You seem so derpy. And your defense is brainless. So you think the ONE store you go into makes your point, but the HUNDREDS of employees on reddit telling you otherwise doesn't make mine.
Get that virus bro!
I mean, do you have some disorder that prevents you from reading Gamestop reddit? Glad you went into one store out of the thousands though and formed a broad based opinion on that experience.
No, you like the facts you already are predisposed to like. And Fox has great ratings because they are literally the only conservative TV 'news' station, whereas CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS all split viewership. Easy to understand.
Guys, have them use the tablet to pull them up. Mine do the same thing, never show on their system, but always show on their tablet when they input my info.
Nope, it'll sit there forever (or until they close all their stores) You have to cancel the preorders to get the credit back. But feel free to wait until you're there and the same person is working.
Butmesohungry. It's not a half price store YOU MORON. Show me on their site, or anywhere else, where it says that anything other than book are half price. I'll wait here. Dope. I literally made fun of you believing the name of a store, and you use that in your counterargument. Typical CAG...
Okay, show me where you've read that this is true there though? Stores don't work on assumptions. If so, I should go to Dollar General and file some complaints.
Uhhhhh... isn't it called Half Price BOOKS? Anything else in the store is generally a retail environment. Not defending them, as my local one is overpriced, but try reading the third word in their name, not mentally creating a situation where you get to be right.
I'm sure they will try, just to appease you, but can't imagine another store sending anything out. Almost all of these have sold pretty well everywhere.