Recent content by ernasty10050

  1. E

    [FINISHED] Cheap Ass Gamer $10,000+ GameStop Gift Card Giveaway

    I almost exclusively purchase games through deals found in this site for 2 years now.
  2. E

    Crackdown - $11.99 shipped new at

    Sweet freaking deal, I've been wanting to play this for a while but was waiting for a sale!
  3. E

    H: Castlevania LOS, Black Ops, Dragon Age Ultimate, MoH W: New Vegas, Fable 3, Reach

    Okay so I'm about to sign up for a trial. It's for Gamefly which it says will take 3 business days to get. Is there a way I can reserve Assassin's Creed? Also it says I must remain a member for 7 days, is that counting the trial period, or do I have to become a real member.
  4. E

    H: Castlevania LOS, Black Ops, Dragon Age Ultimate, MoH W: New Vegas, Fable 3, Reach

    Woah If I'm not misreading this, I really want Assassin's Creed for free!(???) so put me in the hat or whatever!
  5. E

    Rainbow Six Vegas (360) $11 and Virtua Fighter 5 (360) $17 at Amazon

    Damn, I was at work. The demo is really fun but I never got around to buying it... R6V I mean
bread's done