Search results

  1. Mando44646

    Dead - $40 for $50 Xbox GC e-mailed @ Rakuten/load up gifts

    website shows "still processing" and I ordered yesterday. This happened last time too, so it seems to be a common issue with the website. Amazingly annoying
  2. Mando44646

    Dead - $40 for $50 Xbox GC e-mailed @ Rakuten/load up gifts

    would be nice if this website didn't take over 24 hrs to email a code :/
  3. Mando44646

    Walmart: Steam / eShop / PSN gift cards $10 off order of $35 or more. "New Customers"

    I tried 4 times with different names, emails, and payment methods. All were instantly cancelled 
  4. Mando44646

    Best Buy Mystery Certificate (Check Email)

    Not seeing an email. Been with my Best Buy forever
  5. Mando44646

    25% off one game with gcu expiring - Best Buy

    mine expires this month, but no email as of yet
  6. Mando44646

    (DEAD) 15% off $25+ ebay coupon starts 9/27/2018

    "Looks like this code isn't ready yet. Please try again later."
  7. Mando44646

    Xbox $50 Gift Card (Email Delivery) for $41.79 at CDKeys

    Don't buy. I just did and Microsoft says " Get a new code. This one's already been redeemed." This is apparently a crap offer
  8. Mando44646

    Amazon 20% Off Prime Preorders limited (Confirmed by CS)

    this discount will disappear by the end of 2018. I'll place money on it
  9. Mando44646

    Darksiders 3 Blades & Whip Edition (Digital Xbox One) - $40

    this must be a mistake. I don't understand why a $40 collection would include a $90 new game. But it shows all three as owned now for me
  10. Mando44646

    Star Wars Battlefront 2 PS4 Ebay 15.99 New Free Ship

    DICE is the developer....who else would work on it?
  11. Mando44646

    Star Wars Battlefront 2 PS4 Ebay 15.99 New Free Ship

    This confuses me. Why would there be a "complete" edition of a game without paid DLC?
  12. Mando44646

    NES MINI PREORDERS are opened! Europe only not USA

    Because until this week, the SNES has been impossible to find. I *still* don't see it on real, physical store shelves
  13. Mando44646

    Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (Wii U) $24.99 ($19.99 GCU) @ Best Buy

    I really want a port on Switch :/
  14. Mando44646

    PSA: Amazon Prime going up to $119/yr starting May 11

    I may not renew then. I just want the shipping and don't care about the video, Twitch stuff, or other things that I don't even know about. Plus, I've gone back to Best Buy GCU for most game purchases since the Prime discount isn't consistently applied anymore
  15. Mando44646

    PSVR games on sale at Best Buy, incl. Farpoint and WipEout Omega

    which of thes doesn't require VR? Just Wipeout?
  16. Mando44646

    Half off everything at Toys R Us with Koala Flip Flop purchase

    doesn't seem to work anymore
  17. Mando44646

    Nintendo eshop $50 for $42.50

    out of stock
bread's done