Recent content by acidburnlk

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    Das Boot: The Hunt for U-505 FREE!!

    A3FN69RXHH4F Used. Thanks.
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    New Free Fighting Game (Addicitve little bastard) You create characters and they fight against other players. I know have 10 and creating more everyday. This seems to be getting very popular, I am seeing it in a lot of places.
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    New Football MMORPG

    Just got into this game and it is very addicting. Basically you can create players, adjust their abilities, buy teams, etc. Many options to choose from. Here is a link to give it a try.
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    FS: $104 Credit

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    FS: $104 Credit

    Wow guys, very hostile environment for a newbie huh? But, I can understand, I am very cautious when I do trades with new people in any forum. If anybody would like, I have Ebay feedback and DVDTalk + rating. Senor and Star, I have PMed you both.
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    FS: $104 Credit

    I have $104 at credit to sell, and I need the money for a new hard drive for my computer, using this blasted old laptop right now, which I hate. $94 Paypal $92 Paypal (Non Credit Card) Please email me back, PM me, or reply here, thanks. [email protected]
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    TODAY ONLY: MGS:TTS = $24.99; CounterStrike, Crimson Skies= $19.99 @ Fry Electr

    These deals are only for the bay area. It is because a store is doing a grand opening in Concord, so all stores around that store are having huge sales. I went in today when the store opened and managed to get the Indy DVD's, and Sould Calibur 2, but they had plenty of everything 1 hour after...
bread's done