Recent content by brentcaldwell1

  1. B

    Penny Arcade giving away free copies of Rain-Slick Precipice 3 for PC (Steam) *DEAD*

    Claimed "83G86-2TT69-70WYN". Thank you, Johnnybeachboy!
  2. B

    Best Buy Used DOTW: 10/21/2012 - 10/27/2012

    Has anyone asked in advance whether or not a particular game was on backorder, gotten confirmation that it wasn't, and it was still backordered anyway? I chatted online with some CS rep and confirmed that none of the games I want are on backorder, but I'm still concerned.
  3. B

    KmartGamer 7.0

    For those having trouble finding Professor Layton and the Last Specter, you can ask for a raincheck. I assume this applies to the other games on sale as well. Yes, I know the raincheck only lasts a month, and there's no guarantee you'll be able to get a copy. At least, your odds of getting it...
  4. B

    KmartGamer 7.0

    I asked the same question. I was told that I couldn't get Layton for $20 and the coupon too. However, there has been no explanation of what games are "featured". Does anyone out there know which "featured games" qualify?
  5. B

    KmartGamer 7.0

    Thanks for the clarification, confoosious.
  6. B

    KmartGamer 7.0

    Let me get this straight. If I purchase the new Professor Layton between the 21st and the 24th, I get both the reduced price of $19.99 AND a $15 coupon? If not, which "featured games" are being referred to in the notice?
  7. B

    Arkham city preorder

    Correction: No t-shirt, but an additional $10 coupon on the new LOTR game coming out..
  8. B

    Arkham city preorder

    Well.. Considering that the Robin pack is said to cost only 560 Microsoft points/$6.99 for PSN, Newegg is probably the better call.. Better still, however, would be K-Mart if you have a store nearby.. They're offering standard edition with a t-shirt and a $30 coupon towards a future game...
  9. B

    KmartGamer 7.0

    I know I went a bit overboard in my response. I'm just angry that I waited for K-Mart's deal only to end up with this. Being able to get the attention of someone in power like Josh made me forget that I'm still dealing with a corporation. I've done well with K-Mart, and I like giving them my...
  10. B

    KmartGamer 7.0

    First, K-Mart can't be bothered to stock the CE in stores. Now, to rub salt in the wound, you announce the best offer out there for the edition that you will stock? What a kick in the teeth! I guess this is what customer loyalty gets you these days. Thanks a lot, Josh!
  11. B

    KmartGamer 7.0

    Thank you for clarifying that for me, chriscolbert, especially since you did so without being rude. I guess I'll have to look elsewhere.
  12. B

    KmartGamer 7.0

    Excuse me. Can anyone point out to me when Josh or Stockboy stated that K-mart wouldn't stock the CE for Arkham City?
  13. B

    Kmartgamer Kinect 4GB $60 coupon, Dirt 3 $15 coupon, Enslaved $14.99

    That's what I was getting at.. Sorry for being unclear.. Much obliged for the assist, ShockandAww..
  14. B

    Kmartgamer Kinect 4GB $60 coupon, Dirt 3 $15 coupon, Enslaved $14.99

    In preparation for my release day purchase of L.A. Noire, I tried to follow the directions for my SYWR account in post #3 and cannot find the contact preferences in the "more about me" section as described.. Has something changed since the post was made? My e-mail address has been entered, but...
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    I believe my phrasing was a bit off. I did not mean to imply that I wished to see a better coupon with the CE. I just prefer not to assume. Not every retailer would offer a coupon with every version of the product. Take Amazon, for example. They often offer credit for standard versions...
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