Search results

  1. jonlubbe

    EA Origin Storewide Sale: BF3 PC download $5 plus other deals

    Oh, that was the premium addon, not the full game+addon price. sorry about that.
  2. jonlubbe

    EA Origin Storewide Sale: BF3 PC download $5 plus other deals

    BF3 Premium is coming up for me @ $15
  3. jonlubbe

    The Venture Bros. S4 Blu-Ray $15.99

    Looks like a general adult swim sale. Robot Chicken DVDs are also on sale, among others.
  4. jonlubbe

    PSN Weekly Deals - 3/26: Huge Square Enix Game/DLC, THQ, PixelJunk, and Worms Sales!

    Interesting. I got the same thing a few minutes ago as well.
  5. jonlubbe

    Android games ongoing sales.,Ltd.#?t=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDEsImNvbS5zcXVhcmVfZW5peC5hbmRyb2lkX2dvb2dsZXBsYXkuRkZJSUlfR1AiXQ.. Square Enix Sale, not much to write home about, but its something..
  6. jonlubbe

    PSN Weekly Deals - 3/26: Huge Square Enix Game/DLC, THQ, PixelJunk, and Worms Sales!

    Well, those games are the ones I have personal experience with, and some work, and others don't. it depends on how the game devs decided to do it I should have been clearer I suppose.
  7. jonlubbe

    PSN Weekly Deals - 3/26: Huge Square Enix Game/DLC, THQ, PixelJunk, and Worms Sales!

    Some games yes. (Just Cause 2, LBP, Infamous) Some games no. (Ratchet and Clank All4one, Burnout Paradise)
  8. jonlubbe

    [DEAD] FREE Game from Origin - Dragon Age: Origins, BF:BC2, Spore - Check your email!

    You can buy it on amazon this week for 5 bux (or 7.50 for the ultimate edition)
  9. jonlubbe

    Blade II Reaper Blu-ray with Bonus Figure (SDCC 2012 Exclusive) - $99

    A full badge (before they sold out in ~3 min or so) ran around 150, add transportation and lodging and it could become larger than 400, or smaller if you happen to live in the area and decided to sign up for volunteer duty. Either way, I would not include the price to be at sdcc into this deal...
  10. jonlubbe

    Amazon Local $30 off Kindle Fire Voucher

    I am quite tempted by this. How is the screen for reading e-comics fullscreen?
  11. jonlubbe

    Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase 1 - Avengers Assembled (10-Disc LE Collector's Set) fixed link, or it should be.
  12. jonlubbe

    (DEAD) Buy Any 2 Upcoming Studio Ghibli Blu-ray titles for $38 at Best Buy

    I already have Laputa and Whisper on dvd, and yet I am still all over this, along with Arrietty, which I have not yet seen. Thanks OP!
  13. jonlubbe

    Birdemic: Shock & Terror $5 DVD @ Amazon; $8 Blu @ Best Buy - Best Worst movie ever!

    The Rifftrax for this movie should be considered mandatory viewing. I really wish that in the future, the movie studios would just hire the rifftrax guys to include their commentaries on the retail release. That would make the universe a much better...
  14. jonlubbe

    Amazon Goldbox Game Deals Today - 3/27 - Ear Force PX5 $159.99

    Question on Borderlands GOTY (new print with the dlc on disk, not as voucher like the first printing of the GOTY) Are the dlc packs embedded into the game, or do you have to install the files off of the disk to use them? I have the first print (not GOTY) and was thinking about upgrading to the...
  15. jonlubbe

    Single Character Skylanders Back In Stock @ Amazon you can order the dragons peak from here for delivery. Any reviews of the stage? I found the ice pack to be a bit lacking, but the pirate and crypt packs were pretty fun. (edit) ouch, 30 shipped, will wait a bit longer(/edit)
  16. jonlubbe

    Anime Spring Cleaning Sale @ (including Bandai Ent. titles)

    I paid.. well.. WAY too much for the first blu ray, but decided that I would just wait it out for the series to complete.. The existance of these 2 episode dvds might change that opinion though, 2 episodes per disk sounds like not very many, but the episodes are in general fantastic. Any...
  17. jonlubbe

    Star Ocean Last Hope Ps3 12.80 Amazon
  18. jonlubbe

    Glitch (web-based MMO)

  19. jonlubbe

    Glitch (web-based MMO)

    I am enjoying this one as well. User Name: Azira I think I may have played this a bit too much over the past few days though. ;-)
  20. jonlubbe

    Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon

    The pesticide guns have a VERY large blast radius, which makes them incredibly hard to use without killing your allies.
bread's done