Recent content by SabertoothTiger

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    XBL Deals: 10/7 Terraria, Zeno Clash, More 50% off (Gold) | FREE Gold Games: 10/1 Clash of Heroes, 10/16 Halo 3 | Activision Sale | RCR 33% off | MORE

    Not gonna lie I was hesitant about getting absolution but seeing the reviews from a different video I pulled the trigger on it yesterday and just even playing through the first - warmup level the gameplay is pretty sick! I do have $10 - 15 rule for games plus don't usually buy digital unless its...
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    XBL Deals|7/4 Only- Witcher2, OrangeBox, More | 7/5 Only-Hitman:Absolution $10, More | ME3: Omega | BL2 DLC (Gold) | FREE Defense Grid (Gold) | MORE

    is it worth the 600 MSP tag? Also I guess if more of them drop I will prolly pick 'em up (I'm still working on finishing Mass Effect 2)
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    XBL Deals|7/4 Only- Witcher2, OrangeBox, More | 7/5 Only-Hitman:Absolution $10, More | ME3: Omega | BL2 DLC (Gold) | FREE Defense Grid (Gold) | MORE

    I snagged Defense Grid (can't beat free right)... even though already spent endless hours on steam on that game... the best tower defense game I've ever seen... that and the DLC is hilarious (especially since I'm a huge portal fan)
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    XBL Deals|7/4 Only- Witcher2, OrangeBox, More | 7/5 Only-Hitman:Absolution $10, More | ME3: Omega | BL2 DLC (Gold) | FREE Defense Grid (Gold) | MORE

    Ok so Max Payne 3 apparently 800 MSP but Switzerland shows up as 160MSP... any way for me to get it at that price? I have an U.S. account that I've had for years now... change it to swiss and back? if so then how? or make a new one and add points? I was gonna jump on it for 800 but now feel...
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    XBL Deals|7/4 Only- Witcher2, OrangeBox, More | 7/5 Only-Hitman:Absolution $10, More | ME3: Omega | BL2 DLC (Gold) | FREE Defense Grid (Gold) | MORE

    Probably based on sales... I don't think the 3D versions did that well... that game has been a success in 2D... I personally pulled the tirgger on Revolution... seems more interesting than cheezy 3D
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    XBL Deals|7/4 Only- Witcher2, OrangeBox, More | 7/5 Only-Hitman:Absolution $10, More | ME3: Omega | BL2 DLC (Gold) | FREE Defense Grid (Gold) | MORE
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    Steam Group Buy and Gift Requests thread

    Hey guys anyone got a slot for Eye Divine Supremacy? Will send paypal $1.87 just PM me the details on where to send the mullah (I've done trades here before)
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    Best Buy Trade-in Thread 2.0: Please see new thread.

    After reading all those horror stories of people getting banned got me kinda nervous... Over half a year or so I've done about 6 - 7 trades... never went over 3x limit (2 at most)... came out from ~$100 to $300 total flip so nothing on a major scale... most of it was before September or so and I...
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