Playstation Deals, PS Plus games, and Discussion


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March 2024 games (available on March 19th):

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Is Don Mattrick running Sony or did EA buy them out? This is bullshit.
EA is sending their executives to the Jim Ryan management conference, which has such panels as "How to properly close a digital store" and "What to do with ancient games".

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While I get why people are upset, just spend the extra $20 for the DD and get all the extra content plus both the PS4 and PS5 versions.

Now I do agree there should be some sort of upgrade path, where a user can spend an extra $10 for the PS5 version if they get the PS4 version at launch, but as for free, you know that shit ain't gonna happen.  It started with GoT and will only continue on until it is removed altogether.


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So some Playstation 4 games get the upgrade for free. Some of them you need to pay $10 extra. Some of them have no upgrade and still some of them will only have a PS4 version and a PS5 version. What a mess. You'd think a big company like Sony would be able to figure this stuff out. I am sure plenty of people will defend them but this is so lame.

If it's on both platforms, there should be an upgrade path, even if paid, and it should be available to any edition.

Gating it behind the most expensive SKU is indefensible.
I don't understand the big deal. Why does anyone ultimately need to upgrade a couple cross-gen games from ps4 to ps5 anyway? Is your backlog really that small that you can play these massive open world checklist games twice just to experience a couple graphical enhancements the second time? There's no shortage of stuff to play and new games are released every week. Hell, wait a few years and there will almost certainly be a third Horizon game to play that is actually exclusive to the PS5 and that legitimately takes advantage of the console's features. This whole thing is such a strange thing to get upset about, and there is always a new wave of internet outrage every time a company details their cross-gen upgrade plans. This won't even be a thing a year from now when the PS4 is properly retired and all big game releases become exclusive to PS5, so why get upset about this weird transitory period between console gens.
I don't understand the big deal. Why does anyone ultimately need to upgrade a couple cross-gen games from ps4 to ps5 anyway? Is your backlog really that small that you can play these massive open world checklist games twice just to experience a couple graphical enhancements the second time? There's no shortage of stuff to play and new games are released every week. Hell, wait a few years and there will almost certainly be a third Horizon game to play that is actually exclusive to the PS5 and that legitimately takes advantage of the console's features. This whole thing is such a strange thing to get upset about, and there is always a new wave of internet outrage every time a company details their cross-gen upgrade plans. This won't even be a thing a year from now when the PS4 is properly retired and all big game releases become exclusive to PS5, so why get upset about this weird transitory period between console gens.
Some people like having the option to start on PS4 then finish on PS5 with a transferred save.

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So I can play a 30 fps game on the PS5 when it should have been 60 fps?
Who says it should have been 60 fps? I played BotW on Wii U and had no upgrade path when I got a switch. If I wanted to play the superior version, I'd have to pay another $50 (which I of course didn't, because I'm a cheapass). I remember in previous console gens we were lucky to even get basic backwards compatibility between console gens, now people suddenly want all these enhancements to their current game libraries for free lol. It's so bizare. There are so many legitimately bad decisions Sony has been making lately that I don't get why this issue in particular upsets anyone. People love being upset online these days. But ultimately I bet this sways no one who was planning to purchase Horizon 2 one way or another.
Some people don't have PS5s yet because they're not exactly easy to come by.
You can continue playing the ps4 version of Horizon 2 on the ps5 whenever you buy one. Without graphical enhancements. Or play something else since you now have a brand new system with actual exclusives.

I remember in previous console gens we were lucky to even get basic backwards compatibility between console gens, now people suddenly want all these enhancements to their current game libraries for free lol.

Gameboy Color played Gameboy games. Gameboy Advance played Gameboy Color games. Nintendo DS played Gameboy Advance games. Nintendo 3DS played Nintendo DS games.

Wii played GameCube games. Wii U played Wii games.

PS2 played PS1 games. PS3 played PS1/PS2 games.
PS5 plays PS4 games.

PSP played PS1 games. Vita played PSP and PS1 games.

Xbox 360 played Xbox games (ish). Xbox One played 360 games. XSX played Xbox/360/One games.

How is that rare?

Gameboy Color played Gameboy games. Gameboy Advance played Gameboy Color games. Nintendo DS played Gameboy Advance games. Nintendo 3DS played Nintendo DS games.

Wii played GameCube games. Wii U played Wii games.

PS2 played PS1 games. PS3 played PS1/PS2 games.
PS5 plays PS4 games.

PSP played PS1 games. Vita played PSP and PS1 games.

Xbox 360 played Xbox games (ish). Xbox One played 360 games. XSX played Xbox/360/One games.

How is that rare?
I mean, PS2 BC was removed from the PS3. And the Vita's and PSP's BC was severely limited by whatever publishers decided to stick on the online marketplace.

And how many of these old games got graphical enhancements when playing on new systems?
What's that site that has full or nearly full lists of PSN sales that aren't multipage, image-clogged affairs? It also does price tracking, but it isn't PSPrices. I think. I need to remember to bookmark it, navigating sales on the playstation store is a mess.

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I remember when games were released back on PS3 and PS4, and how there were not upgrades for those back when the PS4 first came out.  You had to buy both.

It's not like you can't play the PS4 version on your PS5.  I do agree there should be a way to upgrade from PS4 to PS5 at a price of like $10, but as far as getting it for free, we all knew that wasn't going to be a permanent thing.

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If there's truly no PS4 > PS5 upgrade path for H:FW that's $30 (with extra content) or less, that's inexcusably egregious. If you don't agree with that, there's no point in arguing about it. We aren't going to see eye to eye. The why doesn't matter to me.

Tsushima's situation was the most I'm willing to put up with and even that was a shitty deal given the middling-at-best graphical enhancements.

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I think they were thinking more along the lines of Nintendo consoles, like NES, SNES, N64 and GameCube. And PlayStation is just coming from a generation that had zero backward compatibility.
Yea, but you typically don't expect it if the game physical format changes (WiiU DVDs to Switch cartridges), or chip architecture changes (PS3 to PS4). Even then, Sony gave us PS1 on PS3.

And back in the past, tech was changing too much. You're talking an 8-bit NES, a 16-bit SNES, and 64-bit N64. But we're still using 64-bit systems now. The Switch still uses a 64-bit system.

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You can continue playing the ps4 version of Horizon 2 on the ps5 whenever you buy one. Without graphical enhancements. Or play something else since you now have a brand new system with actual exclusives.
This is a fucked level of corporate apology. Especially when Sony already promised this shit. Not to mention the greed is more apparent when your competition is making it so easy to just get the best version available.

If you include Sega in the list, the list of consoles without BC increases. I guess I'm old.
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If you include Sega in the list, the list of consoles without BC increases. I guess I'm old.
If you include Sega in the list, the list of consoles with BC also increases. The Master System was BC with most SG-1000 games, the Genesis models 1 and 2 were BC with Master System games (though you needed the Power Base Converter so the cartridges could be read), and the Nomad was literally a portable Genesis, so virtually every Genesis game worked on it.

It should also be mentioned that the site doesn't include 100% of what's on sale, as it misses various things like most DLC and some games.
Considering how much time it saves me to review 95% of the sales, I really don’t mind missing out on the 5% it misses. people suddenly want all these enhancements to their current game libraries for free lol. It's so bizare. There are so many legitimately bad decisions Sony has been making lately that I don't get why this issue in particular upsets anyone. People love being upset online these days. But ultimately I bet this sways no one who was planning to purchase Horizon 2 one way or another.
Why don't you scroll up again and read the responses. I don't see a single person complaining about how they are entitled to a free update. Sony clearly can offer a paid upgrade as it has been offered with other games, so why not offer it here? It's just strange. Maybe if the PS5 was readily available on store shelves I would be whatever about it, but there's a lot of people out there that can't get a PS5. In that case they will buy the PS4 version and if they get their hands on a PS5 a month after launch and they are halfway through the game, they should have to option to pay $10 or hell even $20 to upgrade to the PS5 version and play with enhanced visuals on their new console. It would be a consumer friendly move. What I don't understand is why a person would be against the option being there. What's it to you? You clearly wouldn't use it, and that's fine. But you seem oddly passionate about there not being an upgrade path at all. Just because things were done a certain way in the past, doesn't mean it is the right way to handle things now. Technology has changed and saying that backwards compatibility wasn't offered in this way 20-30 years ago so it shouldn't be offered that way now is showing just how out of touch you are.
Still about 5 months or so until Horizon release, by then hopefully the change course and offer a paid upgrade or even a free upgrade for this issue. Doubt free though.
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Uh, once again, Sega was doing BC back when the GBC and PS2 weren’t even traveling down the seminal vesicles of Nintendo and Sony’s R&D departments.
A) It was a joke, and b) SNES had some backwards compatibility with NES, even if they didn't fully implement it.

PS Now will be getting a Final Fantasy game every month from September through January:

  • Final Fantasy VII - 9/7
  • Final Fantasy VIII Remastered - 10/5
  • Final Fantasy IX - 11/2
  • Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster - 12/7
  • Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age - 1/4/22
Seems like permanent additions, too.
Guess they decided to copy MS' deal with Squeenix.

Remember when Sony had Cross-Buy on the PS3/Vita games?

Pepperidge Farms Remembers.
Only happened to drum up Vita sales. PS5 doesn't need it, so greed ensues.
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I’m sure it wouldn’t be a big deal at all, except for Microsoft is constantly dropping Series S/X upgrades for free on Xbox so it creates bad PR for Sony when they charge and the competition isn’t charging.

With that being said, it doesn't effect me at all, I haven't owned a Playstation since the PS1, I never owned a PS2, PS3 or PS4, but I did some work and I'm getting a PS5 as payment, so I'll have a PS5 in a few months once they can locate one. I've been reading up on all the PS4 exclusives and PS5 exclusives I haven't played. I'll be following this thread now to get some deals on digital stuff. I'll probably just go all digital on things since I doubt PS5 games will have a high resale value like Nintendo stuff.

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The arguments in defense of Sony are laughable. Their competition is giving the updates for free so it’s definitely reasonable to expect the same, but milking a customer loyal enough to own both a PS4 and at least eventually a PS5 is just plain wrong.
Not sure I understand the backwards compatibility argument. The PS5 IS backwards compatible with the PS4. 

I agree it would be nice if Sony offered a $20 upgrade path from PS4 to PS5. By making it $20 they are getting a little more than just the 10 dollar increase from $60 to $70 for the PS4 to PS5. I think that is perfectly reasonable and how all first party cross gen games should have been handled. 

Not sure I understand the backwards compatibility argument. The PS5 IS backwards compatible with the PS4.

I agree it would be nice if Sony offered a $20 upgrade path from PS4 to PS5. By making it $20 they are getting a little more than just the 10 dollar increase from $60 to $70 for the PS4 to PS5. I think that is perfectly reasonable and how all first party cross gen games should have been handled.
There is no upgrade path.

Not sure I understand the backwards compatibility argument. The PS5 IS backwards compatible with the PS4.

I agree it would be nice if Sony offered a $20 upgrade path from PS4 to PS5. By making it $20 they are getting a little more than just the 10 dollar increase from $60 to $70 for the PS4 to PS5. I think that is perfectly reasonable and how all first party cross gen games should have been handled.
I’m not sure it’s an argument, I think what’s making people upset is Sony is saying:

Horizon Forbidden West
$60 PS4 Version
$70 PS5 Version
$80 PS4 and PS5 Version

If you buy the $60 PS4 version and then get a PS5 in 6 months and decide you want the PS5 version now, it’s not a $20 upgrade, it’s now you have to go buy the PS5 version for whatever the current price is.

Meanwhile, Microsoft is saying:

Halo Infinite
$60 Xbox One/Xbox Series S/X version, you get the best version for whatever console you play on.

Forza Horizon 5
$60 Xbox One/Xbox Series S/X version, you get the best version for whatever console you play on.

It just doesn’t feel good to pay $80 to get both versions of a game while the competition is $60 for all versions or $15 and play any version on Gamepass.
There are definitely games on that sale I want to play but I know they will be even cheaper within a year and with my backlog, I can wait for even better prices.

I’m not sure it’s an argument, I think what’s making people upset is Sony is saying:

Horizon Forbidden West
$60 PS4 Version
$70 PS5 Version
$80 PS4 and PS5 Version

If you buy the $60 PS4 version and then get a PS5 in 6 months and decide you want the PS5 version now, it’s not a $20 upgrade, it’s now you have to go buy the PS5 version for whatever the current price is.

Meanwhile, Microsoft is saying:

Halo Infinite
$60 Xbox One/Xbox Series S/X version, you get the best version for whatever console you play on.

Forza Horizon 5
$60 Xbox One/Xbox Series S/X version, you get the best version for whatever console you play on.

It just doesn’t feel good to pay $80 to get both versions of a game while the competition is $60 for all versions or $15 and play any version on Gamepass.
Microsoft is better at it. Sony, Nintendo and MS all have positives and negatives. This is one of Sony's negatives/weaknesses.

Here's a thought

If you're really pissed, don't buy the game at all.

But no one's gonna do that and you're all going to either buy the expensive version or pay for it twice so you're just yelling at clouds and then giving in anyway.
So some Playstation 4 games get the upgrade for free. Some of them you need to pay $10 extra. Some of them have no upgrade and still some of them will only have a PS4 version and a PS5 version. What a mess. You'd think a big company like Sony would be able to figure this stuff out. I am sure plenty of people will defend them but this is so lame.
This is what's a little irritating to me. And I'll admit I only got my PS5 a week ago so I'm guilty of not really paying attention to it until recently. I get it...they want to focus on and push sales for their new console, but like you said, it seems like they didn't properly discuss this and I'm sure they didn't attribute having the hardware shortages we've been experiencing. For me anyways I'm just going to buy PS5 specific versions only to avoid confusion in the future (I still collect physical games so I'll continue buying PS4 games).

As a collector, I get the frustration. I had Tony hawk for PS4 but have to pay to upgrade it to ps5. Problem is trying to sell my PS4 one and waiting for a sale for ps5 version.

Now I’m also just waiting on ghost of Tsushima and death stranding ps5 versions to get cheaper on Black Friday. I own both vanilla versions of PS4 copies.
As a collector, I get the frustration. I had Tony hawk for PS4 but have to pay to upgrade it to ps5. Problem is trying to sell my PS4 one and waiting for a sale for ps5 version.

Now I’m also just waiting on ghost of Tsushima and death stranding ps5 versions to get cheaper on Black Friday. I own both vanilla versions of PS4 copies.
Yeah that's what I'm hoping or too. I upgraded my PS4 version to thee Director's Cut and now I want to play the PS5 version...but want to wait for the physical release to go on sale.

Not to defend Sony, but they said launch game upgrades would be free. Horizon 2 was never planned as a launch game, it was just mentioned in the "receiving a PS4 version" list. It's easy to see why people would be confused, but I expect better from a journalist. The guy at IGN made the same mistake.
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