Recent content by JB Lars

  1. JB Lars

    Echoes [Online Game Code] PSP - $0.99 On Amazon

    Hey, I didn't know about it, so you're cool with me.
  2. JB Lars

    Lunar: Silver Star Harmony LE 29.99 available for pre-order on <DEAD>

    At least someone got to buy it. My wife went to pick it up and was told that the release date was the 17th, and they couldn't sell it. When she asked what would happen if she ordered it for in-store pickup, they told her that the order would sit at "pending" for a few days. I've already sent the...
  3. JB Lars

    Target Clearance Thread XVI

  4. JB Lars

    $6.99 Anchor Bay Blu-Ray sale at Best Buy (Grace and others)

    I probably shouldn't have watched that while feeding my infant daughter. Who's middle name is Grace.
  5. JB Lars

    RED BARON Pizza Promotions - Instant Win Game (Wii, Nintendo DSL, Etc.)

    I didn't even know about this contest until my wife called me…TO TELL ME SHE'D WON A WII! :D
  6. JB Lars

    Oink! and other Private Torrent Sites

    And a hearty "me too!" for an Oink invite. I've been hearing about that place forever like some mythical lost city. And I keep good ratios.
  7. JB Lars

    Original KMART Clearance Thread Resurrected!! A few NEW TITLES ADDED! Updated 1/31/07

    It was a pretty groovy thing. Woulda been more so if he'd actually sold me the game at that price.
  8. JB Lars

    LOL I'm such a *****, I have trouble playing SCARY games.

    I know! That's what makes me such a wuss! :lol:
  9. JB Lars

    LOL I'm such a *****, I have trouble playing SCARY games.

    Right there with you. I got that far, and haven't picked it up since 1999. Similar thing happened when I first got Alien vs. Predator for the Jaguar. Turned off the lights, turned up the sound, and when that first Alien comes jumping out, I screamed like a little girl. Back to Mario for me...
  10. JB Lars

    Original KMART Clearance Thread Resurrected!! A few NEW TITLES ADDED! Updated 1/31/07

    Nabbed Advent Rising for $5 at the Rockford, IL location (Sandy Hollow Road, for those near enough by). They have three Taiko Drum Maters, but they scan at $25. The *exceptionally* helpful asst. manager I got said, "Can't beat that!" when it scanned. When I told him that people had been finding...
  11. JB Lars

    Holy Grails of Console Game Collecting

    Whoo! I have one of those! (Panzer Dragoon Saga, picked up for $20 back when TRU was blowing out all Saturn titles.)
bread's done