at 499 distinct beers in Untappd since I joined 11 months ago.  I'm also being nerdy just like I am with trophies and want something cool for #500, but don't know what to shoot for.

I'm currently at 499 distinct beers in Untappd since I joined 11 months ago. I'm also being nerdy just like I am with trophies and want something cool for #500, but don't know what to shoot for.
Trying to plan that when you are at that number was probably not the smartest of ideas.

Ehh, I'd wait and see for proper reviews. Wasn't a big hard of the combat supposed to be constantly switching between turtles? If someone didn't realize that and was only playing the main turtle they like, I could see why they would think there isn't much variety.
If your supposed to switch to new turtles a lot wouldnt that take away from the co op then though? Co op should be the big draw and you should be able to play as Mikey all you want!

I assume you're referring to the Asylum Demon, who really isn't that difficult. Just roll under his swings and hit him from behind; if you see him hover for a little bit, run/roll backwards.
Nah I beat him I think. Big demon looking guy with a hammer that is kind of on a bridge?

I'm mostly running into super strong knights who take almost no damage from my attacks but beat the shit out of me with theirs.

I played both Prototype games already. Maybe for $10 I would rebuy. Probably not.

Played one of the Darksiders and rage quit IRC. Never went back

LOTF is a Demon Souls like game I think Tyler said but not as hard. Free over on XBox One in the last two months with GWG.

Life is Strange played already

And yes Injustice was already free on PS+.

People are bitching about the XBL sales today too. Neither seems to have anything I am interested in that I don't already have or is too rich for my blood. Which is fine. I have enough to play and can save my money for the next sale.
Hope everyone else chimes in with how these five specific games have affected their lives! I'm dying to know!

Goat Simulator. Yuck. Easy enough 100% but that's its only redeeming quality. Of course Super Meat Boy is a GOAT (funny that somehow PlayStation gamers got it for free before Xbox gamers) but its old.

I mean, it's an OK month. More just goes to show that April was an anomaly, or more specifically a special month where they went all out to celebrate the 2 year anniversary of GwG

Just ask questions as you have them and I'll try to help you anyway I can. What type of character / playstyle do you like to play in other RPGs?
That's the thing. I don't play a ton of RPGs, especially deep ones.

That being said, I think I chose the warrior class and have been putting points into strength and defense and dexterity. I am definitely a melee guy, probably won't dabble with spells at all.

I played both Prototype games already.  1 is terrible, but 2 was pretty fun.

Played the first Darksiders and didnt get very far.  Never went back.  I would try the 2nd on PS4.  fuck PS3 versions though.

LOTF is terrible from the videos I have seen.  Since it looks like a Souls game.  Nope, never played it,

Life is, game sounds strange.  no thanks.

Inustice...dont care about it either way. 
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