Recent content by PrincessPeach

  1. PrincessPeach

    Cagcast/ Capcom Poll (help keep contests alive!)

    I got both Phoenix Wright's for Christmas. Capcom needs to make an original Phoenix Wright for the DS!!:D
  2. PrincessPeach

    Hi from Mrs Wombat.. really!!

    I totally pegged Zelda as a beagle! Very cute... As a fellow Video Game wife, I am glad you have started this thread so you can share your point of view! As for the Mrs. Wombat Liberation Army...where do we sign up??? Now for the Question: Have you ever bought Wombat a video game as a present...
  3. PrincessPeach

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    Episode #52 was a fantastic show for reviewing the PS3 and it brought a couple of things to my attention. Do you feel that Sony is putting out an incomplete/not well thought out product? From the CagCast you pointed out several things - The controller isn't instinctual when it comes to...
  4. PrincessPeach

    CAGcast #52: Oops, I Did It Again

    Another great CAGcast a pleasure to listen to as always. I think it would be fantastic if you used the Bubble Bobble theme to open episode #53 in honor of the Wii launch as this is one of my favorite old school NES game. The idea of holding a raffle for Child's Play is a fantastic idea and...
  5. PrincessPeach

    CAGcast #51: Of Mice and Mrs.

    Listened to CAGcast #48-51 today at work..Have to say it really helps the day go by. As a Mrs. Cheap ass gamer, I particularly liked hearing the point of view of Mrs. Wombat and Mrs. CheapyD and found myself having the same points of view on gaming. Keep up the good work.
bread's done