Recent content by turdferguson

  1. turdferguson

    [SOLD OUT] $10 for $20 at through EverSave - great deal on XBLA points

    worked great. bought a points card like you recommended. thank you.
  2. turdferguson

    [DEAD] Get 100 MS Points if you Sign-up for Games for Windows newsletter

    Microsoft is offering 100 points as a bonus for signing up for the Games for Windows newsletter. Offer is valid for the first 50,000 people. Here is the link with all the details
  3. turdferguson

    CAGcast #176: Uprage!

    Cheapy, it's pronounced "gooz-ex," not "goose sex." I can't believe Wombat didn't comment when you said "everybody loves goose sex." Perhaps he was too drunk. Great show as always. Thank you.
  4. turdferguson

    CAGcast #174: Shoplifting Grapefruits and Other Tasteless Metaphors

    Shipwreck and Griffin McElroy should do a podcast.
  5. turdferguson

    CAGcast #170: Wombat is Trash: The Trilogy Concludes

    Good call, Cheapy. I have always chosen a console based on which controller is more comfortable. I thought I was the only weirdo that did that.
  6. turdferguson

    7/25 Online Best Buy $4.99

    enough with the teaser headlines, already.
  7. turdferguson

    Bloodrayne 2 PS2 (PO) for under $10 + free shipping after codes

    I never check the morning thread because it is too much of a community. I get really sick of looking for deals only to find people discussing politics of sex or whatever nonsense. Keep up with the original headlines, OP.
  8. turdferguson

    Which games do you think we don't need any more of?

    No more first-person shooters and please, God, no more "gangsta" games. Come on now children, it's not cool to emulate scumbags.
  9. turdferguson

    Bush or Kerry?

    I voted for Bush simply because his IQ is higher. Anyone willing to do a little research can verify this fact as pointed out in one of Kerry's recent interviews where he got mad and flip-flopped by saying he doesn't know how anyone received that information...his records are sealed.
  10. turdferguson

    POLL #2: OFFICIAL CAG Presidential Election 2004 POLL: The Sequel

    Anyone capable enough to run for president isn't an idiot. I can't stand John Kerry but I wouldn't insult my own intelligence by calling him an idiot. You, musha666, made a very telling remark about your own intelligence with such a low-brow statement.
  11. turdferguson

    My ebgames 2 get 1 catch

    no good new releases...but you think the games you bought are good? I'm going to take advantage fo the EB sale with new releases such as Splinter Cell 2, Full Spectrum Warrior, Spider-Man 2, Ninja Gaiden, Sudeki, Thief,...everyone on this board could rattle on and on with kick-ass new releases...
bread's done