Recent content by SzechwanChicken

  1. SzechwanChicken

    CAGcast #163: The White Video Game Podcast Xperience - Red Faction Edition

    "his farts buzzed" that was the funniest part ive heard in a long time. good job Wombat. also to Cheapy - i enjoy the weed talk, i know its not for everybody but hey, people should know what they are getting into when they download podcasts. As such...what is your favorite strain?
  2. SzechwanChicken

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    if you could rip a new a$$hole into any video gaming journalist/ syndicate or related person in the field. who would it be (if any) and why?.....also would you videotape it.
  3. SzechwanChicken

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    more of a comment than a question. but i am really digging the new search bar, im not sure how long ago super programmer john installed it but since it was brought to my attention in the latest podcast i think its great.
  4. SzechwanChicken

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    a question for both you jigga watt flux capacitors, aka the CAGCAST hosts. What do you guys think will be the next biggest gaming trend to hit the consoles or handhelds? I can personally see the incoming wave of all that Wii Fit garbage but i struggle to find an interesting and new trend that...
  5. SzechwanChicken

    CAGcast #111: The Gay Job

    i still dont know what wombats new job is. you said the cagcast listeners would be able to figure it out, so i gues that makes me retarded. you might not be able to go ahead and say the exact name on the podcast, but i would like more hints at least as to what wombats job is.
  6. SzechwanChicken

    Contest (CAGcast #111) Win Ninja Reflex (DS/Wii) " I refuse to let games suffer for the needs of few, there I said it, maybe I am bad person but the days of memory cards are over. " ...... and how.
  7. SzechwanChicken

    Contest (CAGcast #104) Win 1 of 4 copies of Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS)

    from "Wait, so Electronic Arts are the good guys?" fox news blows. good job EA for not taking that b.s. anymore
  8. SzechwanChicken

    Contest - CAGcast #95: Win Manhunt 2 (Wii, PSP)

    gimme that zak & wiki schwag so i can stuff more crap on my desk =)
bread's done