Recent content by mindtrick

  1. mindtrick

    Gamefly Pc Battlefield 3(9.99) + Premium Deal (19.99)

    Showing as $19.99 now?
  2. mindtrick

    Steam Group Buy and Gift Requests thread

    Also looking for a dead island 4 pack spot.
  3. mindtrick

    Steam Group Buy and Gift Requests thread

    Also looking to get in on a Section 8 4-pack. PM please.
  4. mindtrick

    Another Lockerz invite thread

    Pm sent!
  5. mindtrick

    Buzz! Quiz TV Bundle PS3 - $19.95 at Wal-Mart - Not YMMV

    Hadn't had time to post as I've been at work all day, but when I read about this early this morning, I did the stock check as well with no results. I wasn't buying it. I called one of the Walmarts I usually pass on my hour drive to work to see if they had any in stock.....and on...
  6. mindtrick

    Any known deals on Space Ace or Dragon's Lair Blu-Ray Editions?

    I know this is blurring the line between game/movie, but as it's technically animation, I figured I'd post here. I'd love to get my hands on both of these titles for my PS3, only thing in my way is the default 29.99+ price tags....anyone seen these cheaper new or used in mint condition? Any...
  7. mindtrick

    Amazon Trade-In Special: Trade in 4, get bonus $20 off select new releases

    Quick question for all of you that have had your games accepted by Amazon....what are you using to ship the games in that isn't too pricey? I'm almost scared to send them in bubble envelopes with all these games being rejected!
  8. mindtrick

    The Blockbuster/Gamerush Thread XXI

    Stopped by 6 Blockbusters in the Tampa Bay area these last few days, and hardly found anything amazing. Saw a few copies of Bioshock I walked away from, and while not finding any 4.99 copies of Guitar Hero III, I did see 24.99 game/guitar bundles at nearly every store I went to (and plenty of...
  9. mindtrick

    Killzone 2 - $54.99 AC shipped @ Amazon

    I'm actually pretty interseted in the ship times myself....after seeing my order was "still not shipped" I attempted to see if I could re-order it with the now working coupon code, and it still let me choose release date delivery, (apparently you can STILL get it through most of Thursday) which...
  10. mindtrick

    Killzone 2 - $54.99 AC shipped @ Amazon

    another confirmed on the $5 off code not working anymore...oh well...might just pick this up for the HOME gear. Release date delivery saves me driving up the street to Super Walmart for a whopping extra dollar.
bread's done