Recent content by Riptard

  1. Riptard

    CAGcast #296: Mark, The Ninja

    Wombat did a great Bane voice imitation and I want to know how he did it. Give me code :)
  2. Riptard

    GameFly Daily Deals: Battlefield 3 (360) $20, LOTR: War in the North $10, SC V $20

    Man, ain't this some bull...Cheapy's in cahoots.
  3. Riptard

    Win an iPod Touch from CAG & Pixel and Texel

    I want more, hardcore.
  4. Riptard

    Rocksteady Signed Batman: Arkham City Giveaway

    I would be lovin' it!
  5. Riptard

    Mass Effect 2 PS3 $19.99 @ Best Buy & Amazon

    Thanks, just picked it up at Target for $19.99. Marked as the normal price.
  6. Riptard

    Mass Effect 2 PS3 $19.99 @ Best Buy & Amazon

    Can anyone confirm this price at Target?
  7. Riptard

    CAG Fundraiser for Japan Earthquake & Tsunami Relief - $24,000+ Raised!

    This guy says Japan does not want your money. Whether or not that's true there's still no guarantee your money will actually go to Japan.
  8. Riptard

    CAGcast #227: 5 Inches is Fine

    This weeks show was pretty garbage thanks in no small part to no one stopping Wombat from blathering on and on. He seemed to be especially pleased with himself this week cause he just would not shut the fuck up.
bread's done