Recent content by badgersprite

  1. B

    Have you ever gone to a concert and walked away disliking a band?

    Good to know I wasn't being unfair then. They were crap on the other side of the world too. :lol:
  2. B

    Your Worst EB or Gamestop Experience in Detail.

    I've never really had a bad experience shopping at all. I got ditched by an employee when I was buying my Xbox 360 though, and the store was practically empty, and they didn't give me exactly what I had asked for to begin with, but I wasn't upset by it and I wound up getting a better deal...
  3. B

    PS2 Repair thread

    My PS2 is pretty old. It was the last of the first ones to come to Australia in a shipment ages ago, and it has been my closest friend ever since. :lol: Anyhow, over time, and much use, it has collected a lot of dust. My Dad reckons the reason it isn't working is because the dust has clogged up...
  4. B

    Employees Of All Stores - Post Your Stupid And Funny Customer Stories - Part Cinco

    Cheers. I've had stupid customer moments myself, including in EB, where I've grabbed a game off of a 'Coming Soon' shelf, walked up to the counter, and gotten out my wallet and prepared to buy it, and been told that it wasn't out yet. I laughed and apologised and bought a different game. :)...
  5. B

    Have you ever gone to a concert and walked away disliking a band?

    My Chemical Romance and Jimmy Eat World opened for Green Day when they were doing their American Idiot tour. Admittedly, I really didn't like that album all that much, but DAMN! did Green Day perform; they were awesome live, and I honestly didn't care what they played. Anyway, I'd never really...
  6. B

    Whats your cellphone's ringtone?

    One of the ones that came default in my phone. It's called "Low". I don't buy or download ringtones because all those companies and plans are such scams aimed at early teens, in my humble opinion. At least, they are in my country.
  7. B

    So..about that Fable 2? (Preview/Anticipation Thread)

    Fable 2 sounds utterly drool-worthy. Shame that I'm probably too cheap to buy it whenever it first comes out. I might have to wait to get it as a birthday present or gift or something. :lol: Never fails; that's the easy way around cheapness as a teen. :D
  8. B

    Employees Of All Stores - Post Your Stupid And Funny Customer Stories - Part Cinco

    Okay, I've got a story for you guys. I can't remember exactly how this went, because it was sometime last year, but this is essentially what happened. I was in EB games, browsing because I'd recently bought my 360 and basically only had Oblivion for it, and I was checking out the cases for...
  9. B

    Employees Of All Stores - Post Your Stupid And Funny Customer Stories - Part Cinco

    Wow. You poor people! *hugs you all* I've been addicted to all these threads (as well as other sites regarding crappy customers and stuff) for the past several days. It has provided much entertainment, several disbelieving shakes of the head and provoked much contemplation on my part about...
bread's done