Recent content by oz_car

  1. oz_car

    XBL 12 month gold 39.99 free shipping

    XBL on amazon nevermind
  2. oz_car

    RIFT (PC) - Fantasy MMORPG - $43.99 with Free Shipping

    looks good might get it
  3. oz_car

    Xbl 160 ms points free

    Oh ok thanks I had no idea as you can see I'm a new
  4. oz_car

    Xbl 160 ms points free

    i have a hotmail and so far i have gotten 3 this month
  5. oz_car

    Xbl 160 ms points free

    i know but theres many people who would like them wouldnt you
  6. oz_car

    Xbl 160 ms points free

    because im thinking of giving it out to someone or post it up and see who gets it first
  7. oz_car

    Xbl 160 ms points free

    if it was rewards it would of announced it
  8. oz_car

    Xbl 160 ms points free

    my email title said "here's 160 points on us, and more Modern Warfare 2 for you" but idk why modern warfare
  9. oz_car

    Xbl 160 ms points free

    just received 160 MS points on my email from microsoft check your emails.:applause::)
  10. oz_car

    If you own XBL.... Post your gamertag...

bread's done