Recent content by morfar

  1. M

    CAGcast #208: C*********s 101

    While you may be right that it might be technically a grey area, or even legal, it is beyond the point. Try and listen to what you said during the segment (starts at around 40min mark). Here are some quotes: "This is piracy" "telling people how to get games for free" "you have so little...
  2. M

    CAGcast #208: C*********s 101

    Hi I totally and 100% agree with all you said in the episode about the whole XBLA glitch, and I really liked your discussion. However, i cant help but to feel a little irritated. You guys regularly talk about how you abuse the 5x download feature on psn, to get extra copies for free. Sure...
  3. M

    CAGcast #190: World of Duty

    Nice show. Wombat should really stop talking pc gaming. While he is definately right in saying you Shouldnt use the drm as an excuse to pirate, its really actually irrelevant. What matters is that its really annoying, and giving the paying people the worst version. Oh, and of course they make...
  4. M

    Contest Over - Win one of 4 copies of Contra 4 (DS)!

    The assassins creed post - It shows how much money can do, its outrageous that stuff like that is edited away.
bread's done