Recent content by Palaver

  1. Palaver

    Live Search Club Thread *NO MACRO/BOT/RETURN FRAUD TALK*

    Well, they canceled by gift certs. I just went ahead and ordered a controller and wireless desktop. I was gonna save up for the Zune, but these are actually items I need, so whatever. I still would have rather had the gift certs though.
  2. Palaver

    Live Search Club Thread *NO MACRO/BOT/RETURN FRAUD TALK*

    Hmmm, I have 7 coming that were ordered over the range of May 31 to June 2. I wonder if mine will get canceled.
  3. Palaver

    Points2Shop, SuperPoints, and more!

    I made an order and its been pending for two days. They've also sent me a message asking me why I've logged on at more than one computer (I do offers when I get free time at work). I think they're setting me up to brand me as a cheater. I hope it's not true, but I'm gonna be pissed if it happens.
  4. Palaver

    2008 Suicide Baseball v.2 - Win an XBOX 360!!! - It's All Over Folks!

    I'll take the Chicago White Sox for week 3.
  5. Palaver

    MegaFreebie - FREE Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii Games!

    I did. It didn't come today.
  6. Palaver

    Live Search Club Thread *NO MACRO/BOT/RETURN FRAUD TALK*

    They're currently unavailable. That sucks. I guess I'll just have to get a 360 controller.
  7. Palaver

    Live Search Club Thread *NO MACRO/BOT/RETURN FRAUD TALK*

    I don't see the magazine cards anymore. :(
  8. Palaver

    Live Search Club Thread *NO MACRO/BOT/RETURN FRAUD TALK*

    I'm gonna have to kick it in high gear to rack up some more of them just in case.
  9. Palaver

    Live Search Club Thread *NO MACRO/BOT/RETURN FRAUD TALK*

    I'm just gonna be optimistic and hope it gets shipped quickly like other prizes have been going out recently.
  10. Palaver

    Live Search Club Thread *NO MACRO/BOT/RETURN FRAUD TALK*

    You can order more than 1 a day. I've ordered 5 today already from points I had saved up.
  11. Palaver

    Live Search Club Thread *NO MACRO/BOT/RETURN FRAUD TALK*

    I just hope they get them to us in a reasonable timeframe. I'll be moving at the end of July, so I'd really like to get them while I'm still here.
  12. Palaver

    Live Search Club Thread *NO MACRO/BOT/RETURN FRAUD TALK*

    If it doesn't work you can always spend another 20 days and get one. Plus it's not as if you lose out completely because you're still getting free magazines even if it doesn't work. You might be able to Ebay them as well.
  13. Palaver

    Live Search Club Thread *NO MACRO/BOT/RETURN FRAUD TALK*

    It's a shame they don't e-mail them to you. That would be great. Even if I can't redeem them for cash for some reason, I can always use more bathroom reading material.
  14. Palaver

    Live Search Club Thread *NO MACRO/BOT/RETURN FRAUD TALK*

    Haha, I just ordered 4 so hopefully they come. I could use a new tv too ;).
  15. Palaver

    Live Search Club Thread *NO MACRO/BOT/RETURN FRAUD TALK*

    If this works, can you let me know? I am sitting on some points ands was going to get a Zune, but I'd rather get cash if I can.
bread's done