Recent content by redmang

  1. R

    RockBand 1 & 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info - 3/15/09 - Funk Pack + More!

    yes yes yes yes yes please. i would pay so much money for a 3eb pack. you don't even know.
  2. R

    Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

    she touched my peppy, steve. :lol:
  3. R

    Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

    help me out folks: I just moved into a new 3rd floor apartment, and after about 10 minutes of drumming, the people below me started pounding on their ceiling. im fairly certain it's the vibrations from the pedal causing the problem. im trying to find a far im thinking some sort of...
  4. R

    Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

    run through the hills and any metallica dlc on expert drums.
  5. R

    Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

    im not sure if it could possibly get worse than the current peripherals.
  6. R

    Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

    it makes sense in that a real drum set has a pedal for the hi-hat and they are trying to make it more realistic. im sure there are parts in some of the songs where it makes more sense to use your foot than it does to actually hit the yellow pad.
  7. R

    Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

    2nd pedal is the hi-hat pedal, not a 2nd base pedal. ..or at least that's the impression i am getting. i hope this is for real real though, cause im pretty excited about a drumset that sucks less.
  8. R

    Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

    i have more fun playing the modern stuff than the classic stuff. maybe im the only one. (that being said, i still enjoy the classic stuff as well)
  9. R

    Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

    i currently own 4 sets..and all 4 of them are EL. >
  10. R

    Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

    stricken was one of my favorite songs from GH3, but my favorite instrument is the drums so i've been looking forward to playing some disturbed stuff on rock band. hopefully i won't get dominated too hard.
  11. R

    Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

    so is the stuff impossible? cause i was kinda looking forward to playing it.
  12. R

    Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

    i want some third eye blind in this game so bad.
  13. R

    Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

    yeah, im pretty sure they just decided to do this for all pedals (sending the replacement imidiately without taking CC number). They did it for me too. I sent my broken one back though (and no, they didn't send another one to me). im almost positive that sending you a pedal was not a mistake on...
  14. R

    Rock Band - Discussion moved to Rock Band 2 thread!

    console price is a lot higher there too i thought. im pretty sure it doesn't cost more than the current gen consoles there.
bread's done