Walmart YMMV In Store Clearance Thread I (READ THE FAQs)


1 (100%)
Changing this to a FAQs for those that need some help getting these deals.

When I order online it shows X price for in store, but changes to Y price at checkout, what gives?
You can only do in store pickup for the clearance price if the item is available for pick up that day. If it isn't the price will be the online price instead. Sometimes the item will be shipped to that store if it is no longer at that store. It may adjust to the clearance price at pickup but it could also charge you full price for it.

Can I buy the item at one store and return / rebuy at another?
Yes but it is up to the stores discretion to allow you to get it for that stores in store price. If it is an online order, they are supposed to return it to the warehouse it came from so you will not be able to buy it back. It's YMMV on employees following this rule though.

Can I price match a Walmart clearance item at X store?
No. No store, including Walmart, PMs clearance prices. YMMV on getting PMs for these items but it is against every stores policy to do so.

I want to price match this clearance item at another Walmart, will they allow me to?
No WM (or any retailer) PMs the prices of other local stores.

BS said X of an item is in stock, but the employee said it isn't at my store, why did they lie to me?
They didn't. Sometimes items are misplaced, stolen, or the count is off. Employees are not all over the massive stock room nor do they know where every item is. Don't harass an employee or come on here saying they are keeping it for themselves. Sometimes, an item truly isn't in the store.

Why is BS always wrong?
BS is not wrong. Their information is directly from WM systems. Just like all stores, inventory and prices may be wrong for a certain store. Do not rely only on BS.

How do I find clearance items?
Go to the store and scan items, check SD, check this thread. Actually look for something you want.

Where in the store are clearance games located?

Clearance items in general can be on shelves, in dedicated clearance sections or in the stock room. For games specifically, they will be in the videogame glass cases, videogame value game isle or dedicated clearance section. It's random and depends on that stores layout / management.

What is the SKU or item number of this item?
Look it up yourself. There is a search function on this site, on BS site and you can Google the item almost 100% of the time. No one needs to spoon feed you this information and we shouldn't have 20 people asking for the same information that was already posted.

Acronyms to know.
WM = Walmart
PM = Price Match
TRU = Toysrus
BS = Brickseek
SD = Slickdeals

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sometimes resellers get to deals before you. nothing new

if you want to look at it from another perspective, expecting them to forego deals, just in case someone really wants a game for 15 dollars instead of 25, is taking money off their familys table. the counter argument is that they shouldnt be reselling ever, they should work at mcdonalds or get 25 grand in debt and go to college. or basically do anything that you personally approve of. ignoring that argument, the fact of the matter is that games are luxuries. im sorry someone in poverty couldnt get Baja for 5 dollars. on the bright side, they can spend that 5 dollars on food that they dont have to look for in the dumpster, and play one of a million games that are free, and are on platforms that dont cost 150$ at their lowest price. its annoying when i dont get my deal, its annoying when nintendo doesnt have the foresight to make more of their dolls, but saying a reseller shouldnt resell because someone with no money wants a discount on a game (or more realistically, a cheap ass gamer does) and/or because reselling is a bad job, seems like a waste of time. and obviously try not to wish harm on anyone for it.

i see this exact same argument every time i go in this thread. im surprised more of you arent resellers TBH. you use the site quite a lot for a bunch of people that are waiting for 40/30$ games to become 20$.
Good point. I’d agree with the flippers are scum argument if we were talking about diapers or formula, but someone making profit at arbitrage buying and selling luxuries like video games? Nope.
Nice to see other people do the same. Everyone knows I resell and I'm proud that I'm able to afford the lifestyle I have and support my family with it. I also donate products, give away my finds to friends, family and sometimes strangers depending on the situation, and even discount items to people if I see they are truly struggling.

I'm no saint, but I (and the reselling friends I have) are not in it to screw someone over. We, just like many others, just make money to be secure. We don't look at others and think too bad sucks to be you. But we also don't think you should be handed things just because you're you. People are quick to see someone they don't like in a bad light and forget that we worked for those products we buy, sell, ship, customer service handling, inventory management, waking u early to hit up 10+ stores a day, getting contacts, etc. etc. in order to keep selling. It isn't as easy as others assume it is.

Either way, nice to see other also resellers doing something selfless from time to time just because.

Also, people always make up some sob story for why they hate resellers but forget that most of the items bought are items that were in stores for months to years. I might buy a bunch of one item but seeing as it's been in the store for so long, I don't feel bad as someone could have bought it in those months that it was there.
I find it hard to believe someone could actually make a FT living off flipping, though I guess it can be done. One person couldn't do it'd need a high # of employees to make it possible to make a decent profit. Most of the games I buy at clearance, I keep for myself but I have occasionally flipped when I have an extra item or two that no one around me seems to want. Let me assure you, flipping can be a gigantic pain in the ass. Unless you luck upon an item that's very rare/in demand and you originally paid peanuts for it, the profit margin is not very big. The cost of mailing it out, commissions taken from website, and the possibility of dealing with scammer buyers makes it not very enticing.

For me, it's far more rewarding to find a game I've been wanting for months for next to nothing on clearance.

you realize retail locations are just flippers right?... just flippers that were so good they became massive.
100% correct. They are selling the items they pay for at lower prices to us at a huge markup.

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I find it hard to believe someone could actually make a FT living off flipping, though I guess it can be done. One person couldn't do it'd need a high # of employees to make it possible to make a decent profit. Most of the games I buy at clearance, I keep for myself but I have occasionally flipped when I have an extra item or two that no one around me seems to want. Let me assure you, flipping can be a gigantic pain in the ass. Unless you luck upon an item that's very rare/in demand and you originally paid peanuts for it, the profit margin is not very big. The cost of mailing it out, commissions taken from website, and the possibility of dealing with scammer buyers makes it not very enticing.

For me, it's far more rewarding to find a game you've been wanting for months for next to nothing on clearance.

100% correct. They are selling the items they pay for at lower prices to us at a huge markup.
Ehhh you can make money flipping anything, I remember back in HS I started with hyped sneakers and would make a very big profit on them

I find it hard to believe someone could actually make a FT living off flipping, though I guess it can be done. One person couldn't do it'd need a high # of employees to make it possible to make a decent profit. Most of the games I buy at clearance, I keep for myself but I have occasionally flipped when I have an extra item or two that no one around me seems to want. Let me assure you, flipping can be a gigantic pain in the ass. Unless you luck upon an item that's very rare/in demand and you originally paid peanuts for it, the profit margin is not very big. The cost of mailing it out, commissions taken from website, and the possibility of dealing with scammer buyers makes it not very enticing.

For me, it's far more rewarding to find a game you've been wanting for months for next to nothing on clearance.

100% correct. They are selling the items they pay for at lower prices to us at a huge markup.
I know sone people do, but man that seems like a headache. TBH, I do it more for fun than profit. It’s kind of like a treasure hunt. That excited feeling you get when you find something worth good money for cheap (more of a yard sale thing than a Walmart clearance thing) is what makes it worth the trouble.
I find it hard to believe someone could actually make a FT living off flipping, though I guess it can be done. One person couldn't do it'd need a high # of employees to make it possible to make a decent profit. Most of the games I buy at clearance, I keep for myself but I have occasionally flipped when I have an extra item or two that no one around me seems to want. Let me assure you, flipping can be a gigantic pain in the ass. Unless you luck upon an item that's very rare/in demand and you originally paid peanuts for it, the profit margin is not very big. The cost of mailing it out, commissions taken from website, and the possibility of dealing with scammer buyers makes it not very enticing.

For me, it's far more rewarding to find a game I've been wanting for months for next to nothing on clearance.
I and many others work by ourselves and make more than enough. Helps that I'm cheap (more frugal) with everything in my life. If you really care, look at the many YouTubers and people on Instagram that resell. Very few have employees and if they do, it's usually 1 or 2.

No offsense but you have no idea what profit others make. I can walk into a store and buy 5 items and make $500 profit, other days I'll make only $100 profit. It's easy to view the same scale stuff on CAG and assume it's pennies. I sell games (and it accounts for most of my sales) but also sell home applicpances, high end electronics, discontinued merch, etc. If you do different categories, you can make more money. But you also have to put in and time and dedication to do it. There is a reason I quit my job to resell, because I was making more.
Ehhh you can make money flipping anything, I remember back in HS I started with hyped sneakers and would make a very big profit on them
Yeah but I mean consistently, for a living, like was said earlier. Sure you can flip anything over the short term...I mean long term, to where you can support yourself full-time.

I and many others work by ourselves and make more than enough. Helps that I'm cheap (more frugal) with everything in my life. If you really care, look at the many YouTubers and people on Instagram that resell. Very few have employees and if they do, it's usually 1 or 2.

No offsense but you have no idea what profit others make. I can walk into a store and buy 5 items and make $500 profit, other days I'll make only $100 profit. It's easy to view the same scale stuff on CAG and assume it's pennies. I sell games (and it accounts for most of my sales) but also sell home applicpances, high end electronics, discontinued merch, etc. If you do different categories, you can make more money. But you also have to put in and time and dedication to do it. There is a reason I quit my job to resell, because I was making more.
Sorry for the double-post, I didn't see this until after.

So if you don't mind me asking, what's your typical annual salary for flipping?

Sorry for the double-post, I didn't see this until after.

So if you don't mind me asking, what's your typical annual salary for flipping?
About $9k/month but half of that is what I already put in to buy my products. I'd say $4k is profit. During the heavier months (Summer, Christmas, major holidays) it's $12k+. I source maybe 2, 3 times a week and the rest is spent shipping and processing orders.

I work all the time though finding items to buy, planning routes, actually finding items in stores and general other stuff. I love it though and am happy I can help others because of it.
About $9k/month but half of that is what I already put in to buy my products. I'd say $4k is profit. During the heavier months (Summer, Christmas, major holidays) it's $12k+. I source maybe 2, 3 times a week and the rest is spent shipping and processing orders.

I work all the time though finding items to buy, planning routes, actually finding items in stores and general other stuff. I love it though and am happy I can help others because of it.
Well, more power to you, I guess. I would think many days would not yield much of a profit and there'd be too much variance to make a consistent living out of it but I've never done it, so who knows. I think any other flippers on this thread probably just do it every once in awhile. As for me, I have dealt with too many EBAY scammers and it's a gigantic headache because EBAY heavily tilts towards the Buyer, just by their predisposition.

About $9k/month but half of that is what I already put in to buy my products. I'd say $4k is profit. During the heavier months (Summer, Christmas, major holidays) it's $12k+. I source maybe 2, 3 times a week and the rest is spent shipping and processing orders.

I work all the time though finding items to buy, planning routes, actually finding items in stores and general other stuff. I love it though and am happy I can help others because of it.
Are you selling at msrp or at higher than retail, cuz you aren't fucking helping anyone if you're selling higher
Well, more power to you, I guess. I would think many days would not yield much of a profit and there'd be too much variance to make a consistent living out of it but I've never done it, so who knows. I think any other flippers on this thread probably just do it every once in awhile. As for me, I have dealt with too many EBAY scammers and it's a gigantic headache because EBAY heavily tilts towards the Buyer, just by their predisposition.
The only way to combat eBay scammers is to build it into your margin and sell enough where one scammer doesn't affect you too much. Only had a few scammers that cost me $50 each, but my margin * volume more than covered it.
I don't do RA (Retail Arbitrage) for a living, but a lot of what I'm seeing in this thread boils down to "How dare you make a solid living busting your ass and being your own boss, while I sit here stuck at a 8-5 job that I hate."  A friend of mine who does RA for a living  works 60 hours a week on average, and considerably more during the holidays.  RA is not something I'd be interested in namely because of lack of control - if Walmart and Target change their clearance policies (however unlikely that may be), your revenue stream dies with a single e-mail from corporate to stores.  That said, it's a viable way to make a good living if you have the work ethic.

If your only way of affording the games you want comes from finding them on Clearance, or driving to six different Gamestops in a day selling the games you bought at store B back to store E, I *highly* recommend these books (most of which are on audiobook as well if you commute):

Yeah but I mean consistently, for a living, like was said earlier. Sure you can flip anything over the short term...I mean long term, to where you can support yourself full-time.
I know friends who have do it full-time and with sneakers/clothes and they make a good amount per yearly nearly to six figures but granted you have to treat like a job and on top of releases, they work with local boutiques and partners all over countries, I mean it is a job granted different from your 9to5 or corporate world. I think of it like of a mom and pop shop being your boss.

Well, more power to you, I guess. I would think many days would not yield much of a profit and there'd be too much variance to make a consistent living out of it but I've never done it, so who knows. I think any other flippers on this thread probably just do it every once in awhile. As for me, I have dealt with too many EBAY scammers and it's a gigantic headache because EBAY heavily tilts towards the Buyer, just by their predisposition.
Yes, some days I don't make as much as others. It isn't a stable job but that's why I research, prep, get contacts, etc. to make sure when I go out I'm not wasting my time and get exactly what I'm looking for.

Most people here just flip to Gamestop (though they don't consider it flipping for whatever reason) which requires little to do. What I and others making a living do is a lot more. It works for me though and though some days I'm not making much, I always make more than I did working my other jobs.

I do deal with scammers sometimes but it's the cost of running a business. Having 3% scams among the 97% positive experiences is well worth it to not work some shitty job and be at home whenever I want to.

Are you selling at msrp or at higher than retail, cuz you aren't fucking helping anyone if you're selling higher
lol, someone's angry.

I sell less than MSRP which is what most resellers sell their items for. Why would you (or anyone) go shopping on Amazon or eBay if the prices where more than MSRP on everyday (not limited) items? I wouldn't be able to sell most of my products if I sold them for over MSRP. I sell my products for what the going value is. If a game is $60 MSRP, the current value could be $22.17 and that's what I sell it for. Could someone who lived in my town get the item I got for $5 like I did (assuming they did the same work I did to get it, which most aren't willing to do), maybe, but the guy buying it across the country couldn't and is more than happy to pay half off MSRP for my and other goods.

And when I said helping, I'm referring to helping others find items cheaply (not sure if you know this but I started this thread and have shared the most deals and advice in this thread), helping my friends and family get cheap items and help others by donating my finds when I want to / can.

On that note, I've been busy and haven't posted much deals lately. Here are a few.

$44.88 JBL Clip2 Portable Bluetooth Speaker

$2.5 Mainstays Electric Fan Heather Black (White:

$30 Mr. Heater Big Buddy

$40 George Foreman Evolve Grill, Waffle Marker, Panini Maker

$294 Dell Inspiron 11 3000 2in1 Laptop

$719 HP Onyx Blizzard i5 Laptop

$60 2DS Blue w/ Mario Kart 7

$150 - $300 Nintendo Switch Super Mario Odyssey Bundle (EXTREME YMMV)

$1 - $7 Cooper Chef 2 Piece Crisper

$9 - $35.84 Samsung QI Wireless Charger

Too much to list all. Yankee Candles and bikes are on clearance at every store. Bikes can be found for 70% off and I've gotten Yankee Candles for $1 - $3 (all sizes). Namely the holiday scents though. If you can still find them, holiday and older model Philips Sonicare electric toothbrushes are 70%+ off. Galaxy S7 and S8 phones for Verizon are on clearance but only 10%+ off.

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The only way to combat eBay scammers is to build it into your margin and sell enough where one scammer doesn't affect you too much. Only had a few scammers that cost me $50 each, but my margin * volume more than covered it.
I'm also concerned with scammers leaving bad feedback and screwing up my perfect rating. EBAY doesn't always remove them, apparently.

On that note, I've been busy and haven't posted much deals lately. Here are a few.

$44.88 JBL Clip2 Portable Bluetooth Speaker
$2.5 Mainstays Electric Fan Heather Black (White:
$30 Mr. Heater Big Buddy
$40 George Foreman Evolve Grill, Waffle Marker, Panini Maker
$294 Dell Inspiron 11 3000 2in1 Laptop
$719 HP Onyx Blizzard i5 Laptop
$60 2DS Blue w/ Mario Kart 7
$150 - $300 Nintendo Switch Super Mario Odyssey Bundle (EXTREME YMMV)
$1 - $7 Cooper Chef 2 Piece Crisper
$9 - $35.84 Samsung QI Wireless Charger

Too much to list all. Yankee Candles and bikes are on clearance at every store. Bikes can be found for 70% off and I've gotten Yankee Candles for $1 - $3 (all sizes). Namely the holiday scents though. If you can still find them, holiday and older model Philips Sonicare electric toothbrushes are 70%+ off. Galaxy S7 and S8 phones for Verizon are on clearance but only 10%+ off.
I think I may have to pick up that copper chef crisper. That informecial is on everytime at the gym and it looks like it might actually work. The cheese on the outside grilled cheese is something I wanted to try
I dislike not getting in on a deal as much as anyone. But what makes anyone think they are more deserving of a game they only want to buy because it’s $5 as opposed to the person that buys it for more from a reseller? What bugs me more than resellers are the frickin’ hoarders.

It’s just games. I’m sure every single one of us has far more of them already than we have time to play. On the other side of it, there is a layer of social politeness that is broken by brag pics. You have every right posting the mountain of games you bought multiple copies of. Doesn’t mean you aren’t a bit of a jerk by doing it though when your fellow forum members can’t find a single copy.
I always get a good laugh out of people that get cranky about resellers.  It's luck of the draw folks.  It's like getting angry you didn't find that copy of Stadium Events at Goodwill for $7.  I've found some great deals over the years but I had to put in the time and effort to do so and even then I still miss out sometimes.  You just have to make peace with it and move on to the next thing.

Like I've said in the past, I'm not against ALL flipping, and some of the flippers here seem like decent people.  I've just been "there" where I wouldn't be able to afford a game if it hadn't been on clearance and I know others who have as well...same for kids/parents/etc like I said in my previous post.  Now if I was in a store and I saw somebody literally clearing out a clearance bin of insane deals or something I'm pretty sure I'd step in and say something.  Just not cool and there's no justification to me personally that would make it cool.  It's not about entitlement, to me it's just about leaving things for other people who are less fortunate with the hopes it would make somebody's day.  Wish more of us would live that way...  Then again if you flip right and don't price gouge you're still helping people that way too get products they normally wouldn't be able to.

Anyway, good to see a new post with some deals!  Was just going to say, bad thing about the conversations happening here (which luckily, have been mostly civilized) is that it keeps getting bumped and I get excited hoping for a new round of good deals!  I miss the post holidays rush...  

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Like I've said in the past, I'm not against ALL flipping, and some of the flippers here seem like decent people. I've just been "there" where I wouldn't be able to afford a game if it hadn't been on clearance and I know others who have as well...same for kids/parents/etc like I said in my previous post. Now if I was in a store and I saw somebody literally clearing out a clearance bin of insane deals or something I'm pretty sure I'd step in and say something. Just not cool and there's no justification to me personally that would make it cool. It's not about entitlement, to me it's just about leaving things for other people who are less fortunate with the hopes it would make somebody's day. Wish more of us would live that way... Then again if you flip right and don't price gouge you're still helping people that way too get products they normally wouldn't be able to.

Anyway, good to see a new post with some deals! Was just going to say, bad thing about the conversations happening here (which luckily, have been mostly civilized) is that it keeps getting bumped and I get excited hoping for a new round of good deals! I miss the post holidays rush...
Say something like what? "Hey don't buy all that product that is available for purchase to anyone who wants it."

Finally grabbed that copy of Zone of the Enders HD for PS3 at my Walmart. Its been sitting at both $30 and out of stock since this $.03 thing happened.

Anyone want it?
JKSonic takes the steak and junk food out of people’s carts that use food benefits
I'd say it shocks me you would even remotely deduce that from what I said...but nothing shocks me nowadays.

Say something like what? "Hey don't buy all that product that is available for purchase to anyone who wants it."
!! Exactly that !!

Great world we live in where I can say I've been there so I sympathize with the type of people who many of these deals would benefit and I'm turned into the bad guy. Again, you hoard it, have fun...I'll take what I need or will use and leave the rest.

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Enough snowflakes in this thread to build a snowman.
The resellers and hoarders here are also snowflakes. Who cares what your shitty justifications are for buying 8 copies of Neopets to list on ebay? Just keep on doing whatever it is you're doing and stop virtue-signaling that you're not a bad guy because you support fictional Nicaraguan orphan schoolchildren with your supplemental $3 per resold game. Nobody needs the justifications or convincing. You're just as whiny and bitchy as the whiners who miss deals.


The resellers and hoarders here are also snowflakes. Who cares what your shitty justifications are for buying 8 copies of Neopets to list on ebay? Just keep on doing whatever it is you're doing and stop virtue-signaling that you're not a bad guy because you support fictional Nicaraguan orphan schoolchildren with your supplemental $3 per resold game. Nobody needs the justifications or convincing. You're just as whiny and bitchy as the whiners who miss deals.

Not whining, and not virtue signaling. Trust me, I know I’m not a bad guy and need no pats on the back from the likes of you. ESPECIALLY from you. The point of that post was to note that all of us go through life doing things that others might consider good or bad or both, doesn’t make us assholes.

As for Yader, he is neither fictional nor an orphan. His parents are alive and well.
man the people in these brickseek facebook groups are sure garbage people
I joined one a few weeks ago and have just been lurking. I honestly have no issue with resellers whatsoever, do whatever you want, I don't care. However, these people are dipshits. I don't understand how the fuck any of them make any profit off the shit they get. I'll see them buying $100 speakers for $30 and acting like it's the deal of the century, but Amazon is selling them for $28. Either they just end up returning this stuff or their local buyers are idiots.
I joined one a few weeks ago and have just been lurking. I honestly have no issue with resellers whatsoever, do whatever you want, I don't care. However, these people are dipshits. I don't understand how the fuck any of them make any profit off the shit they get. I'll see them buying $100 speakers for $30 and acting like it's the deal of the century, but Amazon is selling them for $28. Either they just end up returning this stuff or their local buyers are idiots.
Yeah, you see some people trying to make crazy low profit margins and it’s hard to understand why they waste their time.
The walmart by me has a TON of 3c games still.  It really stinks because I bought a few before and then the manager for electronics got really mad since they "were supposed to go back to Claims" and told the employees not to sell them.  She's usually really chill and finds rare stuff in the back for me all the time (like the 19.96 copy of Fire Emblem Wii from last yr).  There are even copies of Pokepark on wii for 0.03 sitting right out in the open, next to the wii u games in the cabinet but I don't want to press my luck... Plus a bunch of rarer DS games showing up as in-stock (I know theyre out back somewhere).  I even offered to buy the 3c games at a higher price and she said no dice...  Though idk if she actually asked the store manager like she said she was gonna.  TLDR: walmart struggle is real.

The $.03 dream is still alive.

Sonic The Lost World 3DS x1
Zone of the Enders HD 360 x2
Rhythm Heaven Wii x1
Korra 3DS x2
Art Academy 3DS x2
Crossword Plus 3DS x2
Glory of Heracles x2

Potentially more tomorrow
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I *finally* got some 3 cent games yesterday. Past Walmarts had denied me because they were in the glass case and the electronics employees "had" to call managers while I was checking out. I was at a Walmart that had one of those huge bins with games thrown in without security cases. I was thrilled to take my two copies of Steel Diver to self-checkout... nothing all that thrilling to some, but I was ecstatic that I'd finally gotten something for 3 cents after having been rejected so many times before.

I *finally* got some 3 cent games yesterday. Past Walmarts had denied me because they were in the glass case and the electronics employees "had" to call managers while I was checking out. I was at a Walmart that had one of those huge bins with games thrown in without security cases. I was thrilled to take my two copies of Steel Diver to self-checkout... nothing all that thrilling to some, but I was ecstatic that I'd finally gotten something for 3 cents after having been rejected so many times before.
I don't even.....what the....

Cam I time travel?





I didn't get the ps3 games with bleached out covers
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bread's done